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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Ahhh...the life of a celebrity...ehh braul...hahaha
  2. D.J. Nick here coming to ya from the chat topic thread of WCCS. Movin right along we have a few dedications to Leora from our feline friend pulo filipe: And not to be outdone none other than: Meeoow. 😸
  3. Here is one from our friend jugghead just for you Leora:
  4. This was the last one from our mate from down under Aussie...Leora. Sorry for the mix up:
  5. And another for you Leora from our mate from down under...Aussie: Oops...my bad Leora...that one was from our friend esanders. 😎
  6. Lol. Seems over time there have been a few bounders and cads invade the hallowed halls that could have used some sound thrashings mate. πŸ˜‚
  7. It wouldn't hurt if they were to do a few things more often then much of what they do mate. πŸ˜‰
  8. Well...here's one recently put on here that seem's somewhat appropriate again:
  9. πŸ€” Good question. Perhaps getting some Xanax and Aderall scripts refilled could be an answer. 😎
  10. There have been some other situations noticed at times where her friend would choose to touch and caress or perhaps even massage her a little some, apparently as some means of friendly gestures, and would seem to continue doing so for awhile, while she appeared to be oblivious to any of it or merely just ignored it and didn't seem concerned in the least to do anything in response to show any sort of appreciative affection in return. That could also be considered odd behavior exhibited by one of two that are supposedly longtime bff's imo.
  11. Although it's likely that the one known as Leora was the one responsible for convincing her friend to apply for the project and then once accepted to agree to relocate there and become a resident of that residence and roommate as well...it has seemed there have been times since her arrival that she does not care to always be sociable with her friend as much as it has appeared that her friend has tried to be sociable with her, which has been almost always since her arrival. Whenever they are there together she usually appears to take lead of every situation and her friend usually appears compelled to follow her lead...that is until she decides to move away from her while texting or paying alot of other attention to her phone even when not texting, instead of as much to her friend and roommate. There's been some times as such where her roommate seemed to not feel comfortable and perhaps didn't know what to do until the situation passed. Has seemed like some odd behaviors exhibited by one of two longtime bff's imo.
  12. Yes it could as well also...but the tan and brown tubes of lotions they have been using are more likely then not lotions with skin tone darkening ingredients in them.
  13. Hello braul...I wouldn't go so far as to believe that...hahaha More like...hardly from my perspective....hahaha
  14. It was noticed that when her friend Malia first arrived...she appeared to be quite fair or pale complected just as she had at times of her visits to the previous residence. But over the last 1 to 2 months...it has appeared that she has started exhibiting more color in her overall appearance and complexion. It has appeared that she may be using some of the same complexion enhancing lotion that Leora has seemed to. There has been a noticeable difference and it has seemed that more color to her overall complexion does suit her well and better. Kudos to Malia. πŸ‘ πŸ‘
  15. If any mods are out there...seems it may be time to turn the page of this thread once again.
  16. LOL. I certainly won't be holding my breath in any anticipation of such. 😏
  17. You're likely right about that ... and that's even if anything ever may. If so, it likely won't be much of anything any different than what has occurred or been occurring for the most part with them ... and if anything of any significant interest other than what has mostly occurred there ... it likely won't for at least a week to three weeks or more in coming times, if at all then ... if what has occurred there over the last 3 to 4 months is any indicating factors of such.
  18. Perhaps telling him how much money she will be sending him the next time she does. He is somewhere thinking: πŸ‘€...πŸ‘ƒ...πŸ‘†...πŸ“²...πŸ’°...πŸ€ͺ
  19. To be fair mate...I think the point may have been that after all she is now living there with her. Also, after all the appearances made for awhile now that something may be in the air with them that may lead to some sort of interesting occasion with them...there's only been one occasion that may have been considered of more significant interest to some observers. Besides...the roommate has been showing that she may certainly be interested in something more by offering a good bit of attention to the other...while the other has usually merely only sat or layed somewhere and received the attention but ignored it for the most part...whether it has been genuine or not is another matter.
  20. If I'm not mistaken mate...if it's one with somewhat of a realistic outline more so than a slenderer one she has...she's had that one for awhile. Only chosen it's use perhaps 2 or 3 times though if it is the same.
  21. If so, based on how things have been going there for the last 3 to 4 months, you may not miss much e other than perhaps her deciding to rub her kitty some in some effort to try to keep up interests to that residence. Something that's occurred many times. When she now has a roommate along with her other little friends where apparently there has been a noticeable amount of reluctance involved. A broken record will continue skipping as long as it's played.
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