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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Why certainly, just go back 7 posts and read a little more carefully. Or, if you prefer, you could perhaps even go back to my previous post prior to that, of which neither had any question concerning any archives.
  2. Tool, where in the hell have you been in the last 3 to 4 years ? Or perhaps I may be mistaken.
  3. Question ? There was no question asked in my reply to your response. Perhaps you may have misread my comment. Oh well, guess that's what can happen sometimes when someone is in an elite 1%, they misconstrue straight statements as questions.
  4. I know what's available and where and I'm well aware of most of it. What I'm not, I could care less there oh Mr. High and Mighty of an elite 1% that is supposed to be everything and all knowledge Leora.
  5. Yeah, evidently she's been left holding the bag so to speak once again by her so called supposed best friend. It's always been obvious that she is a very genuinely nice woman who has always seemed like a very genuinely caring woman as well. I'm quite certain that her main reason of ever agreeing to go there to become a participant of the business is for an opportunity to get some money for herself and her family. Agreeing to go there to become a roommate and give her friend some company I'm certain was only a secondary and less important reason for her.
  6. Well now, I believe that I may only be included in a mere 99% of all opinions posted in this Leora, Malia topic and not so fortunate as to be included in some elite 1% of know all and everything about it, so that likely may be some more info. I haven't been privy to. Perhaps you might grace the other 99% of such knowledge.
  7. Well why not bro ? After all he believes he is in an elite 1% of some that believes they know all and everything concerning someone who he has always continuously put up on some pedestal as being infallible and without flaw.
  8. Lol. He could probably care less. It's RLC that certainly wouldn't be applauding.
  9. Yeah well scutus, as you stated, of course it is your opinion, and contrary to your opinion of some 99% of other's opinions of posters in this Leora, Malia topic, opinions are like assholes, every body's got 'em. But then I'm certain you're aware of that old saying as well also as the other 99% of opinions of the posters in this Leora, Malia topic that you've covered. Bow..wow. Enjoy your time outdoors but watch out for any poison ivey or oak.
  10. Whattt ? You, the one and only braul...a narcissist ? Why braul...I'm shocked ! 😲 hahaha Just kidding really. Why of course you are a narcissist...for you are braul ! The famous forum celebrity and lead actor of Legends of the Fall. 😎 hahaha
  11. I agree, it was with near certainty not her expectations which more likely than not were guided by what she was told by her before she ever agreed to go there to be involved in any of the situations she has since her arrival.
  12. Realistically speaking, it seemed that Malia was seeming to act as though everything was all honkey dory and ok with her when she first returned this morning there, and even more so after they were both awake before and while she was getting ready to exit the premises again the last time. As it's been mentioned by anyone who has noticed and could tell, Malia is a very easy going person. And perhaps too much so when it comes to not taking up for herself from someone who she considers a close friend. The bottom line though, is that the main reason she even ever agreed to go there and participate in such a business, is because she has a family and needed the money. So even though it may seem that she may have seemed naive to a number of things that have occurred there, she is not completely naive to it all. It's why she went from seemingly being quite inhibited and shy, to not quite so much after awhile.
  13. Good for you philo and I do commend you on the decision. Same thing I've been saying that I've been doing as well for awhile now. At least that way, it is at least by way of one subscriber that much less of actual cam observer time that the apartment gets credit for as far as any extra compensation is concerned or related to.
  14. Of course. She's arrived there around the latter part of January.
  15. I wouldn't put a whole lot of faith in believing that rlc actually makes two seperate deposits for them individually. I would lean more to believing that the financial arrangement they made with her is still in place with an exception of an increase in participant cost of living compensation. That original financial arrangement or agreement only involved one deposit for her initially. I would not be at all surprised if she in fact is still the one getting a monthly deposit and is supposed to be splitting it with her friend. As easy going as her friend is, it's nearly certain that she would have agreed to such.
  16. I'm sure she has but what I've wondered, is whether or not her devious friend is actually splitting the income for that apartment with her 50/50 or not. After all, she has shown how shrewd, cunning, and deceitful she can be now.
  17. Well, she once upon a time used to spend a good bit of time getting all made up and dolled up just to present her best appearance being in front of cams, and especially before deciding to engage in a masturbation show. Unfortunately, she had pretty much stopped doing as much of that other than maybe some eye make up a good while back before the shut down of the previous residence. It wasn't until recently that she's been being noticed going all out again and it certainly hasn't been because of presenting her best appearance in front of the cams because much of the time she hasn't even been there much at all when she has.
  18. Hell, apparently mfc may be more interesting than what has been occurring in that apartment lately and for awhile now...let alone chaturbate.
  19. Well jimbo my friend, you know how it goes sometimes with some of the ones aspiring so long to be fiction novel writers or even writers of fictional short stories. 😏
  20. Our Queen...surely you jest. If not...I'm certainly not included in that category or claim, because I've never thought of nor referred to her as no goddess or queen neither one as some have here.
  21. There have always been a number of other observers including myself who have mentioned on numerous occasions how much of an intelligent woman she was. Since the arrival of her friend, it has also become apparent just how much of a shrewd, cunning, devious, and deceitful nature the wench possesses as well.
  22. She could pack her things and take them with her as far as I'm concerned. RLC could put another roommate in that apartment with Malia fairly soon I'm certain.
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