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Posts posted by Nicholas

  1. 20 hours ago, maxfactor said:

    Thought so, you can't.  Actuallly dumb dumb, if I lived in the US, I would be a republican...you know, a regular slightly right of center old school Republican, rather than a completly unhinged loon such as yourself.

           I am well aware of what country you live in and if I took the time to go back and revisit a number of the previous post of comments you posted either criticizing or putting down posts of comments that obviously had been posted by others who had  belief's other than yours, I'm certain your claim of if you lived in the U.S. you would probably be considered a right of center republican is actually absurd and b.s. since most of the population of Canada is infected with liberalism ideologies and so called woke b.s. even more so than the U.S.

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, maxfactor said:

    Please show where I have posted leftist bullshit, so everyone can see how truly stupid you are...lol

          You have posted leftist bullshit in attempts to cover leftist propangandism over and over again.  Which is actually why you are as stupid and ignorant as you evidentally are.

  3. 6 minutes ago, happyone said:

    All I can say is you are delusional 😏 And you are one of the reasons, because of your posts,  that the thread was shut down.

           Actually, it is you who must be delusional h.o., partiicularly since you always claimed to believe that your political beliefs were that of claiming to be independant, although a majority of the post of comments you posted would seem to actually appear otherwise.

  4. 1 hour ago, happyone said:

    However, if any of the political boards do return, they should be moderated and all the ones who start name calling and insulting would be dealt with by banning.

    Then maybe civil discussions might take place. 

            Sounds like a genuine liberistic believer in ideoligies to me h.o. Me thinks you have proven to be such an ideological believer of leftist ideologies since most of your posted comments regardless of claiming to be someone of an independant minded ideology, have apparently seemed otherwise. 

  5. 31 minutes ago, dougiestyle4u said:

    Very easy way to make a living while being an exhibitionist of her very personal daily life. Done well for herself financially, I think. She must have "thick skin" over the years to put up with any negative talk on these forums but nice soft skin on her body (daily bath/showers and body lotion). No drugs or alcohol (some wine in the past) and not a smoker. Her only addiction is masturbation - ALL GOOD!!! For me, once she is on the screen it is hard to close it out - such eye candy.

           Well, if what is taken into consideration ds4u, when she first became a participant of the site, she was actually quite shy. So the time and activities that developed afterwards, were most likely related to employment opportunities that were unavailable at the time where she was from.

    • Upvote 2
  6. 57 minutes ago, dougiestyle4u said:

    I think that I need to see a psychiatrist to sort out some issues I might of had when I was younger. Could have something to do with my guilt and disappointment that I wasn't sexually assaulted by one of my female teachers. Was I not good enough? My teacher didn't like me or love me enough? Who was the teacher's favorite and recipient of good female teacher sex. Did the lack of attention hurt me after all these years? What sex did I miss on by not being sexually abused? I always wondered about this missed opportunity. Do I feel so deprived that I am a horny fuck and love naked women so much that it controls my constant sex desires and need for voyeurism. 

    Nah, it was when I saw a young girls amazing curvy ass wiggling in her tight blue jeans as she walked in front of me on our way to school. I am an ass man to this day but every inch of a female woman gets my engine roaring and my appetite to see her naked and how sexually active she can be or wants to be.

          Most who were fortunate enough to have viewed the woman known as Leora have probably felt disappointed in not seeing more of her in certain situations more than they had. Although her being a participant on the website, was a way for her to make a living since not much was available where she was from at the time when she became a participant of the website.

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  7. 10 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

    blue light and EMP  are not age exclusive

    She is ruining  her long term health

         I can also relate to what your meaning was Max, since I have also mentioned more than once that it was not good for anyone to have an activated cell phone anywhere within a 4 to 6 foot proximity of their head for more than so many hours at any given time. I also have mentioned that it was because of the constant signals being put out and received by cell phones that actually are health hazards to anyone who allows such phones to remain in close enough proximity of their heads whenever such phones remain charged long enough to do so. 

  8. Just now, StnCld316 said:

    I have a phone but it stays on my desk and I charge it up every 3 to 4 days.  It has no service to make phone calls or text.  I just use it to sync my Smartwatch. Other than that I have no real intentions of using it for any services.  

    i have plenty nieces and nephews that have their face stuck in it from the time they wake till sleep as well.  Ask a question while they're on it and they blatantly tune out any conversations. Almost similar to a deaf person.

           I can relate to what you mentioned Stn.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 3 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    The only time she's never on the phone is when she sleeps.  Her face is stuck in the thing from the time she wakes till sleep.  

    What a way to spend a life with a face stuck in a phone 18 to 20 hours a day. 

           Perhaps you might have not considered that she is less than half as young as many of us are. That's where so called advancement in so called technology has gotten the human race. It is quite ridiculous as far as I'm concerned.

    • Upvote 4
  10. 9 hours ago, Freddie57 said:

    These people are many slices short of full loaf. Anyone that believes that Don the Cons election was stolen need's to be institutionalized.

            Evidently that must mean that you are since the election did not occur by any traditional means, but rather very untraditional means since a virus referred to as Covid19 was intentionally released upon the worlds populations in hopes it might make a difference in the so called election, considering that the slant eyed communist party of china referred to as the ccp, actually despised and hated having to forfeit hundreds of billions of dollars in tarriffs that they had actually imposed on them by Trump and were actually having to forfeit as far as trade went, until their chance of getting someone who's family had recieved millions of dollars from them that would more than likely benefit their cause. You obvioulsy know nothing about the comments of what the hell you post, but instead try to keep the leftist bullshit propagandism going. So perhaps it is you and your kind that should be actually institutionalized since obviously you and your kind along with the so called ccp who are hell bent on the decline and destruction of the U.S.

  11. 3 hours ago, TBG 150 said:

    I never went to college, but that would make me possibly believe his BS. Colleges indoctrinate, not educate. PhD means "Permanent Head Disorder". Maybe that's what they taught in school when he was growing up, I don't know. 

            Something to take into consideration is that a substantial part of communistic and marxist beliefs and ideologies involves there being enough propaganda to make as many of others believe in similar or such b.s. ideologies and beliefs, and the Berlin wall was not brought down until President Reagan suggested to Gorbachov that it really should happen. So, that actually occurred decades after WWII, and soon after the dissentigration of the USSR. Before then, there were decades of years that went by that much of East Germany had been controlled by the communists of the Russian government. So needless to say or believe that many of the younger native citizens of that country who were raised in such controlled parts of that country, likely received more of indoctrinations into such ideologies or beliefs rather than any form of actuall education. Regardless, as long as it has been since then, there should not be considered to be any such excuse otherwise.

  12. 1 hour ago, TBG 150 said:

    And I have NO position of authority on these boards. I was the Admin 10 years ago. What I know about computers, you could fit on the head of a pin. @StnCld316wields all the power now, not me. I'm just as lowly as you are. I pay the USD $20 just so I can help the Mods if I have to. Once in a while I catch a spammer or two.

    But the entertainment value alone in these political threads is priceless. A bunch of 70+ year old children calling each other names. Where are you going to get that for $0.05 1/2 cents per day? 

    You, that thinks you know everything there is to know about US politics and those around you that are trying to educate you with the facts, Rep & Dem, and you, refusing to accept the real truth. You really are indoctrinated. I never thought I would say that about anyone but an extreme left-winger. But, you have more than proven yourself to be one of those people just by the propagandist garbage that you post here day after day.

    Seriously, get educated on the subject that you wish to speak upon before posting nonsense and making yourself look like a US Public Education student. 

          Make no mistake about it TGB-150, he won't because he has proven himself to be nothing more than a disgruntled kraut propagandist since most of what he has posted has been unproven, unreliable, and unverified commentary and conjecture so that much of it has been considered propaganda. He like hitler and his minions, is nothing more than a highly disgruntled kraut, who tries his best to perpetuate propagandism that best suits such individuals causes or beliefs. In the case of the individual being referred to, he promotes leftist propagandism because he has noticed that it has had more of a negative affect on the overall conditions of the U.S.'s population in recent decades. He thinks by promoting propaganda of such ideologies or beliefs otherwise, he is contributing to the decline of the U.S., although he would have been doing so also by promoting ideologies of the opposite causes or beliefs if he thought by doing so it would contribute to an overall decline of the U.S., because he has proven himself to be nothing more than a disgruntled kraut propagandist which is exactly what hitler and his minions were when they first were believed enough by the population of that country that ever allowed such mentally fucked up people to be accepted into postions of so called leadership and power.

    • Like 1
  13. On 6/24/2023 at 4:44 PM, happyone said:

    So you understand what he is trying to say?????  


    On 6/24/2023 at 4:45 PM, StnCld316 said:

    No, I can't decipher what he's trying to get at. 

          Oh h.o., you did not understand, but you probably actually understood more than you might would like others to believe and I do not believe that you Stn., could not decipher what points of the commentary I stated was. How about this, what does an old saying 'birds of a feather flock together' mean ? I bet you both knows what it means.

  14. 5 minutes ago, happyone said:

    What part of this do you not understand????  Ridgerunner got it!!!

    Original post by Ridge "In his DOJ prosecution it appears that Hunter Biden benefited from his "White privilege.":tongue:

    My Post:  In his DOJ prosecution it appears that Hunter Biden benefited from his "White house privilege.":tongue:

    Slight correct made

    Ridgerunner posted 14 hours ago


    What I don't understand is your word salad responses that make no sense--that's why I laughed at your post --In case you wondered who did.



         I knew it was you who did, but regardless I wanted to try to make certain that you were aware of what RR had postsd which has occurred without any doubt. Judging by many of your recent posts, it has led into a questional understanding as to why. But it will no longer 

  15. 1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:

    So that no more unwanted idiots like SPYING / Nicholas are born in USA.



             Posting a pic of the most corrupt piece of shit puppet in American history shows how much of an ignorant piece of shit kraut propagandist you actually are. As I have said numerous times before, you are nothing more than a dishonest, lying assed gisgruntled kraut propagandist so nothing you post is actually believable you worthless excuse of humanity propagandist disgruntled kraut, although your kind such as lucifer, hitler, gobbels, goring, hess, and others are waiting on you and your kinds arrival in hell.

  16. 8 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


    That's totally wrong. You do not understand this. There are some mentally handicapped idiots here in the forum who spread NAZI slogans and don't realize that they always pee on themselves. Unfortunately, in order to stimulate the rest of their brains, I have to point out the dark side of the USA again and again. As long as you always support these idiots, it will stay that way. I don't hate this USA, I just find these insulting fools with no brains just disgusting shit. You could end the tragedy with .



    8 hours ago, StarLight28 said:


    You are a fool. This is abuse of the "working class". This is intended to shift this Republican party to the right - to be nazified so that Trump's fascist has a free hand politically, whether elected or not. US civil war is imminent. Finally turn on your brain before it's too late.


           Once again, you prove that you obviously do not actually know what the hell you try to make others believe. That is because you have proven time and time again that you are actually a poorly educated, but actually a rather indoctrinated worthless excuse of humanity propagandist kraut. You've been trying so hard to spread your disgruntled propagandist kraut bullshit for awhile now. You are likely old and know you don't have much time remaining to continue doing so, but your propagandist kind such as hitler, gobbels, goring, hess, along with the others that are waiting for you to join them in hell, so that you might be one more lost soul that might lessen the times of torment and agony that they experience when lucifer prods them in the ass with his fiery pitchfork every time they attempt to make any sound or move. He, along with they, are waiting on you as well in hopes that another condemned soul, might lessen their times of torment and agony you worthless excuse of humanity dishonest propagandist piece of shit kraut.

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