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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Seems to me that you're the one in need of a reality and maturity check with all the panty drawer remarks.
  2. I could care less what you know about her. That's also part of my angle.
  3. Oh, now a literary scholar huh. Pepe or whatever your name may be dude, go play your little childish fantasy game of playing in, creeping around in, or living in her panty drawer and do not be concerned about what I post in this thread or forum for that matter,when just trying to be cordial and nice to someone. That's my angle.
  4. Well it does not always lead to her bating as you say. Maybe I enjoy observing her dance other than just that. Can you read that between any lines ?
  5. Evidently they are on the subject matter of her performance last week as you make a point to mention, and to as how often someone may think she should have such performances. I said nothing about, nor insinuated anything of that nature, but you did.
  6. No it does not, but possibly her actions and taking medications may indicate so.
  7. I said relax, did I not ? Nothing more, and certainly nothing about any performance of any day if you're referring to her performance as her self pleasuring and satisfying herself. Furthermore, as far as I am concerned, whatever she does, and how often, is her business. Maybe you should consider where your thoughts and mind may be on certain subject matter, and not be as concerned about someone else trying to be nice to someone my friend. It has already been mentioned earlier in this chat thread that it is likely that she has not been feeling well lately.
  8. The gorgeous one has been keeping herself busy with numerous activities of late, but has not been taking the time to relax some as it seemed she used to as much.
  9. Is why I said I hope there is nothing seriously wrong with the lovely one earlier.
  10. As have I, but this did not appear to be from a dispute between them, or anything she saw on pc.
  11. Yes, I have noticed. But also, was wondering if she may be experiencing some unusual circumstance or situation, for she has just not seemed her normally happy content self and has been leaving everyday. Hope nothing is wrong for her. Such a talented, beautiful, and great woman.
  12. Curious if something may be not kosher for the gorgeous one. Have not had the privilege or opportunity to both hear and view her enjoying listening to the variety and good taste in music she has, and to observe the talented and unique dance techniques and moves that only she has. It has been obvious that listening to music and dancing is something that she enjoys much, so has she tired of those elements, or rather taking a break from them, to delve into some of other talents such as arts and crafts. What ever her reason may be, she is truly talented in those subjects, and certainly beautiful when she chooses what she enjoys to satisfy her desires. Hopefully, she is not tired of those talents that she is so good at, and is merely taking a break for other things, and has not encountered some sort of serious other issue or concern to prevent her from enjoying any of her desires, dreams, or urges.
  13. Possibly, and would be so nice if the gorgeous and lovely one would be in a mood for and chooses for a day of relaxation and possibly some of her great tastes in music and attractively talented and unique dancing moves that are so good and that only she can do in the ways the beautiful one does, as it has been suggested that she has had somewhat of a busy past 3 to 4 days. She is really something else when she dances as it is obvious that it is something that she truly enjoy's. She is really very talented at dancing and is so good at it.
  14. It is certainly attractive that the lovely one chooses to acquire and wear garments adorned with lace, for it is a judgement of good taste, and only shows off a part of how sexy she is. She, herself, is in fact very attractive and hot anytime, and somehow even increases in attractiveness, sexiness, and hotness whenever she chooses a time for her to fantasize. Such an very gorgeous, attractive, and talented woman.
  15. Oh really. Well if that has happened then she should just ignor the ignorant ones who post those things. I have had the priviledge to observe her dance on a number of occasions and she dances really very good. I do not know where she learned, but is very good. Also I have observed that she has a very good taste in a wide variety of music. The beautiful ones artistic and dance talents and anything else she decides to do to satisfy herself and her desires are much more interesting and appealing to observe than anything or anyone else associated with RLC.
  16. It would be so nice if the beautiful one chose to become in a mood for some of the good music and even better dance that she seems to really enjoy. For the dancing not only promotes good exercise, but also warms up a person and both are very good for a person also. Also, must not neglect to proclaim the fact of how good she is at her dancing.
  17. Of course. I know I did and most certainly would in the future. The beautiful and more true to life and down to earth one out of all RLC tenants.
  18. I beg to differ peterb, but that may be your opinion. But as for many others opinions as well as mine, Irma has nothing on Leora when it comes to dancing. Leora is so much better when it comes to dancing than Irma and many other woman. Also, Leora is very much artistically talented which Irma is not. Also, most certainly Leora is very much more attractive when it comes to the figure and shape of her very well sculpted and toned body, as well as her amazing natural beauty compared to Irma.
  19. She reads it from time to time. She at one time was on here and would respond to posts every now and then.
  20. Your dancing was amazing luv. Though at times it seemed as if maybe you desired more, if so, do not understand why you refrained from something that gives you high enjoyment. For everything you do is as natural and beautiful as can be, like you hun. Nothing that you do or have done is not anything that anyone else in this world has not done. Only, you're so gorgeous and good at what you do. Again, your dancing is very beautiful and sensually hot, also like you luv.
  21. Hope she plays some Rammstein. She seems to like them and gets off dancing to their music.
  22. Likely she has been exposed to both ballet as well as contemporary and possibly even some belly dancing in her time to be able to move the way she does when she dances.
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