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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Isn't she though ! I know I must have said it a hundred or more times over the years since first discovering her, but it's true.
  2. Lol. No way, not just an avid viewer these days. Say it ain't so jugg.
  3. Alright jugg. Perhaps it may be a time to rekindle the once adage of the ocam capmaster once pinned on you. 😉
  4. Since the unfortunate closure of the previous residence, and the certainly fortunate decision to relocate to the newer different residence, it has stirred some curiosity as to whether some may or will ever become involved with another mandingo type friend. 😏
  5. There's certainly an orange daybed/couch somewhere in the world where I would really enjoy being right now !
  6. Not sure what any reasoning for the position location of the new LR cam #3 was. Seems perhaps the location of and aimed view may have been given more and perhaps better consideration.
  7. Nothing to do with her bud. Just obvious that you evudently didn't learn nothing back in Riverdale.
  8. Thought you of all perhaps would have learned in your Riverdale days when a sham is a sham, and a scam is a scam. Perhaps not though, so since the inevitable occurrence is going on at the residence as of now, it should give you plenty of more time to tune into and keep up with one of the biggest scam shams in the history of the country. 😎
  9. Well, some should perhaps not be surprised as the impending developements have seemed to have become consistent and the same as of lately.
  10. Back at you jugg. Not seemed like much of interest occurring anyway. Seemed it was decided to head to lala land by someone somewhat earlier tonight than had been for some time now.
  11. Considering how they (project admin.) have conducted things in the past, and of how some of the folks in some of those places don't expect to have to do anything related to a word called work anymore than 2 or 3 days or less a week, I would be skeptical of such.
  12. Considering how the project admin. has done things in the past, I would not be at all surprised if the residence remains in a um status for a good while longer now.
  13. Well, from my perspective, it was a unfortunate reality when the residences in Russia were all shut down without any prior notice from the project admin. It is also from my perspective, that it was quite a fortunate reality and welcome notice, when the intriguingly interesting and attractive woman did in fact return to the project at a later time at the current residence, and especially in my consideration that she is and always has been the most interesting and attractive of any of the women that has ever been a participant of the project.
  14. Perhaps because they (project admin.) knows who attracts a large portion of the sites business. They also likely realize that there has not been, nor are there yet any women as intriguingly interesting and attractive as she within the project.
  15. They've got to wire them. Can only hope it doesn't turn into a lengthy ordeal such as what's been occurring with another apartment of M & S. But I'm like you, 3 days needing to put apartment in um status for half days or more, is kind of rediculous.
  16. Perhaps it may even convince some of the one time long term admirers and followers who decided to end they're subs. when the residences were stopped in Russia to resub. and perhaps return to following a life journey if a woman who is certainly intriguingly interesting and appealingly attractive without any doubt.
  17. From my humble perspective, the more the better to have any other or perhaps maybe even better views of a woman so intriguingly interesting and attractive.
  18. Perhaps it may have been a situation possibly anticipated to eventually occurr and perhaps that may be a reason why some avid and loyal long term admirers have not resubbed.
  19. Don't worry jugg, Arch of Riverdale still likes and appreciates ya pal, and likely always will. 😎
  20. It has always been quite nice to have any privilege of view of the lovely woman when she has chosen to adorn and wear any of her red and lace lingere' or undergarments. Of course, she has always made whatever she has chosen to wear look quite good, as she is quite an attractive and sexy woman !
  21. Although it seemed both quite interesting and nice to notice that the attractive woman had acquired some personal friends not long after being the current residence, it has also seemed to be somewhat unfortunate that her other personal friends were for some reason(s), not able to accompany her to the current residence. In particular, one that may have been referred to as mandingo by some, and one that she seemed to have really enjoyed spending some time with at times. Would be both quite interesting and certainly exhilerating if she were to acquire one similar while at the current residence.
  22. Was hoping that since the project admin. had the intriguing and gorgeous woman's residence listed as um for awhile today, that after returning the residence to normal status, that there would have perhaps been an added cam or two, or to have at least perhaps strategically relocated and reaimed some of the existing cams for more better viewing of the interesting and attractive woman for subscribers and therefore likely better business for the project.
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