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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. He's something. Another one of many who done so much bad stuff that he contracted hiv.
  2. I know. A perfect example of someone who had nearly everything going his way and blew it. Had one of most successful comedy series in "Two and a Half Men", had a beautiful wife and kids, and lots of money. But blew it all...or at least most of it. I'm pretty sure he's still got some of his money...but was all the crap worth contracting hiv and losing most of the rest...of course not.
  3. That's one who has done way too much crap in his life. It's a wonder he's even still living.
  4. Other than the first eight words...I must admit that you are a noble skunk for thinking that.
  5. Now that's the way to trim some damn hedges ! 👌
  6. I feel pretty certain that some of those or similar issues have been being given quite a bit of thought and consideration of by someone other than those that visit here. Given the obvious level of inteligence of which that someone has nearly always exhibited to possess...I'm quite certain that there may be and if not now...will eventually be. Regardless of whether ever so or not...I'm also quite certain that someone would have considerable success transitioning to another part their life.
  7. I very much enjoy exploring in forests. Especially in thickets. 😏
  8. Although I cannot speak for other's...I personally have seen plenty of very attractive 45 year old women who appeared to be 25 years old and have at times even payed money to do it.
  9. Good day mate. I noticed your lookalike had been relegated to a different place. He hadn't been being a bad little bear had he ?
  10. Yes...but it was somewhat interesting wasn't it jugg ? Although we have passed page 30 and should now move on to the next topic thread.
  11. Absolutely. Additionally...the way that man was treated and done was rediculously wrong and inexcusable. He surrendered many of his patents just to be able to continue his work in experimentation and development of alot of various things such as wireless electrical energy generation. When he passed away...some mib's with the feds. quickly arrived and confiscated most of his documentation of his work before anyone else could not to mention he was practically broke financially.
  12. World likely wouldn't have been as advanced or the same without him. If not for his discovery and experimentation on a.c.(alternating current), tranformers and generators amongst some of his other discoveries, mankind may be where they were 75 to 100 years ago. Only electrical generation prior to then when Tesla arrived in the U.S., was d.c.(direct current) generated by a very small plant that Edison had built. As far as one of the main differences in the two, d.c. is nowhere near as efficient as a.c. because a.c. can be sent long distances by use of transformers and the voltages of a.c. can be increased and decreased much more easier because of such as well.
  13. In another hypothetical situation...if we had met and were seeing one another and it was decided that she wanted to be with me...I have to say that I would tell her, "Baby...where have you been all my life ?! Nevermind...just glad to have you here with me now" !
  14. Her quite pleasantly appealing looks and attractiveness has always brought to mind that of another woman of unique beauty in appearance named Gal Gadot of whom they both look so much alike one another.
  15. In such a hypothetical situation...I'd certainly have no issues or reservations whatsoever about her and my dear mother meeting one another. Furthermore...I'm certain my mother would find her to be a quite intriguing woman and would like her quite a bit.
  16. Was in hopes they may have something new and interesting for the matinee' timeslots.
  17. Hello folks. Just stopped by to see what may be up on the billboards for the rlc theatre today.
  18. It has seemed somewhat ironic that there was complaining occurring about one of the two there being on a phone so much while it was mentioned that it had appeared as though the other hardly ever seemed to be, and lately it has appeared that not only has the other been fairly often as well, but has been on two of them instead of just one at various times as well. Makes me wonder if one may be her personal one that she brought with her when she arrived, and if the other may have been provided by rlc. If so, perhaps the tablets may have been as well.
  19. I edited the post but obviously not in time. Ok then. But, it was not intended to be.
  20. I am somewhat aware of your past interactions with them. But she was not at all my main point, but perhaps merely a somewhat subtle reference.
  21. Somewhat courageous in saying that here hf...the worshipers of the cult religion of rlc who believes has a goddess or queen may take offense to such comments or opinions.
  22. Yayyyy ! 👏 Cat my ass...more like a sad example of an unambiguous misguided school marm who whine's about other's views or opinions they may not like. 😏
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