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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. I must concur, and feel compelled to also add, that I am sure that like many others who come to visit this particular thread of this forum, I also am a financial supporter of the RLC Project, and also like many others I am sure, I joined mainly and mostly because of interest in the apartment being referenced to, and have since had very little interest, if at all most times, in any of the possible activities of interest in any of the other tenants or apartments. Though it is without a doubt that the sweet woman who occupies the apartment being referenced to is astonishingly beautiful and stunningly attractive, very intelligent and truly talented in a number of ways, and has the sweetest and well-meaning disposition and outlook on life, the activities of interest that once occurred there in that apartment have been surely waning of late to say the least, and as a matter of fact, have been slowly becoming less and less for quite some time now, to a point where not much else in the ways of activities of interest seems to occur there in that apartment any more than does any of the rest of the RLC tenant apartments nowadays. I also feel that the male housemate has quite a bit of influence and is likely a substantial reason why she has been making some of the decisions and choices she makes and therefore is also a big part of the reasons why things have changed to the point they have. It is and never has been considered wise or rationale though, why some people choose to align themselves with, or choose others such as mates, who do not do enough else to matter enough to hold someone back in their life or keep them down to a point of not experiencing life the ways they could otherwise. At times, he talks to and treats her as if she is someone that he picked up off of the streets instead of his supposed mate, and he always behaves as though he pays the bills, which he does not, and when he raises his voice and talks down to her, she usually does not take up for herself enough and just takes it without saying enough in defense of herself. Those types of behaviors are not good nor are they right. So, although I truly wish that there was more I could do to help to improve in any way or make her life better, she probably would not be willing to accept any assistance. Most of the tenants with RLC either just forget, or fail to take into consideration, or simply just do not care, that the ways of living afforded to them, which seem to range anywhere from decent to really good, especially if the vacations they are afforded are taken into consideration, which they otherwise would most likely not be able to afford if they had to mainly worry about being employed just to be able to pay and keep up with bills somewhere to have places to live and survive as does much of the rest of the worlds peoples, and though if any of the tenants truly deserved vacations, it certainly would be the sweet and lovely juli' above any others, but all those benefits are financially provided by the people who decide to take interest in the project enough to subscribe to it, and that without the financial contributors and supporters or subscribers as they refer to it, there would be no RLC project. So I also am very close to being added to what I am sure is a rapidly growing list of fans and admirers who have made the unfortunate decisions to cancel subscriptions because of experiencing feelings of discouragement, disappointment, and just being too bored, by in turn, withdrawing my financial support from the RLC Project by unsubscribing or canceling the subscription that I have continued for quite a substantial length of time now. I still adore and admire tremendously, and love and have much respect for the lovely and sweet juli ! Even though I cherish being afforded the privileges of simply observing and viewing her beauty, intelligence, and at times her talents, unfortunately, it just makes no sense to continue much longer to give away money to be bored much of the time otherwise.
  2. Perhaps their governments think that by making them larger, it will possibly give their people a thought of being worth as much.
  3. I truly hope the sweet and lovely juli' had really good fortune and that her wellness returned in full, mainly for her health to be returned to completely and entirely healthy and well, but also so that she could enjoy the most, if not all of her most likely needed and certainly deserved vacation, though I have surely missed being able to view the enticing attractiveness that she certainly possesses.
  4. What is truly intriguing about what has transpired this past week with the lovely woman, is that it has been evident and most obvious that she has somewhere contracted and became ill to an extent with what has appeared to be some sort of viral infection, virus, flu, or cold-bug, etc., but hopefully it is not something of a more serious nature such as what is referred to as walking - pneumonia in some cultures and places, and though she is without a doubt a very intelligent woman, she does not choose to make any wise decisions in simply refraining from leaving the apartment, and to just stay home to try to get ample rest along with the taking of medication and use of throat antiseptic spray as she has been doing to help and aid in the process of becoming normally healthy and well again. Her choices of leaving the apartment everyday since it was first noticed that something was not right with her and that she was not feeling well, have most likely caused the infection to get worse and is probably why she has been experiencing and dealing with fevers off and on, and also why her sore throat condition has only worsened to a point of her not hardly having much of a voice at the beginnings of the last couple of mornings, and that she has been also experiencing more intestinal fortitude and has had to make trips to the bathroom quite often, and more so over the last couple of days. In short, she should have been more wise in her decisions about leaving the apartment the last couple of days, and just stayed home to take her medications and get more rest. As intelligent as she is, I fail to see any logic in her decisions concerning these matters recently, and if they do proceed in leaving for a vacation starting tomorrow, she may perhaps regret making some of those choices, though I do hope she does make a turn for the better and gets well again.
  5. Though as not as close to the darker shade of tan as the previous two seasons of warmer and hotter weather, she definitely has a noticeable tan that certainly adds to the appeal of attractiveness that the attractive juli' possesses. She is of an age old enough and very intelligent that she should be aware of subjects of that nature and possibly there is no need for concern as is shown so far by the lighter shade of tan than previously. Also, it has been noticed that she engages in the use of body lotions and oils quite frequently to help keep her skin conditioned, smooth, and I'm sure soft as well. She seems to try to take really good care of herself. Regardless of shades of tan and even without a tan, she is without a doubt certainly a very attractive and beautiful woman.
  6. She is truly unique and one gorgeously beautiful woman who is gifted with not only attractiveness, but serious talent and great intelligence also.
  7. Because it is evident that the gorgeous woman strives to take good care of herself, aside from her beauty, it is truly obvious that she is certainly a sexy and hot woman also. The ways in which she moves when she chooses to dance, only exhibit some of the ways of how sexy, hot, and erotic she is when she has a desire or feeling to be. She is truly a special and wonderful woman.
  8. Since it was noticed earlier that the gorgeous woman's mate went off on a bicycle trip to do something that he must enjoy, perhaps she will be in a lively and energetic mood for some good music and dancing as she is incredible when she chooses to dance and it is something in which she obviously enjoys.
  9. As previously stated, other than being so attractive and so hot, she is truly a really special and unique woman. I certainly both admire and adore the gorgeous woman.
  10. Perhaps you may be correct. Though from another point of view, the unique and special woman in reference to, is not only very attractive and hot, but is also unpredictable, as is she is certainly sensual, erotic, and lustful at times when those desires arise in her. Oh, what a woman she is. Besides her attractiveness and hotness, she is really a very special and unique woman.
  11. Everyone has an their own opinion about anything. Concerning the appearance of the wonderful woman of the L & P apartment, mine is that she is like fine wine, and with the little added weight she has put on, she is even more beautiful, attractive, and hotter than ever. For even though she is and has always been gorgeous, she was actually somewhat on the thin side up until around a year or so ago. Now, she looks terrific. One thing I've noticed though, is that unfortunately she seems to at times experience issues of not being able to get to sleep at around the times when she usually has in the past, and has for some time now at times, been taking a medicinal sleep aid of some sort. As unfortunate as it is that the gorgeous juli' experiences those types of issues, it also seems unfortunate that whatever medicinal aid that's taken, seems to cause her to want to at times sleep later, and seem groggy and not in such good moods, and not the lively, and even sometimes frisky juli' that many have come to somewhat know, and appreciate and love much. Hopefully, those kinds of unfortunate issues are only temporary and will pass in time for her.
  12. The lovely juli' strives to take very good care of herself and is certainly a very attractive woman and it is but one reason why.
  13. Face it, she makes everything she chooses to wear look really good, as she has such good taste in clothes and how she dresses.
  14. The lovely woman may be in need of some extra rest today so it may seem. As extra rest is usually good for anyone, perhaps she will feel more refreshed and better when she is ready to get her day going. I hope so because she is really an amazing woman.
  15. I for one, and of quite a number of other fans and admirers I am certain, believe in a moral of not only seeing but thinking of the good and beauty in something or someone. The woman in the apartment referred to in this thread of this forum is certainly a very nice, very good and well meaning, truly talented, surely intelligent, and most beautiful, gorgeously sexy and hot woman without a doubt. She has great meaning and intentions and strives to live her life as best she can. My hat is off to juli' as I do love her.
  16. So it seems that the remarkably beautiful one is in a mood for some music as well as some of her various talents in artistry of the arts & crafts. juli' is really something and a very special person and woman without a doubt. I really do enjoy being afforded privileges of being able to observe different parts of the ways in which she chooses to live her life no matter what she chooses. Of course there are the times when she chooses be erotic and more revealing of herself and her actions and activities that are very much turn-ons and very hot in nature, and the way she is so good and skilled at dancing is but one to mention, but, which are truly great to be afforded privileges to observe, but, then again, there are many things that she chooses to do and does, that are also really interesting. Must be some of the reasons why I love her. She is wonderful .
  17. It has been awhile since I have posted anything in this chat thread but I do enjoy visiting here ever so often if for nothing more than to reiterate how wonderfully beautiful a woman the gorgeous juli' certainly is. Also, not just to state the obvious, but to also include how seriously intelligent and truly talented she is. No doubt, a rare woman to possess such exquisite taste in dress and looks, but to also be as intelligent and talented as she is. Intelligence, talent, and beauty, a great combination of traits for a woman to have. Such a stunningly sexy and hot woman who can dance very, very good, but is also very creative in some of her other gifted talents of the arts & crafts. Such a great combination of traits juli' certainly possesses. She is such a unique woman that I believe the creator had to destroy the mold in which he may have created her from. I certainly do love juli' and all that she is !
  18. Aside from the usual saga on speculation and deliberation as to the possibilities of someone's whereabouts and as to whom perhaps with, just what could possibly be the chances of her simply spending a day and night with some family member(s), if not merely spending a little time with some friend and in which case would more likely than not, be of the female gender and thus considered a close girlfriend of hers. I think the chances of either of these scenarios of situations to be likely high and very good chances in my humble opinion.
  19. Consider this, what are the chances that of so much accumulative negative and derogatory rhetoric in the forms of posts here over so much of a period or periods of time possibly being the forms of or reasons of there having occurred changes in someone's behaviors. In my opinion, pretty damn good chances of it as it most likely would with anyone in a situation or situations like that.
  20. Also, to add, she is in no way any resemblance of any other RLC tenant women not only not limited to, but especially any of those in either of the Barcelona apartments, for there is no other woman tenant of RLC that even comes close to being as not only as I had mentioned previously, as being very intelligent, very skillful and talented, and most certainly very attractive and beautiful as is the one called Leora or juli', or very many anywhere else for that matter.
  21. Listen guys, I know that everyone is in fact different, and in being different, everyone who has made a choice to check-out any of the apartments and tenants with the RLC project, made those choices for they're own different purposes and reasons. But the fact of the matter is that they made those choices on they're own and was in no way forced or coerced into making the choices just like anyone makes they're own choices to come to this site and some even to register and some to even come to and visit this particular thread and it is all someone's choice and done by they're own mind and hand. Well, though I can not and will not speak for all of the tenants of the RLC apartments, I will say this much for the one(s) or mainly one in which some of these latest as well as a number of past posts have been in reference to. The woman being referred to is firstly a human being, secondly a very intelligent, very talented, and most certainly a beautiful woman. She lives with a guy in a situation that would be very difficult for most any others to be able to cope with in residing in a residence with cams installed. She has done much in the senses of granting any viewers enlightenment into hers, and his, current living situation that there are not many in the world would do. She and they, have shown an enlightenment of some of the situations of really personal natures to possible viewers on many occasions that again, most people in the world would not even be able to do. Surely it both helps and benefits her and them somewhat to have the opportunity to have joined the RLC project in consideration of what being a tenant of the project offers by ways of living. But she, or they have never made any outside agreements, bargains, contracts, or obligations to anyone else other than the agreements and likely contract with the RLC project, and thus, she or they do not owe or are not obligated to anyone else. Though it may seem and appear at times, and possibly more so here lately, that there are and have been times when it may seem as though the viewers who are both avid fans and admirers as well are being somewhat to quite a bit not thought of as much, perhaps forgotten to an extent, or maybe some may even feel neglected so to speak, but the thing is, most things change with time, and whose to deduce or factually state that any seemly appearance of changes as of late or even for awhile now, are in fact permanent. In any case, whichever the outcome may be, she and they do not owe anyone who chose to click onto those particular cams of that particular apartment and to even begin checking-out RLC and this forum to begin with. It is possible that some of the subjects mentioned could possibly be genuine, factual, or true, but then again, It could also be true of all the negative rhetoric which has been posted here both recently as well as in the past that has introduced thoughts of changes in some tenants behaviors. Also, what she or they actually engage in as far as sexual pleasure is really they're concern and nobody else's even any viewers who happen to be available to have what some may consider a privilege in doing so. Just because someone takes it upon themselves to find out about and locate and check-out and register/join any project on the net as in actual real life, even the ones who go as far as becoming paying subscribers of RLC or any project, does not in any way mean that those people then own anyone else and does not mean that those people can in fact dictate to what is supposed to take place or happen. So, Please, for anyone else who feels any need to vent any frustrations for whatever reason, please do it in what is the most appropriate place on this forum which is in the Rant/Rave thread. Please do so, and take into consideration not only respect for any innocent tenants of RLC, but also of CamCaps members who come here to relax and to read and check-out the forums threads as well as post in response to others for as a form of entertainment. Please LEAVE juli alone and stop making things worse for everybody.
  22. Wow, very nice and very beautiful in a similar likeness of the gorgeously beautiful and sexy juli', and she is actually here !
  23. Hello sweet one. It has somewhat appeared as if you may not be feeling so good as of late and if so, I certainly do hope that the situation of feeling that way does in fact change for the better for you and that you do indeed begin feeling much better and happier again very soon sweet one. I will be certainly hoping so in my thoughts of you dear one. Take care love.
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