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Everything posted by ed2

  1. I was going to report this 👆🏻 but what point is it when this 👇🏻 is the example set by a moderator.
  2. Yes, and I fully agree with that, so why don't you focus more on doing somethng about it? Because they are the real problem. You should spend more of your time trying to find a reason to ban guys like Harley and Maxfactor, instead of attacking god members like Corvette or Firewall, who just write their honest opinions, possitive and negative. Wake up, Moos! Stop pretending you are better than everyone, and focus on the real issues.
  3. I wasn't going to make any mention of this, but I wholeheartedly agree that some of these girls are really... REALLY bottom of the barrel. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, anyways. I often even prefer the "non-model" looking bodies. But no one's looks really matter that much to me, it's their lifes I'm here to watch!
  4. Yes, that's your view, perfectly explained. Good post! But you didn't really answer to the issue I adressed. Can you accept that others have a very different understanding from you, without talking them into lesser people? As you have tried to explain many times, and if I have understood you correct, I think you get most of your excitement from seeing if they are going to offer us anything. My view is quite different. I want everyone to share some degree, a part of their most private and intimate moments with us. I want their emotions. And their unconcious acts/habbits. That's what the project is about for me.
  5. They're safe, viruses don't spread in the dark, or so I've heard. 😏
  6. I understand, English is not my native language either. And in this case I agree with you. We have 2 wonderful open guests, and B2 feels more like a roommate apartment with 5 friends. That's good, in my opinion, and I hope this state lasts! I'm just saying that you have a tendency to turn people against you, when you often paint us as lesss objective people just because we are not satisfied with seeing a naked girls. Earlier you tried to explain that Assol and Amelie only showered in the dark because the lights were turned off when they entered the bathroom. Of course you have your full right to express your opinions freely too, like everybody else, but I think you would have made it easier for yourself if you showed some more acceptance. Maybe even clearly state that "this is my view, you have your", instead of always trying to lecture us.
  7. It's God's punishment! You have watched too many sluts, Sergio. 🤯🔫
  8. It's not much, but you do have some small arrogant remarks like this that only amplify the impression some already have of you. It just makes it worse for you. All of us should probably work on being alot more calm and polite towards each other, but it is quite impossible with the poisonous environment on here. It likely hadn't hurt if you moderators had tried to focus more on the members who notoriously cannot behave either, instead on the few who actually seem to be nice persons. Get Admin to do something with the real problem.
  9. I'm pretty sure Corvette was being sarcastic. Can you please stop protaginising every member on this forum! We all know you are satisfied if tenants shower, but try to accept that others may be happy if they do abit more! You are quite agressive against everyone who doesn't share your view, and that's what fire up this theories, even if the the theories are rediculous.
  10. He definitely is a "slut"! But think this apartment is quite good though, one of the more interesting on RLC. I like it alot better now, without the awkward situation with Asia. I just wish more girls on the project were as sexually active as Hakeem.
  11. Same here, my friend! Atleast we have each other on here.
  12. Stupid! Safe time is not definite in any way! Even the pill can fail. Condoms are always the safest protection.
  13. WTF?!! He is trying to make her feel guilty for not checking herself? He is the one fucking 1000 people without a condom!!!
  14. Yeah, it's kinda sad, IMO. We either have girls that showers in the dark and do absolutely nothing, or we have those who act like they're obligated to put on something for the viewers, ranging from pose teasing to sex orgies. Very few just share of themselves. Fiora has got me intrigued the last few days though, hope she manages to stay this way.
  15. Denmark closes all schools and all public offices that isn't healthcare or police!
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