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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. The last word of your post sums it up. Just as I've been saying, an actress that certainly had alot of folks fooled for quite awhile, including myself. But since her friends arrival, I've become aware of just what she is now...after many shows and masturbations later. She should just as well be on some other actual cam site since there's no telling how much of any of it was actual spontaneous and genuine in being associated with a website who's title implies such characteristics.
  2. No need in being so modest my friend. With all the A-list flicks you've made such as Legends of the Fall and all the many others...it's an honor for you to associate here. 😎
  3. I know where you're coming from and certainly understand hh.
  4. I agree...was just responding to our famous forum celebrity braul is all. 😎
  5. Hello there braul. I believe that it is starting to become more and more apparent to observers of that apartment that it has been becoming less and less interesting of actual genuine occasions of significant interest and more of occasions similar to soap opera rerun sagas...hahaha.
  6. You're quite an easy going person slipper. Imo...the best thing that could happen now, would be that a majority of or as close to as many of any observers that would, who have been constantly tuning in or staying tuned in to the cams there could take a step back and take some breaks from being tuned in to any of those cams as much. Once that extra money level drops down enough, then I would guarantee that some thought would be given to a number of matters there. Regardless of whether it had any affect on the way it has become apparent that she obviously is, at least she wouldn't be getting over on as many of others as she has been with as much false pretense performances.
  7. I would imagine that miss all nighter must have smelled quite pleasant after arriving back shortly after daybreak there to then only set and run her mouth some before going and getting straight into bed and then to only get up 4 to 5 hours later long enough to get redressed and escort the guy who was used as part of her ploy back away from the apartment.
  8. 🤔 Hmmm...sounds very similar and related to the two reasons that I mentioned back on page #20 of gen. chat topic #33 of why last night occurred as it did. Are you sure you're not getting into some forms of plagiarism at times as well there philo ? Lol. Just kidding. But your reasons and the reasons I mentioned are similar in nature and closely related...although the reasons I mentioned are actually more likely realistic. 😏
  9. Just call it like I see it, no beating around the bush so to speak on anything concerning someone who has been showing not to be worth it.
  10. Yeah well I for one have never called her no damn queen or goddess. She's nothing but a woman who was gifted with a certain amount of attractiveness physically and evidently one who has let it go to her head way too much. I always used to disagree with those that claimed she was narcissistic and disingenuous. Now I believe my misgivings may have been just that and that I was wrong after all for quite awhile.
  11. Not certain about that, but obviously she has thought a good bit of the whole episode was funny to her. If I were Malia, I sure as shit wouldn't have been setting there and laughing along with her much because as soon as she arrived, I would have gotten my ass up and went to my bedroom without saying much at all to her other than perhaps to tell her to kiss her ass on the way to her bedroom. But that's just me and obviously I'm not her.
  12. The economy in their homeland has not been considered even good for quite awhile. Employment opportunities there have likewise not been so good for quite awhile. A parent will do lots of things to try to provide for their family.
  13. A very devious, shrewd, and cunning one that wench is.
  14. Furthermore, if she was to pack her shit and leave that apartment with just Malia being there might just become a good bit interesting once again. Much more so than the fake assed shit that's been occurring there that she's been orchestrating. That or RLC put a different roommate in that apartment with Malia.
  15. It would be so funny and hilarious to notice that one day soon while I still have a sub. before it cancels that Malia packed her things and left her ass right there at that apartment in Prague. I doubt very seriously it will ever happen because as I said, Malia is there mainly for some money because she has a family elsewhere. But it certainly would be funny as hell to observe if it ever did.
  16. Malia imo is too much of an easy going person. She puts up with way too much of her shit...even if they are friends.
  17. I'm certain she feels a love for her as a very close friend as it has always seemed that she looked up to and admired her quite a bit. Possibly part of her admiration of her was seeing that she apparently seemed like a woman with enough courage to be involved in a business such as RLC besides being an attractive woman. But as far as actually being in love in a sense as you make it seem, no I don't believe so at all. Malia is a woman who has a friendly but shy and quiet nature normally and she has a significant other half back in her homeland that she has at least one child with if not several. Also, as I've mentioned on multiple occasions, she was made aware of what it takes there to have chances to receive extra money. It's why her outward demeanor seemed to have changed some to a point of seeming sonewhat less inhibited than she actually was when she first arrived, and especially whenever she is around her as well.
  18. If I was her so called best friend Malia...I would save what I could and plan on returning home as soon as air travel is restored in her home land and I would arrange for airfare, and then tell her fake assed friends ass that she was going back home and to stick that apartment along with her fake friendship and everything else that's fake and not genuine about her up her ass.
  19. Daybreak in Prague and no orchestrator. Well now...imagine that.
  20. As long as she's been with them happyone, she may have a little something put away somewhere. Her friend on the other hand, is hitched and has at least one child. So I would lean hard in believing that perhaps she could use the money more so out of the two. Even though I know and realize how much the other has always appeared to have spent a good bit over time. But I know what you meant, although that wasn't my main point of the comment.
  21. That's right. That's all they give a shit about. Probably her more so than the other now since apparently she's got her head up someone elses arse now.
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