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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. I can not help but enjoy it whenever a certain little kitty seems to be smiling.
  2. Actually, it has seemed in the past that she has seemed to enjoy various types and styles of music raul my friend.
  3. Her little kitty sometimes displaying a smile is always quite nice even when it finds itself covered and displaying a vertical smile !
  4. Until a point in my life some minimal time after first discovering her, I never would have believed that I could have discovered some gorgeously attractive and interesting woman from a distance and through some lens, and grew to care as much for her ! She is certainly an enchantingly wonderful woman !
  5. It would certainly have to be quite an exceptional experience of a lifetime to be considered a close enough friend of the intriguingly interesting and attractive woman to be privileged enough to become intimately involved with and make it with her !
  6. The intriguing and attractive woman's clothing attire has seemed to be well chosen in good taste by her and fits her quite nicely ! Especially her undergarment attire !
  7. She is certainly a quite visually pleasing and attractive woman ! It was quite nice to be made aware that there evidently was another little friend that was recently discovered somewhere and acquired in the newer and current location. Although the first little friend discovered and acquired at the current location was of a darker persuasion and was quite nice to be made aware of as well, the newest little friend has seemed to be of more of a pinkish persuasion and somewhat different in style. It is certainly always nice to have friends and now there are several little friends to keep the appealing and intriguingly interesting woman company. After the discovering and acquiring of the two new little friends of the intriguingly interesting and quite attractive woman, and being made aware that evidently the two little friends are invited to join in and share time in showing a certainly little kitty and that kitty's nearby little neighbor some attention to assist in satisfying their urges and desires of receiving enough attention to feel satisfied, it apparently stirred more intriguing and higher levels of interest. It has certainly been quite interesting to be made aware of the little friends being invited to share in giving attention to the little kitty and little kitty's nearby neighbor, although there evidently has been curiosity arise as to whether it may ever be desired or any urge to permit either of the little friends to feed the little kitty's nearby neighbor until the kitty's little neighbor gets filled up while the little kitty is being caressed and stroked and while the gorgeous legs of the visually appealing and attractive woman of the residence are held up high and wide while she chooses to lay flat on her back as has evidently occurred with the little kitty and the little friends. If an occurrence like or similar was to ever occur, it may be one of, if not the most interesting situation to ever occur with her and her little friends and a certain little kitty's neighbor ! Evidently, a certain little kitty really enjoys being caressed and stroked and being fed by the little friends at times, and it has seemed as though the little kitty's nearby neighbor must desire and enjoy the same or similar amounts and types of attention from the little friends as well, although it seems there may have been times when the little kitty's nearby neighbor may have felt left out and as if it were not receiving enough attention from the intriguingly interesting and attractive woman and her little friends.
  8. In referencing the appealingly attractive woman usually referred to in this thread of the forum, and an abbreviated quote "OMG.....OMG" appearing to be on what has seemed to be a cute pink furry eared headband that she has seemed to have now acquired and has seemed to wear at times, along with not only appearing to be something quite cute she has acquired, it also adds another unique addition of attractiveness to the wonderful woman's allure.
  9. I certainly do admire the exquisitely appealing and attractive woman and have ever since discovering her wonderful existence !
  10. Along with her talented and quite appealingly interesting dancing, seems there were some other quite appealing and interesting times when it seemed that the attractive woman enjoyed watching and listening to music videos and while doing so sometimes seemed to become aroused. Although it has not seemed to occur at the current residence, those times were certainly quite interesting and pleasurable to be privileged to observe.
  11. Whenever I've had any chance to notice, the one who is quite nice to view and observe, has not seemed in the best of moods today..
  12. Other then that, not certain, but I believe it's close if not already.
  13. Wow, what's been going on in this thread ? Some quite long and explicit posts I see.
  14. I have always believed that her tastes in and choices of her clothing attire have always been quite good and especially her choices of satin and lace garments that she has seemed to like as well as do I and I'm certain as do others as well. Although definitely she is a quite gorgeous and attractive woman whether choosing to wear any of her choices of clothing attire or choosing to not wear any of them !
  15. As well as outdoor clothing, her tastes and choices of satin and lace garments has always been quite good and looks quite good on her as well !
  16. Her attractiveness and admirably appealing good looks are quite enchanting ! I certainly do enjoy any privileges of views of her strikingly wonderful and gorgeous appearance ! Although from a distance and through a lens, I have admired the lovely woman for some time now fortunately !
  17. Looking really good and very attractive is the gorgeous woman called Leora !
  18. She is certainly a quite appealing and amazingly attractive woman ! A woman who is quite hot and sexy !
  19. It would certainly have to be quite special to be privileged enough to be able to be at the residence with her to give her some company and share enjoyment with her in assisting in various ways of making her feel contented and satisfied !
  20. She certainly is such an amazingly attractive woman ! The pink bowtie headband is quite cute on her as well.
  21. Referring to the woman of the residence usually referred to in this thread and not the pic. above, she is such an attractive woman ! As I'm sure many others do, I certainly enjoy any privilege of being able to view a woman of such appealing attractiveness ! Aside from her wonderfully good looks and charm, any time her sensuality ever becomes intense enough that there is any urge or desire to achieve any desired level of personal satisfaction, only adds a wonderful addition of eroticism to the already allure of her attractiveness !
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