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Everything posted by ed2

  1. Accusing members of breaking the rules, when they really hasn't, wander if that is mentioned in the rules? May quallify as flame baiting?
  2. So we will have to watch through a chaos of threads, instead of one, it will be impossible to keep track, I don't see how that will make it more interesting or keep posters from drifting. We were supposed to create a thread on the topics we want, so if alot of us want a general chat topic, I don't see what is wrong with that!
  3. No signs of Lola or Polya packing yet? If everyone is going to stay as long as Gina, they might as well move it to roommates category (as kkh).
  4. If it was said in a conversation on cam? It was even in english
  5. From conversation in the apartment, Helen has said she was looking for work, she was going to an audition in a club, later she said she got the job..... will it be against the rules saying she probably work in a club, because if so, I will not mention it here, oops, already did, lol
  6. Even me? Thank you noldus for creating a general chat thread, I don't understand the new system, if everyone create a new thread for every topic they way want to express, it will be very hard to keep track, maybe some double posting, and I doubt it will increase the overall traffic (as stncld stated was the intention)! And you could create your own threads before too, couldn't you, so what's the point?
  7. Yes, it should be so, and I think they should act natural as possible, but as spock pointed out they preform alot of shows for the cams, so is it really so?
  8. The kitchen cam has been out of service quite a while now, I have asked rlc when they will fix it, but no answer
  9. I saw the bate in replay too, it was good, she is deffinately the current girl showing most in barca, and of previous girls she is amongst the top. She has deffinately done alot on cam, but last time she tempered with the cams on 2 occations, this time she had sex hidden in the batroom on 2 occations. After that, can't you understand that people judging her? Is it really unfair? I have criticized her for playing more to the cams, spreading legs towards the cam, doing "exercice" and the teasing with Sofie, I'm no fan of it, but for most guys here that change is positive. The "fuck you" show was just silly and stupid. On her bating, I don't think much have changed, it was always in some strange positions, sometimes hidden sometimes not, and she had the troubles acheaving orgasm last time too.
  10. I'm consistent enough... I have told before what I would think if this happened I stand by that, but I guess alot of guys on here got what they are always wanting, a staged lesbian act! And I still think Nicole is just as straight as before.
  11. Not more false than your accusations about me, but sorry Naga, may we stop it and lay it behind us
  12. The seizures was dangerous, the fight was not... voyeur is watching real life, not an al cosy and lovely farytale... if you judge, then I might as well judge you, you lives as much in a bubble as BBsq59
  13. If you read my posts, it is my view too, but don't speak too loud, this forum tends to take such opinions as insults (or maybe blasphemic, dissrespecting of their godesses LOL)
  14. Don't take my post too serious. (Hearts and big fonts is abit out of character for me, isn't it). I don't let anything go to my head, I just follow the apartments, I'm not obsessed, I don't hate (maybe exept Lev) nor love any of the tenants, I just register the behaviour, and sometimes comment on it here. I value the real life moments we see on RLC, but not so much the staged acts.
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