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Everything posted by itsme

  1. George giving her some attention.
  2. Hope she's doing okay, she seems a bit upset.
  3. Ah okay, good to hear! I had just logged on so I didn't see the events leading up to it.
  4. Was Ary mad? She was naked, got dressed, and then left in like 3 minutes.
  5. President Trump asked the chiefs of the NSA and DNI to publicly deny evidence of collusion.[1] The United States Intelligence Agencies have confirmed that a foreign nation interfered with the American election process.[2] We know two dozen state's election systems came under attack.[3] The Intelligence Agencies heads unanimously agree that the Russians will attack the 2018 election.[4] President Trump has refused to act, NSA Director Admiral Rodgers testified to Congress that Trump has given no order to counter Russian meddling.[5] Former FBI Director James Comey said that President Trump was more worried about PR then stopping the Russians.[6] The Department of Homeland Security and the FBI have accused the Russian government of a multi-stage intrusion campaign targeting the U.S. energy grid. These attacks included critical infrastructure in energy, nuclear, commercial facilities, water facilities, and aviation facilities.[7] Here is the report by the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team where analytic efforts undertaken by DHS and the FBI have found a multistage intrusion campaign perpetuated by the Russian state.[8] This isn't fake news, the United States is under cyber attack from Russia. It is clear that the United States of America is under cyber attack, yet many Republican Chairmen of various Congressional committees are blocking any and all investigations. Republicans in the House Intelligence Committee voted to shut down the Russia probe.[9] Republicans shut down the HIC investigation when we know of at least 70 contacts between the Trump team and Russia-linked operatives, the committee obtained either no or incomplete information about 81% of known contacts between Trump officials and Russians.[10] Six Democrats who are Ranking Members of their committees have been forced to request documents related to the Russian attacks against 21 state election systems in 2016 from Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.[11] 1) Washington Post - Trump asked intelligence chiefs to push back against FBI collusion probe after Comey revealed its existence 2) New York Times - Trump Misleads on Russian Meddling: Why 17 Intelligence Agencies Don’t Need to Agree 3) NPR - 10 Months After Election Day, Feds Tell States More About Russian Hacking 4) Washington Post - The nation’s top spies said Russia is continuing to target the U.S. political system 5) New York Times - White House Has Given No Orders to Counter Russian Meddling, N.S.A. Chief Says 6) MSNBC - Comey: Trump more concerned with PR than stopping Russians 7) TechCrunch - DHS and FBI detail how Russia is hacking into U.S. nuclear facilities and other critical infrastructure 8) Department of Homeland Security: United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) - Russian Government Cyber Activity Targeting Energy and Other Critical Infrastructure Sectors 9) Reuters - Republicans shut down House Russia probe over Democratic objections 10) NBC - House probe overlooked most Trump-Russia contacts, report claims 11) The Hill - House Dems ask Ryan to intervene on Russia documents
  6. Some interesting info here: President Trump said the red line would be drawn at Special Counsel Mueller looking into the Trump Empire's finances. Why you may ask? The entire family is involved in laundering money. Christopher Steele has stated that Trump's hotel and land deals with Russians need to be examined.[1] Steve Bannon's comments all but confirmed our suspicions that Trump is being investigated for laundering money.[2] We recently found out that Trump's first international venture in Panama City is a hub for laundering money.[3] He handed the business dealings over to Ivanka Trump and although many properties were bought the entire area is almost a ghost town.[4] The tower stands dark as very few people live in the properties. Turns out the owners hail from colourful backgrounds including Russian gangsters, drug cartels, and people smugglers.[5] Rachel Maddow did a piece about a Trump Tower project in Azerbaijan.[6] In it Ivanka Trump takes a video promoting her family's building, but it turns out she wasn't filming at the Trump property as it was built in a rundown location. The Trump organization has been laundering money for a long time. Here are a few examples The New Yorker touches upon including his Taj Mahal Casino, projects in India, Uruguay, Georgia, Indonesia, the Philipines, and China.[7]Listen to this short NPR podcast interview where Adam Davidson explains what he uncovered while investigating Baku.[8] Today we found out that the President of the United States did business with a sanctioned Russian bank during the 2016 campaign.[9] In 2017 President Trump tweeted that "I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!"[10] He lied. Read what Felix Sater, a Russian bussiness associate of the President, offered President Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen in 2015. Felix Sater wanted to work with the Russians to help get Trump elected by showcasing Trump's negotiation skills. To do this he wanted to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. The New York Times[11] story is corroborated by the Washington Post.[12] President Trump signed a letter of intent to build the Moscow Trump Tower during the campaign.[13] New information on the relationship between Felix Sater and Trump has come to light recently, including much more money laundering. Rachel Maddow explains how billionaires from Kazakhstan, who are embroiled in court cases involving money laundering, had their money laundered through Trump properties via Felix Sater.[14] There is video/photographic evidence of President Trump promoting a new project in Georgia to build a Trump Tower, but they never did end up building the Trump tower. The project was used to launder money. Felix Sater attended Trump's invite-only victory party to celebrate his presidential victory.[15] In July of 2016 we know he attended a secret meeting at Trump Tower.[16] Months ago it was reported that Felix Sater was ready and willing to cooperate with Special Counsel Mueller.[17] Paul Wood, World Affairs correspondent for the BBC, wrote the original article for The Spectator.[18] Back in the 90's Felix Sater was caught up in a massive stock scam and flipped on mob families in New York. Guess who flipped him? He's on Special Counsel Mueller's team - Andrew Weissmann.[19] 1) Business Insider - 'Dossier' author Christopher Steele: Trump's hotel and land deals with Russians need to be examined 2) The Guardian - Trump Tower meeting with Russians 'treasonous', Bannon says in explosive book 3) NBC - A Panama tower carries Trump’s name and ties to organized crime 4) Global Witness - Narco-A-Lago: Money Laundering At The Trump Ocean Club Panama 5) The Guardian - Trump's Panama tower used for money laundering by condo owners, reports say 6) Sketchy Donald Trump Deal Eyed For Ties To Iran | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC 7) The New Yorker - Donald Trump’s Worst Deal: The President helped build a hotel in Azerbaijan that appears to be a corrupt operation engineered by oligarchs tied to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard 8) NPR - 'The New Yorker' Uncovers Trump Hotel's Ties To Corrupt Oligarch Family 9) The Guardian - Trump Organization 'negotiated with sanctioned Russian bank in 2016' 10) Trump January 2017 Tweet 11) New York Times - Trump Associate Boasted That Moscow Business Deal ‘Will Get Donald Elected’ 12) The Washington Post - Trump’s company had more contact with Russia during campaign, according to documents turned over to investigators 13) ABC News - Trump signed letter of intent for Russian tower during campaign, lawyer says 14) MSNBC Rachel Maddow - Sketchy money finds its way into Trump deals 15) GQ - Inside Donald Trump's Election Night War Room 16) Politico - Trump’s mob-linked ex-associate gives $5,400 to campaign 17) Raw Story - Longtime Trump business partner ‘told family he knows he and POTUS are going to prison’: report 18) The Spectator - Forget Charlottesville - Russia Is Still The True Trump's True Scandal 19) Slate - An Intriguing Link Between the Mueller Investigation, Trump, and Alleged Money Laundering
  7. She kind of looks like Leora from RLC. What's up with her knees?
  8. The U.S. is now officially striking targets in Syria. This could be big.
  9. Edit: It appears the missiles might be Israeli.
  10. Things are heating. The U.S. is reportedly striking targets in Syria.
  11. Bumping this to get some more votes.
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