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Everything posted by ed2

  1. She had 2 grand mal epileptic seizures on cam, last week, in bed, that's when she hit her head and eye, first against the gavle, the other seizure she fell from her bed to the floor and hit her face again. I think this illnes is unrelated to that though, a fever.
  2. She had 2 grand mal epileptic seizures on cam, last week, in bed, that's when she hit her head and eye, first against the gavle, the other seizure she fell from her bed to the floor and hit her face again.
  3. It is a reason I too almost always want a new tenant, instead of one returning. Learning to know them, see how they adapt, the first views, it is always more exiting than a returning tenant.
  4. I agree orgies 24/7 wouldn't be voyeur, but nor is this hiding and tease games we see. I buy unsensured reallife, that will sometimes include sex and/or masturbation, and will always exclude intentional hiding, but also intentional exposure, posing for the cams and staged activities
  5. Good! Many girls need a little time, getting used to the cams, we must be patient with that, so too early to judge yet.
  6. Helena, she do pray, hope that doesn't exclude showing any activity on cam. Now we don't know how Helena is much yet, we have great hopes for her, she might not be like that at all, but girls doing prayers can really make one wonder WTF RLC is thinking, have they started recruting from sunday school??
  7. I think so! Gina and Polya was sleepingin very late and after they woke up and talked abit. Gina said something and they went to Gina's old room and knocked on the door before they went in. Looked like they thought they missed the new girl come in.
  8. I checked in replay, it was someone showing up at the door, Lola answered the door, but the visitor could not come in, Anna picked up her phone and called someone, then it went UM
  9. Theories about tenants and RLC, not about Harleyfatboy, I have no interest in theories about him, nor other members' motives. I don't want this to become another war thread between you, Harleyfatboy and euromike. No harm yet, but I know how easy it gets out of hand on this forum. It's ok, just not take it any further.
  10. Please! I created this thread to share theories. Please don't turn it into another playground for shit throwing, or I will delete it.
  11. What was I wrong about? I said they were in Barcelona a few days last month, and a few days last week. It was when we saw Caro on cam in b2. (Then I was speculating, these girls visits must have had other business in Barcelona, and just using the oportunity to visit friends in b2? Where they were inbetween, I have no idea! You say Italy? Italy is inside schengen visa area, so that backs my statement that Anna's stay can not possibly be a very long one. (Then me speculating again, Anna may only be staying as long as Lola, wich has about 30 days left). I don't follow any social media. Only RLC, and what I read on CC and RLCfan.
  12. Still inside schengen visa area, so will likely not be a full stay anyway. Lola has about 30 days left, so maybe Anna is only staying for so long too. Carolina stayed a few days in b2 last month, sleeping with Belle. At that time, some people said to me, Anna was in Barcelona too, because they read it in social media. Last week Carolina showed up in b2 again, but then with Anna too, sleeping with Rose. They was only visiting a couple of days though. These girls must have other business in Barcelona, and while they are there, just using the oportunity to visit friends, and a cheap bed to sleep in. Now as a listed tenant, we must hope that b2 will not continue becoming a hotel for their outside business.
  13. Anna was visiting only a few days ago, she left some bags in b2, that means her return was planned, but if it was the plan, why did they move Nicole back and forth?Maybe Anna was supposed to get the little room, but RLC changed their plan. They moved Nicole back to her old room, in order to move Lola in with Anna, but maybe just as interesting, moving Lola to b2, making space in b1. Do that mean they have a new girl waiting for b1? They could've sent Gina home, but instead they make all this changes to make room for one more. Is that what this is about?
  14. Any theories? Anna was visiting only a few days ago, she left some bags in b2, that means her return was planned, but if it was the plan, why did they move Nicole back and forth? Maybe anna was supposed to get the little room. RLC has obviosly had to change their plan. They moved Nicole back to her old room, in order to move Lola in with Anna, but maybe just as interesting, moving Lola to b2, making space in b1. Do they have a new girl waiting for b1? They could send Gina home, but instead they make all this changes to make room. I think it is all very strange!
  15. LOL... whenever I get on they are always either eating or cooking. A coincidence, or do they spend alot of a time eating... LOL.... probably just me always logging on around their dinner time.
  16. I think it is very strange. RLC has obviosly had to change their plan. Anna was in that room visiting only a few days ago, if it was the plan she would move in 3 days later, why did they move Nicole back and forth.
  17. Both seizures happened during sleep, in the early morning. I was just thinking that RLC might have gotten her another place to stay in, not for monitoring, but just so it wouldn't happen on cam again. All pure speculations of course. You may very well be right.
  18. I wonder if we are seeing signs recently, that RLC is experiencing great difficulties finding anyone to stay in the apartments. They've extended Gina's stay. B2 had an empty guestroom for 1,5 week before Sofie arrived. Now B2 has an empty room again, for 3 days now, sincce Rose left.
  19. I also think they should find a quick replacement for Nicole, for health reasons. In the mean time they are keeping her on, being in B2 during the days, but sleeping somewhere else.
  20. I didn't! I was answering to happyman88, but in the same post I asked you happyone, if I could speculate without hard evidence.
  21. I agree, she manipulated her way there last time, but it was rightfully hers this time, the big room is usually occupied by the girl who has been there the longest. When Rose left, that is Nicole. She hit her hed during 2 epileptic grand mal seizures, on cam, it was awfull. May I speculate happyone? I think it may be the reason she has slept away from b2 the last couple of nights
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