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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Perhaps, and perhaps also that she is aware that she's not the only one who thinks how good she makes red look. πŸ˜‰
  2. You've already got Betty jugg. Why you want to make moves on Le too ? 😏
  3. Nice call sir jugghead. Perhaps a different sort of movie may be made for adults called "Such an intriguing and attractive woman breaks the internet" instead of the kid flick "Ralph breaks the internet". πŸ‘
  4. Ok. Cause I just sent you a short story but it looked as if it made it that time. Lol
  5. I tried. Not sure if it made it to you bud. It was acting strange. Anyway, just said that I have it on my pc.
  6. Right you are bud. Anyone would have to be lucky to be in that situation. 🐢
  7. Actually, the last post was meant for this one. My apologies sir jugghead.
  8. No, still here and dreaming about what some blurry thumbs might actually look like sir jugg. πŸ˜’
  9. Bummer. I had to work today. But even if had not, kind of difficult to make out much through blurry thumbs. Can only notice and imagine for now I guess.
  10. I've noticed that since the unfortunate closure of the residences in Russia, and the fortunate return of the wonderful woman in a new location, it has seemed there have been alot fewer members of the forum willing to share caps. by way of third party host site links over in either the pic. or vid. threads related to the the special woman these threads were created for. That imo, has become an unfortunate result of the change that occurred with the project.
  11. Have always thought the attractive woman looks quite good in red. Of course, she looks quite good in any kind and color of clothes, and certainly with only some, or certainly without any.
  12. Isn't she though ! I know I must have said it a hundred or more times over the years since first discovering her, but it's true.
  13. Lol. No way, not just an avid viewer these days. Say it ain't so jugg.
  14. Alright jugg. Perhaps it may be a time to rekindle the once adage of the ocam capmaster once pinned on you. πŸ˜‰
  15. Since the unfortunate closure of the previous residence, and the certainly fortunate decision to relocate to the newer different residence, it has stirred some curiosity as to whether some may or will ever become involved with another mandingo type friend. 😏
  16. There's certainly an orange daybed/couch somewhere in the world where I would really enjoy being right now !
  17. Not sure what any reasoning for the position location of the new LR cam #3 was. Seems perhaps the location of and aimed view may have been given more and perhaps better consideration.
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