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Everything posted by ed2

  1. I dissagree, I think RLC has good cams and resolution. Often pics and recording can bee of poorer quality.... I've seen on the free cams of other sites, thay are way poorer
  2. I really liked Nicole her last time, she didn't get along very well, but as long as it doesn't get as far as with Estelle, I'd bee fine with that. She lived her own life, brought lovers, acted more natural. I loved that, but then I'm no fan of the girl on girl teasing.
  3. Let us just really hope Nicole has not converted to the "all teasing, no real action"-philosophy too, as all the others
  4. I'm liberal myself, but I totally agree to all this. Problem is, some take everything as "bashing the RLC participants", so can you explain what is accepted to say? Or shouldn't we bee allowed to criticice anything at all? I also I think it is strange, we must not say anything about the RLC girls, but harassing fellow CC members just for viewing things differently seems to bee no problem??? I would think so! I also still think the purpose of this forum is to share thoughts and discuss with other members, not to communicate directly with the tenants. I never bought that argument. You have to bee a registered member to read posts on here If the tenants (is stupid enough to) register, and seek to read, they do it by their own will, so they just have to tackle some critic.
  5. I don't feel I'm free to post my opinions on here though. I may bee very different from most, but the reason I come to a RLC forum is this. We follow peoples lives,, we notice details, we deduct, make up a picture of what is going on. I want to hear, share and discuss with others what have seen, what is happening, what we think it ment and what we think is going to happen. I want to share and discuss thoughts and theories like this. I've been called a troll for it, because I'm not all loving and encuraging the tenants. So in this thread, can people explain what is/should bee accepted to say?
  6. Sorry then... I don't see why people have to make of one for that.... no wonder some members complain about all the hating, because I think normal people with their own opinions would bee sceard away, only the thickest skinned "haters" remain.
  7. I don't claim to bee better than anyone else, but I'm not that stupid! You were making fun of my question
  8. Sorry I asked...... can you tell me what is accepted by you to write on the forum. Can I not ask questions or discuss what we see?????? Is the forum only for brainlessly stating "I love this", "I love that" or "that looked sexy"??????
  9. Does anyone have a clue if/when Gina will leave? She must've gone past 90 days now, even if you cut out the days she went away. Any thoughts?
  10. Unlike euromike I think no human is perfect, but Nicole is my #1 of all time in Barca, I also voted for her in Foamy T. Squirrel's survey. I still think Nicole don't fit well in the concept of Barca though, she should've been with people more like Heidi....
  11. It is why I liked her, because she was not into all the staged tease shows, she lived her own life and gave us real genuine action. I'm surbrised too though, after all the trouble caused
  12. Nicole was never one to play tease games with other girls, she is straight as an arrow...... she might bring a boy to fuck though, or bate in the open, as she did not far from daily on her previous stay. Hope she has the dildo with her... Remeber she had to ask Lima to put batteries in it, LOL, Nicole is not very tecnical.
  13. She can vomit in the sink and on the floor, then take a paper roll smearing vomit out on the entire bedroom floor, the apartment will just go UM while RLC clean up HER mess for her
  14. Yes, you're right, Lima was replaced by Irma/Nora around new year, Nicoled first moved to b2 when Michelle left mid-january. I don't remember if Nicole was in b2 while Karol was there, but that couldn't been many days, before Angelina replaced Karol. Lima passing out on the dinner plate was one of my funniest sightings on RLC, Lima was so drunk Nicole had to clean up and shower Lima's hair.
  15. In b1, Lima and Jessica.... Nicole and Jess had a big dissagreement souring up the atmosphere, then Nicole moved to b2. In b2 were Danaya, with whom Nicole also had a couple of agrevated loud arguments with, and Angelina
  16. Miguel dissapeared 1 or 2 weeks before the catfight. She brought (and fucked) another guy several times her last week, after Estelle left. I certanly hope so!
  17. I'm not a fan of this rotating loop, I think there should bee new ones I think Nicole is a great girl, she did alot infront of the cams, not just a teaser. I'm not sure she fits into the concept of the Barca apartments. She is pretty selfish. Didn't get a long well with others. She lived her own life, brought in lovers etc. and I like that, but Nicole didn't fit into the concept of camgirls and orchestrated shows. It ended very badly last time, just hope it goes better this time. I think Nicole should bee in an apartment on her own, or in one more like KKH, were the girls are more individually, were they can bring in fuckboys etc. I think that would bee very great!
  18. Didn't you notice? Not just, his post, but the whole argument dissapeared, in fact several pages...... probably off topic
  19. Please stop it! Vortios, please let it go! Everyone else, if you hate vortios that much, why keep quoting him hundreds of times??? One can ask why he keeps bitching, but it is even bigger question why some keep bitching about he bitching? This thread is not worth reading anymore, it is only 2 things going on and on and on into eternity, vortios and someone arguing, and "I love my Belle", both equally tiering... it will soon bee 600 pages of that!
  20. I don't know if hat would bee any good at all, forcing them I think would only result in lame efforts.
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