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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Since you're registered, you should be able to. Are you sure you can not ?
  2. Wow, was I so wrong I must admit again ! I also have to admit that was really something very interesting having been privileged to observe of how they turned one another on sensually and then how they proceeded to get off ! Wow ! It was quite a pleasantly exhilarating experience to say the least ! I can't imagine if it would have been anymore of a quite interestingly and pleasantly exhilarating experience if it had occurred as if no cams were around !
  3. Hey my friend. No worries. Only answers to your insinuations and questions in order they were quoted my friend. hahaha.
  4. Now braul...you know that's a personal question to be asking somebody...but the answer is...No as are the answers to the rest...Yes and right and right and perhaps and perhaps and who knows. I think that may about cover it. hahaha
  5. Judging by each other's reactions they may have had some magic in their fingers there for a bit !
  6. Something else I must admit...the occasion was actually pretty wonderful ! Much more so than I would have ever thought it could be !
  7. Oh how wrong I've been I must admit ! Wow...that was really something very interesting !
  8. I understand my friend. Imo...in being one way or the other...or perhaps even both ways...matters not as much as in being more genuine.
  9. C'mon now e. I believe you really know in reality there's no such thing and that the other is no more than faked performances that may allude to such...but never actually genuinely is and never will be.
  10. Apparently...it was noticed that viewer/observer participations had dropped off significantly and did not accrue to some satisfactory amount to meet someone's quota approval on Wednesday when some of RLC's site servers went down for an extended period...because the exact same performances of fallacies performed then...were performed exactly the same ways again on Thursday...although there had been intervals of every other day to 3 or 4 days between nearly the exact same type of performances prior to then. Evidently...the cam checker or monitor they have access to must be reliable.
  11. You pulo filipe my feline friend...are obviously a very nice person. Although that belief has been a belief of many throughout centuries of human history and still is to many of modern times...it may not be a belief to as much of the worlds populations as it once may have been. Although in alluding to some certain individuals as being considered enough so as to being special in some observer's perceptions may be so...just as well as in some other observer's perceptions of them may be not so. Regardless of which way they may be perceived...certainly they are pampered quite substantially with being provided a bills free residence along with 2000 Euro's cost of living compensations that include the added perks of potentially substantial extra compensations based on cam viewer/observer participations for no more than occurs with them imo that amounts to much of any significant interest there lately and for awhile now.
  12. That is good news Aussie ! Hopefully you continue to recover to become as well as can be and worry not my friend...you haven't really missed anything of any significant or valuable interest concerning those two. Best wishes for you and Get Well Mate !
  13. Concerning those issues like many others e...unfortunate as it may be...there are many who either don't use...or possess any common sense.
  14. Don't believe it was your imagination e. That was about the jist of it...that is except I've never thought much of the one called Malia as some apparently do. Although lately and for awhile now what you observed has been mostly what's been occurring there. That and the continuous consistently same orchestrated false pretense scenarios over and over like broken records. Obviously someone's ego has become severely inflated likely due to many of the praises and compliments of that individual over time...I of which am guilty of as well. Will be somewhat interesting to notice if they were able to maintain any substantial consistent viewer or observer participations around 3 months from now if the exact same ruses or fallacies continue.
  15. Oh well...maybe she will shave her head next. Now that might actually be of some genuine interest to observe there either during or afterwards.
  16. To the contrary...everyone didn't miss it. Probably few did as it was noticed that it had been mentioned here by more who did notice it...than few who didn't. Besides...it's really nothing so special of her intentionally showing some vaginal discharge by showing a few strings of it...as it had become one of her ploy's long ago in attracting cam attention which is ultimately a means for extra profit only to her.
  17. Precisely. You said it Stn. 👌 At least the faked scenarios have some resemblance of interest to some...although not nearly to all.
  18. I'm not getting started on anything scutus...merely mentioned it is all.
  19. No...but it's very likely that I'm not the only one that visits and comments in this thread that's aware of someone else's antics as well.
  20. As a matter of fact...it is. But I do know and realize I'm not the most prolific of writers also. Nor have I ever claimed to be. Although be it hard to believe as it may...and especially when I do make mistakes in spelling sometimes as well...I did get a Blue Ribbon for spelling once upon a time in the story back in first grade.
  21. I know precisely what occurred there today with the two scutus. I was referring to one of tall tale philo's misguided claims of something he said happened at an incident there within the last couple of days. Anyone can go back and locate it and read it and find that time frame on replay to see that it in fact was untrue if they even cared to.
  22. 🙉...Not I said the monkey...and not I says me. 🙂
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