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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. LMAO. ๐Ÿคฃ No....say it ain't so jugg. Say you won't...๐Ÿคข...๐Ÿคฎ
  2. Ok folks. So anyone here knows that may have been wondering, I've recently been been trying to respond to some posts in both feline and/or emoji language besides the usual normal language responses, so as to have somewhat of change of pace in addition to attempting some exchanging of understandable dialogue with our feline friend and contributor of this forum thread...pulo filipe. Meow....๐Ÿ˜ธ ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. ๐ŸŒ ...๐ŸŒŸ...๐ŸŒš...๐ŸŒ...๐ŸŒž
  4. ๐Ÿ™„ C'mon now guys. No harm in someone posting when few to none others may be. Besides, perhaps it may give someone some sort of feeling of being somewhat friendly by doing so and besides perhaps just giving someone something to do and at the same time being contributory in some ways to others. โœŒ ๐Ÿ˜
  5. I Love that Woman ! She, being the first of the current residence, and one of which I certainly became quite interested in and admirable of around the time of first discovering the intriguingly attractive woman.
  6. From past experience, I wouldn't go so far as to assert that. ๐Ÿ™„
  7. Yeah, although it certainly was a good classical tune, it was not meant to be exact in lyrics StnCld my friend.
  8. Well a... splish splash...I was taken a bath... on about a Monday night A rub a dub...I was a soakin in the tub...a dreamin everything was alright. And so on...and so on. ๐Ÿ˜
  9. No, I do not know your life, that's true, as is you do not know mine. But I've seen several pics of you, and if they were fairly recent as you stated, and if age is any indication on experience in life situations and circumstances, I can tell you that you would have to reach an age a good bit more than you may be or perhaps are, to have experienced the life situations and circumstances of which I have. A wise old saying is....life and experience are some of the best teachers as far as obtaining knowledge during ones life goes.
  10. You have your own opinion just as everyone else has. But do not tell me that what I descibed is not various forms of voyeurism. I know better and have been involved in both life and voyeurism alot longer than you. I certainly know what it is, and what it means to be involved in it.
  11. That is not being clear. There are days that go by that nothing of that nature occurs with her. As far as any of the other tenants in any of the other residences, I seldomly attempt much observation of any of them. Like I stated, and regardless of your beliefs, at a project such as the one regarded to here, there are more reasons than possible compensation for any person to engage or indulge in any sort of sexual activity. Some potential of some extra compensation may be a reason or part of a reason, but not the only reason. If you believe that, then you may be in the small percentage of people in the world who does not happen to enjoy observations of sensual or sexual activities of others which happens to be perhaps the largest part of voyuerism.
  12. Well my friend, regardless of what you may or may not believe, sexual occurrences is without any doubt a natural part of most species lives on earth including ours. So when someone may be involved in such a project that involves cams to allow others to observe any or certain parts of anyones lives who happen to be participants, and there is incentive based opportunities to be compensated more then perhaps normally would be, although it may be certain that there may be other things a participant could do to attract cam attention and time accumulation such as perhaps exercising or weight lifting, dancing, various hobbies and/or crafts such as drawing or painting, or creating other types of art forms, it is highly likely that what a majority of observers would consider most interesting would be that of sensual or even sexual occurrences. Therefore, the occurrences that likely stir more interest in potential observers, would likely be of those types of nature and would likely generate more interest in any residences cams more so than other subject matters. It still does not necessarily mean that a majority of the occurrences is not real, only that there may be more reasons for them to occur as often than perhaps would be otherwise. As far as that is concerned, whether receiving any type of compensation for it in any way or not, most people enjoy the feelings of sensual and sexual release and fullfillment or satisfaction.
  13. As I stated, the incentive of possible bonus compensation is likely offered by the project admin. Although I express the terms likely, possilbly, possible, or perhaps, it is because it is in the best interests of the tenants. I have a quite credible comrade whose knows somebody quite well that was and may be still is employed by the parent company of the project. It is why I have been able to express the possibilty of a bonus compensation being available to any of the tenants based on amounts of cam hits or visits combined with amounts of cam time accumulations with relative certainty. The potential bonus compensations have no stipulations attached to them as to what any of the tenants should or have to do in order to accrue more cam visits and cam time acumulations. In other words, it's based only on the amount of visits and time acumulations of any cam, and not on what any tenant does to achieve either of the two. It is most certainly not based on or mandated that any of them perform anything sexual. There are things they could do, and sometimes do, such as paintings that attracted interest to the cams, or exercising, or weight lifting, or dancing. It doesn't have any stipulation mandating any of them do anything of sexual natures. There have been tenants who have said many things, such as some in the past, denying that they even received any kind of bonus compensation. I tend to believe what I was informed by someone quite close to someone who was employed with the projects parent company. So if you would like, you can send your so called proof or confirmations in pm then, and I will review it to know the credibility of it.
  14. Incorrect. As stated, all of the tenants not only are provided with a residence that all bills are paid, but also a periodic subsistence or living allowance. The subsistence allowance is more than enough to buy enough food to live off of. They do nothing that they do not wish to as far as anything of sexual natures, unless it is because of desires to, or the incentives of possibly receiving some bonus compensation, or combinations of the two reasons. Imo, it would be the last of the three reasons, more times than just only either of the other two.
  15. After noticing a number of your posts, as well as a number of others posts in response to a majority of yours over some time now, I will attempt to enlighten you on somewhat of the subject matter of which you may be obviously unaware of. First of all, the people who become and are tenants of the leased residences of the project, do not do anything of which they do not want to do. They do whatever they want to do, and when they want to do it. There is nothing in the tenants contracts that obligates any of them otherwise. There is very likely only opportunities of any of the tenants to receive a certain amount of bonus compensation aside from the residences bills being covered and paid for and receiving a periodic living allowance which is likely either every other week, or monthly. The bonus compensation is likely for a total amount of cam hits or visits combined with a total amount of cam time accumulation which is almost assuredly calculated on a monthly basis. Although it is somewhat of an incentive for any of the tenants to attempt to try to have somewhat of increases in the cam hits and time accumulation of any of the cams in any of the residences, it is nothing mandated or obligatory by the tenants contracts. So in escence, none of the tenants are obligated in any way to do anything of which they do not want to do. Some of the tenants obviously have higher sensual or sexual drive and libido's than others. There are lower percentages of people in the world nowadays, who live anywhere that do not experience wishes or desires of sensual or sexual release or fulfillment in some ways or others. It is, and has always been throughout human history, that some people's sexual drives or libido's are very low, and some are only mediocre, while yet others can be very high. So even though the bonus incentive for any of the tenants may be somewhat part of some reasons as to what occurrs with some of the tenants at times, it is not the only factor. As mentioned, all of the tenants receive a periodic subsistence living allowance which is likely more than enough for them to maintain certain ways of life or lifestyle. The bonus is just an incentive for them to be creative in attracting more visitors to the cams, and to accumulate more amounts of cam times at any of the tenants residences. Although there are the incentives that is part of some reasons why some occasions occur with any of the tenants, there is the other more human aspect of desires of sensual or sexual release and fulfillment that has to be considered more so. That is two reasons or factors on why some of the occasions occur with some of the tenants, and more so with some of them than others. As for myself, it should imo, seem to be quite a nice privilege to have, although it has a cost, to be able to observe those certain parts of someones lives that are usually only private otherwise. Especially if it involves beautiful or attractive women.
  16. Me say "No dum dum"..... Me say "Yum Yum".....๐Ÿ—ฟ
  17. It brings to mind an old saying of which I'm sure you have heard of as well my friend, and that saying is "Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing". Yes, you are jugghead....and I am Nicholas....good thing we are not wolves. ๐Ÿ˜
  18. Cheerios certainly can't be very tasty like that jugg my friend. ๐Ÿ˜‰
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