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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Not much occurred other than an exchange of some friendly and subtle massaging such as has been on each occasion.
  2. Oui, and that is about all that will be the extent of it my friend Al.
  3. My apologies to others for seeming to be as negative on the apparent regression of the current residence from the time of the arrival of the current roommate...back to how infrequent the times of more interesting occasions had been occurring after the previous roommate at the previous residence had either quit or was terminated from employment and was then again almost always at the residence. The occasions, or routines at the residence have seemed to become quite repetative to a point of at times seeming quite monotonous since the arrival of the current roommate, and could be considered as an old saying and song lyric goes..."Same old story...Same old song and dance" by some potential observers. Again...I must express apologies for seeming as negative...but imo...there is little interest in observations of two woman setting around smoking some sort of water pipe called a hookah nowadays, that was once only referred to for what it was...a water pipe or bong. Also, there is imo...little interest in observations of two woman merely massaging one another. But each to their own...as an old saying goes...as far as views and opinions are concerned. These are merely several examples of recent occasions of occurrences at the residence of which it is likely certain that there are a quite a number of potential observers who may and perhaps do find enough significant interest in. It is also likely certain that there are quite a number of potential observers who find little levels of significant interest in such occasions, and quite likely a majority of potential observers.
  4. Certainly...and many could observe that on soap opera's or a number of other tv or internet shows. Meow. 😸
  5. It is good that you feel that way and I'm sure there may be many others that do as well my feline friend. But there are also others who are...and even some who have been for quite a long time...dedicated and avid admirers that also are and have been longtime subscribers of the project, primarily because of the one who was the first resident of the current residence. There is also quite likely some who have already lost enough interest to continue subscribing, and also likely that there are those who will eventually lose enough interest to continue subscribing. Does not make alot of sense to some folks to continue incurring a cost of something that they may be losing interest in to a certain point...or may have already lost most interest in my feline friend. Meow. 🐈
  6. Well unfortunately...apparently the two evidently quickly got dressed and vacated the residence once again just when it seemed that something of more interesting subject matter was perhaps being considered to occur. Although it's been mentioned here in the thread on a number of occasions by other visitors of the thread and including myself, the times or occasions of occurrences of more interesting subject matters at the residence has certainly declined since the arrival of the longtime friend and now roommate. Although it is true that everyone has their own views and opinions on various issues of subject matters in life, and it is certain that there are those that view and perceive it differently, but it is imo as I am sure it is in quite a number of others as well...that the residence since then has been slowly becoming less and less interesting and becoming somewhat like the other residences of the project as far as occurrences of occasions considered to be of more interesting subject matters are concerned.
  7. Even though it seems to be daytime there, sure would be nice if a light was on. Seems that although there may be daylight, without a light on in the room, there seems to be some casting of shadows and not as clear of viewing. Or perhaps merely focus some attention on either of the side view boxxes instead.
  8. Mmm ! Oh yeah ! Such an intriguing and attractive woman ! Stroke that kitty good until it drools and let it drool...but don't forget that the kitty's nearby neighbor enjoys attention almost as much as the kitty !
  9. Negative ghostrider...the pattern's full. Or in other words...No. Great avatar pic...πŸ•...🐢...Woof...woof
  10. Actually it's been somewhat longer then that, and he is not her husband. They are not legally hitched so to speak.
  11. Likely no sense on commenting on almost every move that may occur there my friend. Perhaps concentrating on mainly the occasions or occurrences of more of interesting subject matters would likely be best. Perhaps each sub-thread of 30 pages labeled under Gen. Chat Thread of this section of the forum would last a little while longer. Meow. 🐈 😺 😏
  12. So you're liking the hub....a braul...hahaha. πŸ‘Œ 😏
  13. Although some exchanging of some massages between the two friends now living at the residence together may be somewhat interesting at times as well as nice and likely certainly feels good to and is enjoyed by both, the occurrences imo are highly likely not to attract as much interest as have other occasions that have previously occurred there. It has imo seemed that indeed the dynamics and frequency of occurrences of occasions involving more higher levels of interests have imo certainly been on a decline since then there were two there unfortunately.
  14. Be as attractive of a woman as she is, she is certainly a quite pleasantly appealing vision to experience ! She is certainly gifted with a wonderful attractiveness that is part of a reason why she makes as much clothing attire she chooses to acquire and wear look even better than it already may !
  15. Certainly hope the lovely woman and her new roommate had success in going somewhere and were able to get as much of the essential everyday living items and especially food, or are still able to, with all the limitations now occurring everywhere.
  16. Hey...where did you find some gifs of pulo filipe's cousins Al ? 😺 😸
  17. Would be quite nice and exciting if ever two of the little friends were chosen to be invited out to join in and add to some sensual stimulation sensations.
  18. Perhaps it could be an ideal time for some extracurricular activities of which some certain friends could be invited out to join in. Perhaps a certain couple of salt and pepper friends or some certain pink and pepper friends or perhaps only a certain couple of pepper friends would be nice to enjoy some time with.
  19. I've been wondering if a certain landing strip may ever get widened or thickened any from being as narrow or thin as it has been in case I ever have to attempt a landing during low visibility conditions there. πŸ›¬ πŸ˜‰
  20. Seemed there was somewhat of some smiling occurring. Something may have tickled someones fancy. Always good to notice some smiling from her, and there are some areas that come to mind of which I certainly would enjoy tickling along with some other more sensual activities with such an attractive woman as is she !
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