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Everything posted by ed2

  1. Then why do you come here, bring up the bible and make gayness sound as something sinfull? Or no... just forget it, we should not drag out this debate any longer.
  2. As I said, we have different expectations, Gina and the twins was godesses for those who want nudity and pussy shots, to me they were boring. For many, Kylie (stayed with Stella for a while) was a short lived irrelevant detail in RLC history, not a model beuty and not that much nudity, but I loved her genuinity and naturalnesss.
  3. I agree, she is very good looking. On we might have some different view on what a voyeur site is, and therefore different expectations. Me for example, I want to see masturbation, but do not want 24/ nakedness, silly dance preformances nor body painting parties.
  4. So you say think gay people are forced to become gay because of society? I think the oposite, society is straight, gay people, or people with other sexual preferances or fetishes have to against society. In porn it is different though, straight people may "experiment" just because it makes for a petter show, wich I think is the case in the cases you were discussing.
  5. ???????? What do you mean? You didn't comment on my point. I happen to agree with Harley on some matters, but also dissagee with him on other matters. I do not like his style of posting, he is looking for things to make fun of, and dissrespect all posters he dissagrees with. In fact, he is abit euromike and @happyone on that matter (sorry happyone, but you know how we see things differently). But not everyone having a slightly critical opinion is automatically like Harley, but are either being acccused of being HarleyFatboy and Mr Box posting under different phseudonyms, or attacked and made fun of in any other way. So my point: Why have we never seen a moderator speak up against this kind of dissrespecting??? Meanwhile, if anyone dissrespect a tenant, you moderators are quick to speak up, and in some cases even ban people for it!
  6. As I said, I regret attacking you, and attacking your right to express your views, I'm very sorry for that! We still dissagree, I think opinions should be welcomed on a forum. I ca see that a few members only post negative to troll with others, but we are other members, myself and I know several others, if we just objectively state an opnion, for example thinking that hiding is wrong, we get attacked. A small group of members do not accept this, making fun of us, or they accuse us of being trolls, saying we are only posting to "insult" the tenants, because we hate all women, and our lifes are misserable. I never saw a moderator say anything about their, but moderators often join in to say we cannot judge or criticize the girls.... The only thing I can make out of that, criticizing RLC and its tenants is not accepted, but personal attacks against those having critical opinions is fully accepted!!?
  7. OK, I was unfair judging you as a moderator moos54, sorry for that! You didn't take advantage of your powers as moderator at all, but simply stated your opinion. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to accuse you of that, I just very much dissagree with your statements. This is a forum is dedicated to discussing the lifes we observe on RLC. I don't see anything wrong with criticizing or judging Lola. I don't follow the girls' outside life, I don't know their life situation. I never assumed persons who come to live on a voyeur to be all innocent angels, so I feel no obligation to defend their reputation. I don't judge anyone for coming to Barcelona to have fun at all, but is rather in fact happy that they do. The thing I judge them on, is hiding and keeping all the real out of the apartments, or off cam, while only doing some stupid faked shows on cam.
  8. Yes, they all come from the circles around the clubs, and most of them work as models, so it is likely they also come from the same agencies. Well, let them tell the story, that they know each others because they grew up in the same sunday school community in some rural town of Russia, but do not expect me to believe it.
  9. You are a moderator, moos54. Of course, as a member of the forum you are entiteled to your opinions, but I have to agree with @HarleyFatboy if you cannot accept people having critical opinions you should maybe not be a moderator. Look at your own posts moos54, you could not accept accusations against Lola, but here you accuse HarleyFatboy of having a health problem. Wish I understood your line of moderation here!
  10. I see no mentioning of it here, maybe is too blasphemic to address here, but it is reasons to believe Helen was "fired" (told to leave) from RLC earlier than planned. Yesterday she was angry after recieving a text, and that is when she tore down all the posters from the wall. And last night, when she was packing, and her phone died on her, smashed her phone really hard into the drawer, and she broke down crying and sobbing.
  11. B1 might be UM for a while, I don't know if the posters have damaged the wall, but Helen has also painted directly on the wall, the room might need repainting! Once when she came home late at night, she painted a big jing/jang sign on her wall. And that night she did the wild preformance, where she fell of the stairs, she also painted FCB on the bedroom wall.
  12. 02:58 Helen couldn't get her phone working, so she smashed it really hard, don't think it helped.... she is really sad and angry/frustrated about something, she has been crying and sobbing.
  13. I guess on the first, exspessially because Kami is still there. If it were the latter, Heidi should really be the last to go in that apartment
  14. I don't remember who wrote it, but someone wrote in the chat at RLCF that they had overheard a conversation during the party, one of the guy asks Lola: how long are you staying in Spain, Lola answers: till September.
  15. Some is obsessed in one girl, some watch only a few apartments, and I watch alittle of every apartment, but please stop this shit!
  16. This is the kind of posts I wanted in this thread. Thank you, interesting questions rised, and good reasoning! It is interesting thoughts, but I think it is very hard to believe that the russian, or any other state's government sould be involved in any way, nor that it is research project. Your money laundry theory might not sound unbelievable to me, but for laundring money I would've thought they'd maybe chosen a business alittle less suspicious than a porn site. I don't know. Watching the Barcelona apartments have got me wondering, if RLC have some kind of interest in the clubbing industry. We've seen some very suspicious guys in the apartments, and i is not even a conspiracy, but a fact, that many of the girls work "night jobs" outside the houses. It effects the life inside the apartments negatively, and it happens on RLC's payed time. It is not logical, because it do not benefit us, it do not benefit RLC, unless RLC is involved in it somehow....... or why else would RLC accept it?
  17. It is even longer, Maya started bating in May, my first cap of Maya ever bating is from 15 of May. Then they had not had sex for a very long time before that. I might have missed something, but I don't think I've seen them fucking since Marsh.
  18. Helen said to her boyfriend on the phone, in english, she was free to come visit him in August, so that might mean Helen will leave before the end of August.
  19. Can't people just respect that others see things differently, maybe give them your opposing view, tell why you believe that rather that, and when it gets to the stage where it is pointless to continue, then just ignore it. I really disslike all the mocking on this forum, contradicting just to make fun of other posters. Can't you agree to dissagree? I have no doubts that certan events are staged for the cams, or that they are very aware of cam angles, but I don't think they get detailed texts telling them what to do every step. I'm not watching particularily close, but I too think bud reads far too much into the texting. We live in the age of social media, I too am online 24/7, checking for updates every 2 minutes.
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