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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. HEYYYYY....Watch Out Now. I don't do no boys braul ! Although I appreciate your concern my friend. I also usually don't spend the day looking at a computer. Most of what I usually post here is with my phone. Although sometimes it will be when I'm on the pc. I can also see rlc on the phone but have been usually mostly paying attention to thumbs lately when I do. My phone doesn't have the right flash so it won't allow me to see any live streams of rlc, but it allows the thumbs and replay to function. Not long ago, someone was asking here about what flash may work for some androids, and eventually someone mentioned to him one that he tried and it worked so he could see rlc live streams although it was a pay app. I'm not putting anymore money towards rlc if there are no changes in the near future.
  2. I know exactly who I referred to. I wrote it and I didn't leave out no words where they perhaps should have been. It referred to three individuals altogether New, and she happened to be one of them. It was not meant to piss anyone off. It was an explanation to someone whom the other participant involved in the disagreement with me made an insinuatingly derogatory post of comments indirectly referring to me. I call it like I see it. Perhaps you should go back and reread your little post where you left out the word her where it didn't make no sense without someone guessing what you were getting at.
  3. I'm not certain I'm understanding your question here New. That people have pissed off who ? That woman in that apartment or someone else ? Unless you perhaps meant to have the word "been" between have and pissed, or the word "her" between pissed and off, I cannot attempt to give a rational or reasonable response.
  4. I thought there once was such a thread blue. I guess if there was and still may be, the other participant and myself should have tried to agree to take it up there I suppose.
  5. That woman does what the hell she wants to Earl. Just because she's not been doing certain things or is withholding certain favours or pleasures as it was referred to, is because she does just what the hell she wants to. Regardless of whether she hadn't noticed anything of any negativity concerning her or them posted here in awhile or not. There is nobody partially responsible for what that woman does other than herself. If she does happen to notice something that she gets an attitude about or pissed as it was referred, that's her problem. It sure as hell wouldn't be the first time she's had an attitude or been pissed about something, and it's nearly a certainty it won't be the last. There's been a number of times when she has when it most likely didn't even have anything to do with anything that was mentioned here. It's just someone who wants to whine and bitch because someone's not gonna take their disparaging sarcastic b.s. and not respond back as many do not, merely because things haven't been going their way either.
  6. My apologies to the rest of the members or visitors of the forum thread for the recent altercations between myself and another.
  7. That's basically what it was about. One of the one's who visits here who think they can disparage or sarcastically criticize other's comments whenever they feel like it and apparently feel there should not be any return response or rebuttal in kind. But obviously your translator did not translate what I posted correctly as it actually is.
  8. I'll put it you like this...I never had to kiss ass to be employed whether it was in supervision, management, or just as a plain ole regular employee before that there Mr Diplomatic. I'd say a good bit of your employment history probably involved janitorial duties in some library which may be where you thought you learned some diplomacy. Furthermore, I'm glad you'll take my advice, and that you realize I won't put up with any snide assed sarcastic b.s. from anyone here including you so bugger off.
  9. I realize you were being subtle in your post there e, but I'm certain there are those who get the jist of it...myself included. It's pretty similar to what I and some others have expressed for awhile now as well, although usually not quite as subtle.
  10. How about you neither worry nor concern yourself about what the fuck I do...or say here for that matter mate. Furthermore, I've been in both supervision and management half my life so to hell with the diplomatic corps as well. I'm not in no misery, but obviously you must be because someone else has a different view other then yours that doesn't fit your narrative here lately. Guess what, thats just too damned bad. You know where the ignore option is there Mr Diplomatic...I suggest if you don't like my comments, use it. Otherwise, don't wait until you think I may not be around to post some sarcastic b.s. so I might miss it, do it instead when you know I am so I'll notice it for sure and can respond appropriately in better time.
  11. I contacted the pay services provider several months ago and informed them that at the end of my current sub., I didn't want it to continue to be renewed on recurring billing. I contacted them again awhile afterwards and asked if I wanted to go ahead and cancel before then, would I be able to get any pro-rated charge instead. They said they would have to contact rlc and see. I've contacted them again, and they said they were waiting on a response from rlc to know. I told them, well I can pretty much guess what they're response will be, if at all, knowing how they usually are. So I've written an email for rlc, and I'm about to the point of sending it. It will likely do me no good as far as getting them to agree to any proration, but I will certainly voice my opinion to them on a number of issues in the email as well.
  12. I know Stn. Doing that also saves on data usage instead of actually watching any of any cam streams for those that do have active subs. Although to my knowledge, those that don't have active subs. only see thumbs blurred. At least it was that way when I was in between subs.
  13. Well when one of the two is away half the time or more anymore and when that one is there, and they get into the same ole broken record performance routines thats been occuring for for a number of months now, I'm not certain anyrhing else any different may ever occur there anymore so I'm not so certain anyore time will make any difference other than to them by what they get out of it all.
  14. It's not. Imo, it's considered being shrewdly devious for a different reason. Anyone should realize what those reasons may be or are.
  15. I don't believe they will ever get down and dirty. But something a little different every now and then would not be a bad idea either. Only reason that occurred was quite likely because of what I mentioned. In hopes of making it easier to keep folks tuned in to those cams instead of others so they end up with most in extra pay.
  16. They surprised alot of folks when they rubbed on each other's kitty's a little bit in one of the performance routines around a month and a half ago in hopes it would keep folks tuned in to the cams of that apartment more so than the others. Since then, nothing even close to that. I guess it's been working to an extent, but alot of folks aren't gullible or naive enough to keep tuning in for the same old broken record routines always.
  17. I do at times, but not as often as I had been. No since in me wasting alot of data on rerun performances when I can check in on the thumbs to notice what's going on.
  18. They are performer one and performer two there. Performer one being more or less experienced...and performer two is in training under the guidance of the more experienced performer. Performer two, quite often mimics the ways and mannerisms of performer one because of such. Although it's obvious that performer two has a long way to go.
  19. I see there was some other disingenuous parts of a performance put on by the two actresses. Another rerun performed like a broken record skips. Same old story...same old song and dance. Apparently they are fortunate that there are some who believe that the performances as a whole are genuine, when parts of their rerun performances are no more than ruses and fallacies.
  20. I've always considered my knowledge of various types of music somewhat extensive but I have to believe that the woman known as Leora may have me bested on that subject matter.
  21. They had them some swinging times that apparently they seemed to enjoy though. I've sort of felt sorry for Masha some since then.
  22. Perhaps she has never gotten over the exit of Dasha/Sasha.
  23. I realize this isn't the appropriate thread, but it's been quite awhile since the Dasha/Sasha exit. Somewhat strange that RLC has never arranged anyone else to live with Masha.
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