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Everything posted by thedbear

  1. see the whole flow of my ticket. I was specific on the dates and thus asked which realm I wanted to add to shortly afterwards the "excuse" for problems and lost period. In my view, the first service was in general and the second sent to those who in the future (or already current) will deal with it. With that time passes and "sorry for the inconvenience" will become a popular "stamp". Moving this customer away.
  2. And yes, moments lost in Dec and Jan ... I at least know of some, but they were irrelevant in the collection of the projects themselves. And host problems that already informed resolved or controlled, would not prevent reloading now from the days stopped.πŸ™ˆ And yes, current criteria, because if operations have already been exempted from their voluntary contributions, all we have seen so far is a stark reduction of files. For the present date.πŸ™‰
  3. Sorry and it is not personal to any of the 2 projects mentioned, but where was the "rescue" of realm16 for day 5 more relevant than that of realm57 for the same date? This new scenario and criteria is what makes this very worrying. Note that on my tiket I pointed out the 2 projects and the "official" answer suport is that the period was lost.πŸ™Š
  4. The files will now be the ones we have on twitter ... and don't even think about complaining. Seriously now ... I thought it would just be a "support" to better guide operators on what to do. But seeing what this really means, the impending disaster is even more terrifying and worrying.rrying.πŸ₯Ί
  5. That's why I say that the boat (the only one that was still moving and stabilized) will sink ... And it will take the site and premiuns together.πŸ‘Ž
  6. The truth is that work and time were lost so much for those who create (participant), those who register (operations) and us, who believe and trust. For example cold and short> realm53 which is my cam to access the site day 2 (1 moment) day 9 (2 moments) day12 (3 moments-4 counting with Alexandra's bath) for 8 CC forum pages?πŸ₯Ί
  7. I just checked and fixed it 2 days ago so far this option does not exist for me yet. And I enter the menu at the end of the main page Faq Support next to the vhtv logo
  8. until 2 days ago, neither had it. So much so that I used "others" Change what really works ... Effectively this boat tends to sink. And it will pull the site together.
  9. Well, this is true. These above It didn't take even 10 minutes to not be resolved☹️
  10. For this, operations or whoever it is would have to have a storage period of more than 48 hours (4 days for example). The same for these files to be prepared. That way you can work in a better condition. I never saw the need for something that happened yesterday to have to be on the bench today. What is the timeline for then?
  11. Do not involve support in this, because then we will have many, many "justifications" like these. Let those who really have experience and proven competence for +3 years to continue dealing with this process. It does involve "support" for "maintenance" of these files that are not working properly regardless of whether they are old or loaded less than 2 weeks ago. I have always had the service moments as plan B for momentary deficiencies of the site and until practically the end of last year it had not yet disappointed me in such intensity.
  12. Hi! Why the days 3-4-5 of this period (Feb) have not yet been covered in momentary files, if those responsible for their captures already informed that they had already been properly generated and thus, ready to be loaded? Good day, tanks for the email. Could you specify please, what realm would you like to add videos from? OK! For guided days still in delay, as requested realms14; 17; 16; 55; 10; 65; 57; 51; 84; 26; 53; 74; 85; 72. I notice that they are in ascending order on the page and that I know that they have adequate material for these days. Hello, Thanks for contacting us. Unfortunately, no more videos of those days will be uploaded up to hoster issue which caused videos to be broken🀨. Sorry for inconveniences! (according to the "πŸ™„s" service of support the broken days were 3-4-5). So the only regular service since this site was created has hit rock bottom? πŸ™Š33 active projects and a little over 500 files, where there should be at least 1200 (or more) ?! Pay a premium subscription for this?
  13. OK thank you!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž
  14. Well, not all but a significant amount is on the table in the living room. Curious as to whether all will be used😁
  15. I did not understand...πŸ™ Sorry!
  16. Really?!? Will they have their own project? πŸ˜‹
  17. Really curious. But early looking at these caps as soon as they were posted I wondered what a project with this couple would be like?πŸ˜‰ Apparently we will have a small sample ...😁
  18. is true! Do they look like the same girl?😲
  19. Hahaha!😁 If Alan can, why can't she?πŸ˜‰
  20. They are coming again one by one, in sequence.😎 Jumping the blonde in black is an option.πŸ˜‰
  21. Well, if they "sleep" they will "wake up" together and more willing😏
  22. although I would prefer it more with Ilka and Sam. They who need this type of "push" downhill the most😈
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