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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. I know and agree and perhaps, or there's always "Old Man Time" that is constantly putting age on us all unfortunately, and unfortunately always is a constant in changes on everything. Sure do miss those times a lot too.
  2. Considering the events of as recent as yesterday, I feel that you are right my friend. But, we never know.
  3. It is true and obvious that the lovely maiden is very attractive in whatever she chooses to wear, or to not wear, as she is certainly a pleasant and enjoyable vision of beauty to observe. I am curious though, as to what frame of mind she may be in this day. Could she perhaps be in a frame of mind or special mood enough to engage in any special thoughts of desires of sensuality and passion? If possibly so, could her thoughts of such be enough to start her out down a path on a journey of uninhibited exhibitionism that may lead her to indulge in caressing and massaging, and eventually lead to both external as well as internal stimulations while on a quest to achieve more intense and ultimate feelings of desire, release, and satisfaction ? Only time and she will know .
  4. The appearance of looks and profound beauty that radiates from the gorgeous and sexy juli' brings to mind of that of another beautiful woman of the world who is also very talented as well as an actress who is from England named Kate Beckinsale. Along with both being very beautiful and attractively sexy women, they both favor and resemble each other quite a bit in appearance. I love and adore beautiful and sexy women, and especially the lovely juli'.
  5. Just a word of wisdom. If you continue to make outright requests of such nature, chances are likely that they may never happen or occur, or perhaps at least while you may be available to have any chance to observe such occurrences. Just a thought to consider.
  6. Yesterday morning it was truly enjoyable once again for a change to observe the lovely Leora in good moods and spirits like she was while she was watching and listening to some music videos again on her pc which even encouraged her to engage in some dancing once again, which is one of her great and gifted talents that she none other than obviously enjoys. To see her smiling and laughing and undoubtedly, noticeably happy again was really a great experience to observe again also. She is certainly an amazingly wonderful, gifted, and beautiful woman.
  7. She surely does have some really good taste in the ways in which she chooses to dress and the types of clothing attire that she chooses to purchase.
  8. It's a pleasure to observe how the lovely woman sometimes get's into singing and dancing and even sometimes activities of even more sensuality and stimulation while watching and listening to music videos.
  9. Besides being absolutely so gorgeously beautiful and sexy, she is amazing to say the least. Certainly a unique and special woman.
  10. Hey, what can we can we say Rock, for she is mesmerizing as well as enchanting, but merely by her features or attractive appearance no, but also by her charms and talents. So that much is evident that we all must agree on. But I must say that I do not agree with that of referring to her as a cam girl, which she is not, or that all or any other women of the RLC project have even the same or even as close to, much less better than, as good of attributes as the sweet, well meaning, and lovely juli'. This is merely my opinion and I am sure it is the same for many others as well. For what a boring and dull place the world would be without the differences of thoughts and opinions. As far as having your back in in any hostile situation or act of aggression by any other who may be on the wrong side of affairs, I would be honored and not hesitant to engage on the side of right versus wrong my friend. In addition and in reference to the last portion of your dialogue, I certainly do agree with 100% and I am also sure many others do as well.
  11. I understand the meaning of what is being conveyed here because it is none other than obvious that she is certainly a fantastic vision to observe, but she is also much, much more so than just an enjoyable vision to view. For even though she is without any doubt a vision of beauty to behold, she is also truly attractive in being such a unique, highly intelligent, and certainly talented woman, of which are all very good traits for any woman to have, and are all also a big part of the alluring attractiveness that the gorgeous woman possesses.
  12. No matter the reason, I as well as many others I am sure, certainly do enjoy the times of observing the lovely juli' smiling and laughing when undoubtedly happy and in good moods and spirits about something as she recently was while watching something on her pc. Never like seeing her sad, sullen, or angry, or merely just not in such any good mood. She is a joy to see happy or at least in good moods and spirits .
  13. Without any doubt it is good for the lovely woman to receive enjoyment from socializing and of having friends as it is for mostly anyone. Although it may be selfish of many of her admirers, myself included, to hope for the opportunities to observe or spend time observing her in her current residence as often as possible, as it is the only way of chances of opportunities of sharing any parts of the wonderful woman's life, I myself, and I am sure many other of her admirers, do miss her a quite a bit whenever she is not there and is away. But I do truly enjoy seeing her happy !
  14. Very true my friend. But, also eventually RLC will realize and notice that there have been changes from any potential declines in visitors of cams of that residence and especially declines in or cancelations of subscriptions. Oh well, kay sarah sarah, whatever will be, will be.
  15. Having noticed this recent post made, and in consideration of the occurrences and activities of reference here and of what has been observed to have occurred over the previous 2 1/2 weeks from the present, I will say that I understand what is meant here and though I concur with what is stated, I will convey my thoughts and opinions on this matter or any similar. After following this residence for quite some time now, it is no doubt that whenever there are any times of intimacy occurring between the two, if it is noticed close enough, she is almost always the one who has been directing the occurrence of activities. But then again, why would she not ? Because whenever anything of such occurrences happens, he almost always behaves with inclinations less than a teenage-boy who is attempting to engage in sexual activities with a girl for the first time. Even a teenage-boy behaves as though he wants to proceed to direct some, if not most of the sexual activities because of being so anxious to have the experience or experiences should I say. But, he always behaves as if someone with only tunnel-vision while someone is attempting to engage in sexual activities with him, and nearly almost always in a position on his ass or backside with her exerting most of the physical activity. It appears either a behavior of that of a teenage-boy attempting his first time at having any kind of sexual encounters or experiences who has no idea or knowledge of what he is supposed to do or no genuine desire to even really have the experience(s) , or either that it is considered by him to be none other than a chore that he just wants to get it done and over with and seemingly only cares if he will somehow benefit from it himself. But then again, why would he not ? For it has been noticed and mentioned on quite a number of occasions that he is treated and pampered by her as though he is a mommies-boy and so he feels as if he should be treated so. After all, he gets a good deal of his knowledge on how it is he supposed to behave and act both as a man, and as a companion of the woman whom he is supposed to be involved in the relationship with enough to care about enough to be considerate of her feelings and desires off of forum posts here and elsewhere on the internet. He has a long way to go to mature mentally, if ever. Also, the dynamics of her behaviors has been slowly changing quite a bit over this past year to a point of it not seeming nearly as much to matter to her about any possible admirers she may have interested and attracted from afar and so does not care nearly as much as she once seemed to about it. I apologize for the lengthy dialogue but it is just my opinion and one which has been formed after much observation and deliberation.
  16. I have merely been compiling a list of good music videos of good music, most of which have good looking and hot women performing in them, so that whenever times are boring with nothing much happening at RLC or the other voyeur sites, visitors here may have a choice to shortly entertain themselves in another way. Also, perhaps the lovely little woman referred to in this thread may get some enjoyment out of the links. Furthermore, I don't believe that about a half a day before the weekend even got underway to be a weekend. So, what the fuck are you spending your weekend on ?
  17. Here's a re-make of what was a really big hit by the great Carly Simon many years ago but at what many believe to be a better version of the tune. Anyway, another the lovely lady might enjoy. Could this one perhaps pertain to anyone in particular ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41zKVmk4z8Q
  18. Here's another from the same great band and singer for Leora. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i28UEoLXVFQ
  19. This one is a really nice tune from a great band who had a great front-man and lead vocalist and who has toured and performed in countries all over the world including in Moscow a number of times and it is some really nice music for the lovely woman. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uuegke22rdA
  20. Here is another favorite of mine from a great band that's just another great tune especially for the lovely juli'. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h76JB5ykeyU
  21. Uhhh Huhhh. The beautiful women such as Jessica Alba in this one have something in common with the gorgeously attractive Leora, being attractively "Hottt" that is !!! : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGos7FvoJ0Q
  22. Here's another great tune from a great band and a really sexy and hot woman who reminds me of the astonishing juli'. Could the meaning intended in the video perhaps be similar to any of her thoughts or desires at times ? : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wENdZneWDYs
  23. Ooohhh my lord ! The beautiful ladies in this one are so hottt ! Just like Leora ! : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nzwxq9P28rY
  24. Some of the beauties in this one are certainly stunningly gorgeous and beautiful as is Leora : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwJV3XzDVnU
  25. Could this one perhaps relate to many who discover the beautiful and sexy woman of this thread and her inner considerations of possible admirers ? : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slA-MgGvoa4
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