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Everything posted by ed2

  1. Ja, helt klart, det var det han hadde i tankene da han valgte sitt profilbilde.
  2. where did I say anything about you? Both I and you speak only for ourselfs
  3. We've been married for years. Harleyboy are out just now, getting treatment for aids, but I'm looking forward to his return, we'll have a proper ass fuck
  4. Too late, this guys already drove me to suicide (laughing to death), now speaking from the grave.
  5. HarleyFatboy and vortis, I get the impression sometimes, they think they speak the more true voice of RLC costumers, even though they are not subscribers themselfs. I can see how that prowokes you. I never pretended to speak for others tham myself. We also have another member on here, who think he is the most intelegent living creature on planet earth.
  6. I agree, I'm not the brightest thing on earth, but you obviously are! I know a guy with that self-image..... you don't have orange hair, do you?
  7. I thank harleyboy for this thread, it really is funny... most funny of it all, you actually think I get offended by being called gay
  8. I think we'll be a good couple... who'd you pair vortios with, or had forgotten him?
  9. It is not just here in rants & flame wars, it is on the regular threads too. We have discussed things before Foamy, and out views differ very much. You see people as trolls if they post that a tenant in their opinion hides too much, puts up an act or just is not perfect. You told me it is done only to prowoke. In other words, sharing opinions is equal to being a troll? So euromike (on the regular threads) constantly attacing members he dissagrees with, calling them plain stupid, saying they had a bad upbringing, that is clearly not being a troll, that is totally legit? P.S. one can ask, who appoints these mods? (sorry if I was too offencive, I'm just getting some anger out, sorry!).
  10. How is one supposed to react to this. Yes, euromike is totally right. I'm a troll. I'm gay. I hate all women, because I was rejected by a woman that I loved (but wasn't I gay?). My mother is probably involved in this too, she gave me a bad upbringing, that is why I'm now an internet troll. You were right all the time, I'm the troll, always mocking others, making insulting accusations, you are the good guys, treating everyone with respect. You just made me realize it all. I must log of now, I will spend the rest of the night considering comitting suecide.
  11. I lost weight on that picture. I'm usually bigger
  12. I'm not glued to my pc screan 24/7, so I don't answer same second. I write my views and opinions, not always loving, so I know that makes me a troll in your eyes. Speaking of trolls, how can anyone remain decent when you are constantly attacing me.... with rethoric from kindergarden! LOL! I feel no obligation to defend HarleyFatboy, he is prowokative, but compared to others on here, he is not bad at all. I don't support him in all he does, but with the treatment people with own opinions get on here, who do you think we start identifying more with?
  13. Euromike, you actually are funny (seriously, no sarcasm). I say as you use to say, if that was ment as an insult, it was totally unsuccessfull, I'm ROFLMAO here! HarleyFatboy is a jerk, he likes mocking people, but you are making it damn easy for him, acting as a parody on your own reputation. You think faggot is an insulting word? I live in the 21st century, I laugh at homophobia, exspecially when it totally lacks contact with reallity.
  14. HarleFatboy, you know it very well, we can not speak ill of RLC and its tenants, we can only encurage them, because remember, the girls may read the threads, even here in the flame wars...... also, other members might not get turned on by reading such posts, so shame on you bull face for creating such a thread!!!! Well, to hell with sarcasm, happyone or euromike never turned me on much anyway, so I might as well join your thread.
  15. I want a place to discuss freely thoughts and what we see on RLC, without being accused of dissrespecting, insulting and speaking ill of anyone. The argument that the tenants read the forums are frequently used to supress the free opinion, and we must only write encuraging post. I want a thread for free thinking members. I'm very interested in hearing other members' thoughts, theories and opinions, I also like to read conspiracy theories, positive as well as criticism. As watchers of RLC, we follow people's lives closely, we notice details, often and likely it means nothing, but it can be interesting (to me anyway) to hear what others read into it. It gives some perspective. Please come here to share such things.
  16. I get the "my" thing is very sarcastic, but they take still everything they dissagree with as a serious critique or insult of "their" girl.
  17. I read the comments, no one is "having a go" at Nicole, some just said she is not good bonding with other girls. Same here. No one blames Rose, they just stated their opinion that Rose should be more inviting towards Nicole. It is a problem on this forum, some members (nearly obsessed in "their" girls) they take every post they slightly dissagree with as a huge critique or insult of "their" (all perfect) girl.
  18. Nina crying. To me it seems like Nina felt guilty for something, Kira not happy, but comforting
  19. I've seen strong indications, but the evidence wouldn't convince your court any way..... during some parties, when the girls take turns in the bathroom, coming out sniffing their noses... not rocket sience! But again, I got mostly nothing against that, it is you taking it as something bad. Do you think they are little angles recruted from sunday school? I think they are adults getting money for living on cameras, I feel no less of them if they took some drugs, unless it gets out of hand.
  20. Why are you obsessed defending Gina from accusations? I believe there have been use of drugs in the apartments many times, I've mostly nothing against it, it is you taking it as something bad
  21. It doesn't look like they changed the towels... comparing before and after UM in replay, the same towels laying in the exact same position
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