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Everything posted by ed2

  1. Desiree bated again 2 nights ago. A rather long and sneaky foreplay infront of a sleeping Raul on the couch, then gently walked out on tip toes, so not to wake Raul, and bated with a dildo in the bedroom.
  2. Or put her in a room with better cams, she is the only one doing anything worth watching anyway, so she should have a better room with the best cams. So RLC: switch Helen to a better room, and just send the others home, the sooner the better!
  3. It was after a windows update, but just I had to change the settings, to allow it to run automatically, I went to chrome settings, and followed this https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/enabling-flash-player-chrome.html
  4. I had some problems playing video a while ago, I had to change some settings to allow flash player to run on all sites, flash player is an integrated extention in the chrome browser, but not in internet explorer, so I had no problems in internet explorer. Could it be something like that?
  5. Yes. Gina has been here since february, but the girls usually stay max 3 months, sometimes shorter, so Lola and Polya will likely leave within 10 days
  6. I wasn't here then, but from what I read, something has changed, I don't know if it is the persons or RLC itself that has changed, but it is different, overall there seem to be very little initiative to do anything at all inside the apartments. I think RLC must change its tactics, put in much more effort on new recruting, there have been some stars, but keep recycling these same people over and over again will get boring in the end. It is my view, and it always was.
  7. Yes, I know what you said, but this was not my point, I was saying that you are right Naga, bating is a private thing, but you made it sound as that justify the hiding, while I think that it is exactly the concept, the only reason being on RLC, it is doing real life on cam.
  8. Yes, it is private for them, but what the hell is the purpose of a site like RLC???? Hiding private life???? They do a staged show once in a while, and it seems that makes most of you drool in exitement, and you "good guys" on this forum are satisfyed enough that you don't care when they hide all that private life?? I think if they are not comfortable doing private life and intimacy on cam, but only these in my opinion silly shows, then I don't think they are suiteble for RLC. It is kind of the concept! If they don't want to, why are they on RLC?
  9. Almost in the exact same position Lola did in this bed, just before moving to b2. It has been written Gina bating many times, but always just a few rubs to tease the viewers, but now after 140 days she actually bated on cam, I thought we would see it, but it is not exactly too early.... she is probably close to her leaving, so she bated, LOL, a good bye action, just so she'll have a reason to return.
  10. Lola and Polya's time is soon up, so they'll be leaving in not too long, it is possible Anna will leave with Lola. Gina, I also think it is about time she should go too.
  11. I think I understood you, but your opponent clearly didn't. Why do you ask me this? I feel that you already have your idea about the thing He is not taken in traitor, do not worry, I'm sure that he is aware of the cameras well before putting a foot in the apartment, it does not prevent him to come several times, take showers, To make parties, to sleep, to make love with Kristy, if really the cameras were a problem for their relationship, he would never have done all this, that's my opinion The cameras for me are not a problem He is not asking you this, he is trying to make a point, about what the cameras tell you of them. I think none of these are exactly the personallities to look for permanent attachments, marriage, and someone to form a family with, but rather more short termed sexual relationship. But even if there were never going to be "lived happily ever after", breakups can still hurt.
  12. Dasha and Demid are now gone, so maybe Zoya and Lev should be next. Defenders will always say that this is not a porn site, and they are right, but it is a voyeur site though, so we are not only counting explicite sex, but some of the older couples have lost most of the exitement, they become boring, people loose interest, and they mostly just serve as dead waste. I must say I feel sympathy for Zoya, because of Lev, but I'm not a big fan. Zoya points her pussy at the cam and hides her face, not much voyeur over that in my opinion. Even though I like Maya, and Adriana is amongst my favourites (they are both true voyeur, very natural, no fuss for the cams), I must admit that they belong in this category too, of older apartments that have lost most of the exitement and become pretty boring. I still like them, but I don't think renewal would hurt. Instead RLC seem very reluctant to replace these older couples, rather protecting them longer than good sometimes (Dasha&Demid, Carina&Sabrina). Why RLC chose to support abusers like Lev and Efhim is beyond my understanding!
  13. I agree to this, but even if they all concented to the 3some, Nina and doe-eyes seem very close, but Kira seems much ,more distancated. Kira knows about, and participated in the 3some, but I'm not so sure Kira likes how close those other two are
  14. Oh... I'd feel sorry for Zoya, Kitty and Julia are both very agressive, moody, unstable, starting big, long lasting arguments and fights, how long could it possibly go till there would be a clinch, then those two could beat the hell out of Zoya, worse than Lev ever did
  15. I don't exactly think she has been dissapointing, but the nights with Marc could have been better. He was there 2 times, you didn't mention that. Both times they did the first round totally hidden in the bathroom, but they had a second round on the bed later in the night. You write "amazing view" and "naked yoga", to me that isn't really impressing, staged views like Belle, but Nicole did a couple of good bates too. I agree Naga, she was doing pretty great up untill the seizures, then the illness has been very hars on her, and I still think it would have been best if she went home during that time. Now she seem to recover, and I hope she will get to her old self again, hopefully get back to her bating habits again, and maybe I'm dreaming, but if she ever brings another boy, we must hope he is not shy like Marc. I know alot of you here don't bother fakeness, but to me it is just silly.... chocolate licking party is even more silly than body paintings in my view
  16. Yes, she bated undercover, but she bated again, she hasn't done in ages, so that is a good sign. Let us hope she starts to do things in the open again, but even before the illness she did it undercover several times, and the episodes with Marc was just dissapointing, if not provoking. A Nicole hiding the action from the cams is not the Nicole I like. Nicole has also actually been participating in the parties, like last night, most of you probably count that as positive, but I was not watching, I think it just looks stupid. My point, I hope she still has what makes Nicole great, her stubborness, her openess, her horniness, her doing her own thing, in her own way. I hope she hasn't totally become like the others, very good teasers, but hiding when it comes to the real thing. I will also say I think there is much harder for a returning girl to impress, because we know that person, we have expectations. My comment on last night in B2, it is the same scripts playing on repeat, even with the same people in it, so if RLC can't figure out anything new, the least would be to put some new faces in the old scripts!
  17. cook. have a dinner togher, play videogames, invite friends, have a party at home, and of course they could masturbate. I don't really mind them being boring most of the time either, if they don't hide, nor act like they're posing for the cam when they actually do something interesting.
  18. He is still around, not given up, he sometimes come to the chat at RLCfan, last I spoke to him, in may/june, he said he had 40% of the investments. 6 months ago he told he had 1/3. Many think he is a fraud, saying his stories doesn't add up, that he is luring for money, maybe too good to be true, I don't know, but I certanly think it sounds interesting, we can alwas hope he is for real, and that he will sucseed.
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