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Everything posted by scutus

  1. Bangs, was also the nick name she was given when she visited Leora in her first apartment !!☺️
  2. Quit being a fuddy duddy. Her bangs are her trademark !😁
  3. The key word in your post is " were ". At the onset of RLC's first five apartments in 2012- 2013 all being couples. Offering a semblance of real life while being seen via cameras. Including pregnancy, domestic violence, cheating, nudity, and Nora learning how to cook something other than soup. Oops, I omitted sexual encounters, and changing partners along the way. This went on for a couple of years, then RLC chose to open the Barc#1 apartment. My guess the reason for this action was Monetary, with the hopes of expanding their viewing audience. But, they did not add to their name to BGP. "Bar Girls Playhouse" probably again because of the monetary cost of incorporating that into their name. But evidently that move was profitable because they opened more BGP apartments, again there was no name change. RLC's closing the Russian apartments was the final straw of the predominantly couples apartments leaving the BGP apartments, and I believe two couples apartments that were not in Russia. The new names for the apartments became Girls On Vacation, and Couples On Vacation. Plus singles apartments. Again RLC did not deem it necessary to change their name. Evidently Leora was made an offer she could not refuse. I suspect her absence from RLC showed up in their bank deposits. 😊 Your opinion pertaining to real life. Apparently differs from Reallifecams. My opinion is, that your best bet to resolve this issue, is for you to ( sue RLC for false advertising ) expressing your differences to them to help resolve you frustration. Have a great day, and enjoy life yo its fullest !!🙂
  4. I hope for Leora's sake that the phone conversation she has been on the last hour plus. That it is not charged on a per minute basis. This conversation, if I understood what she is saying would give a lot of insight into her life. As Newark52 stated in his post. Malia in the meantime is diligently applying lotion on herself, having bathed previously.
  5. This is your opinion which you are entitled to ! 😵 You do not seem to grasp the fact that your opinion is not mine, which I think is equally valid in this forum. ! 😁 The only resolve you/I have is to agree to disagree !🤣
  6. Quite simply, because they are two individuals ! If she did the same thing her friend does. You would say she was boring. 😀 No one will ever fit into your conception of a perfect world !! I am sorry that your life will always be one of disappointment, if the rest of the world does not conform/ perform to your individual expectations. 😐 Please enjoy your day, the best you can .🙂
  7. There is absolutely no " real life " in any house, as long as there is a camera involved ! I have long since learned to accept that fact. It is all fantasy as seen by each set of eyes. I am fully aware it is not real life. But I happen to like watching Leora. I agree to disagree. For example: I like Fords, you don't like Fords. So you go to a Chevrolet dealer saying you don't like Fords, as if you expect the Chevrolet dealer to solve your dislike !!! Have a good day, maybe you will find a house that suits you. 🙂
  8. It has nothing to do about a power play. It has to do with a Leora, and Malia thread In the RLC forum in CC's. If you want these to ladies gone as many posters have slammed it in our faces, so be it. If you were to READ the questions I asked, you would see what I was trying to get a honest answer for. Was, how does coming into a tenants thread and without respect to the posters who enjoy the current tenants, and blatantly demand closing this apartment. When absolutely no one posting in this thread has any control over what decisions RLC makes. You open your mouth and invited me into your conversation. Your name was not mentioned anywhere in any of my posts. The only power play that I have been aware of, is your self appointed position. I also am tired of the B.S. Kindly figure out which ( me ) you are from one day to the next. I will stay the same person I am , who will enjoy Leora's apartment and her visitors, until RLC or she decides to end their association.
  9. I don't exist in your world. According to the post you made a couple of days ago. 😑 Are you sure that you are not having prostrate problems. 😂 I don't need to piss in your Cheerio's, you do an excellent job of that on your own ! 🤣 I have been away for about an hour. I need to catch up on what is going on in Prague !!
  10. Enjoy while we can. I suspect her visit is a little over half over. Depending of course her visa status !☺️
  11. Aussie, I don't want to rain on your parade. But , I think the reason Malia is supporting her right leg on the pillow, is because that evidently she has hurt that leg. Based on how she has been limping when she walks. You are correct she has gotten a lot more comfortable without clothing. 😊
  12. Perhaps you need to keep watching. We would never want you to lose your sense of humor ! ps. We did not choose the name of Reallifecam. The " real " needs to be discussed with them ! You are wasting you breath here. We have no control of their policies.! But your post does add a number to the posts made in the Leora, and Malia thread. Keep posting, we all enjoy a good laugh ! 😁
  13. Nicholas, Let me ask this. Does asking for open answers to open questions regarding the relationship of our posts, CC's, and RLC , constitute a declaration for war? I think not !
  14. Kindly explain to me in a reasonable manner what " true real life in cams " is. Since it has been stated earlier that what is said in this thread. That what is said in CC's has no affect on RLC's decisions. Would it not be more prudent to discuss your wish with RLC representatives to make a change in your favor. Just saying ! Enjoy your day. Your post in this thread does add to the numbers for this thread !😉
  15. Says he who just joined "this crowd " by posting here. By all means keep posting here. Because the numbers of posts are counted ! 😁 Of course, this being the Leora, and Malia thread. Your posts are contributing to the tenants popularity with your posts !😁
  16. Why bother then to appear here. If we who choose to enjoy Leora, do so ? Other than to "stir the pot ". Welcome to the Leora, and Malia thread. Have a nice day! 😁
  17. So says corvette84, IMO, the king of the " pot stirrers. Who could not give an honest answer to any of the questions I posted. Have a nice day ! 😁
  18. What ? Did Leora get a scent of the wrong "eau de cologne ", and kick the " stinky one" out of her panty drawer ?? 😁
  19. Any and all are welcome to respond to these question ?
  20. Is it possible for the " Voyeurs " in the purest sense of their perceived activities, to be satisfied with any apartment with cameras ??
  21. Is it actually possible for there to be in the purest sense of "Real Life", presented to us the viewers, as long as there are cameras providing us the access into the tenants apartments ?
  22. As it as been indicated by adverse posts. Is it wrong for those of us who appreciate Leora and Malia, to enjoy their activities ?
  23. How much do you think what happens at CC's, influences RLC management decisions ?
  24. Since there is a lull in the activity at the apartment. With Leora, and Malia out and about enjoying their lives away from the cameras. I have been pondering a few things which are directly involved with the two ladies of this residence. How much in reality does our opinions that are posted influence the activities of the two ladies when they are home ? How much does our opinions influence RLC's management ?
  25. There is absolutely no rule that says that you must keep on observing the lovely distracting vision. !!😍
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