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Everything posted by ed2

  1. It was Estelle that left a few days after the fight. Gina replaced Nicole a week after. Before that, Stella replaced Jessica in b1
  2. I don't know if it would bee wise to bring them back together either, Nicole and Jess didn't get along, they had big arguments, but you'll never know with RLC
  3. When did Jessica leave? Is it too early for her return? Is it 3 months yet? Nicole sure was back very fast!
  4. How is Violetta relevant? A new girl will not be Violetta, she will be a new one. In my opinion new is often more interesting, to me anyway. A new girl might be as Violetta, she might be better, she might be worse, but atleast we have the aspect of surprise.
  5. I agree with you, I like her very much myself, I think I rank her my #1 in Barca of all time, but I'm not like obsessed with one tenant, thinking she is a godess
  6. Rosie is rightfully next in line to get the big room, but when Rosie leaves, I look forward to Nicole getting it, hopefully alone this time, she might actually use the double bed for something interesting.
  7. I like her too, but I don't think I'll qualify as an admirer, because I never express unconditional love in big letters, like it seems to bee aquired on here. There are sides I like with everyone, likewise there are sides I do not like with everyone, but I'll rank Nicole high on my list
  8. We are all glad to see that the hat was not empty, but my question is, will the rabbit season last, or was it just a worm on the hook I understand they bring in guys to create action, but I prefer boyfriends or lovers more like Kiko and Miguel. Are there any particularily, or because the jerking off, fingering and licking on the bed?
  9. A tease show once not very often to fish for new members. I think these shows can bee very plesant to watch too, but IMHO it has little to do with voyeur. My hope is Nicole. V&M was a desperate attempt by RLC to create something new, Barca and kkh has been abit slow, but this place were too crazy, I think there must bee something inbetween....
  10. Judging looks is all very subjective, but in my taste Nicole by big margin.... she is very naturally beuty, Belle is cute too, but it looks abit like she has had injections in her face and lips
  11. It was only a weekend I think 3 or 4 days, I'm sure no more than 5.... it means she has gone past 90 days
  12. There were Polya and Kylie masturbating, wich was both very good! Other than than that, not much really interesting since Jessica left.
  13. I dissagree, I think RLC has good cams and resolution. Often pics and recording can bee of poorer quality.... I've seen on the free cams of other sites, thay are way poorer
  14. I really liked Nicole her last time, she didn't get along very well, but as long as it doesn't get as far as with Estelle, I'd bee fine with that. She lived her own life, brought lovers, acted more natural. I loved that, but then I'm no fan of the girl on girl teasing.
  15. Let us just really hope Nicole has not converted to the "all teasing, no real action"-philosophy too, as all the others
  16. I'm liberal myself, but I totally agree to all this. Problem is, some take everything as "bashing the RLC participants", so can you explain what is accepted to say? Or shouldn't we bee allowed to criticice anything at all? I also I think it is strange, we must not say anything about the RLC girls, but harassing fellow CC members just for viewing things differently seems to bee no problem??? I would think so! I also still think the purpose of this forum is to share thoughts and discuss with other members, not to communicate directly with the tenants. I never bought that argument. You have to bee a registered member to read posts on here If the tenants (is stupid enough to) register, and seek to read, they do it by their own will, so they just have to tackle some critic.
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