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Everything posted by ed2

  1. I give up talking sence to this forum There was 1 member making 2 posts about Polya faking the bate, then there has been between 10 and 15 posts complain about how negative he was. In my opinion, it was a show, but she bated for real. It was a good show! I'm satisfyed! I think it is what they are supposed to do. I'm only complaining that we don't see more of this! Cut the damn tease shows! More real bating!
  2. Thank you euromike, but it is hard to bee civiliced on this forum. One feel hurt, and is easily thrown into defence when someone caracterice you without knowing you Like you did to me here: I try to keep civiliced, but it is not easy. A friendlier tone, and some respect, would help alot.
  3. I agree naga I don't see that much negativity, I see it differently. The majority of posts are very positive, then second comes all the complaining about the negative posters, then third comes the actual negative posts. To prove that I'm not always negative, I will write this: Thank you Polya for bating! Isn't that enough? I can make it bigger: THANK SEXY POLYA FOR SEXY BATING! <3 <3 I LIKE BATING <3 ONLY WANT MORE <3 KEEP UP DOING IT BEUTYFULL GIRL!
  4. First, I don't even post on here every day and I'm not always negative. Second, I feel I have no friends on here. Third, I don't watch what I don't like, so I mostly watch other apartments, but I still keep track of what is going on (in most apartments in fact). Fourth, I just anwered a question from another member. He asked if things had changed, or if it was still just fake teasing. I respect that you, and many others dissagree with me. You can express your point of view, and use arguments. Keep the debate civiliced. You can also choose to ignore. If you have to make assumptions about another person's motives or personallity, we can't call that a civiliced discussion, it is bullying. I dissagree with alot of people on this forum. I dissagree with those who unconditionally defend their beloved tenant, and I dissagree with those who scream drugs every time a girl picks her nose, but I try not to start a fight every time I see such a comment. I've made a lot of noice lately, but that is to try make this forum respect the diversity. On the matter of fake vs. real, I consider it real if one has sex or masturbate simply for self pleasure, if it is done because they are obligated to give the audience a show, I consider it fake. I don't say that "the fake shows" can't bee a pleasure to watch too, it sure is. Then we can disagree on what is real or what is fake, and we can dissagree on what we like, if it is a good or a bad show, it is totally legit, but we must respest different opinions.
  5. Why do you bother? This isn't even an argument or a point of view in the discussion miscvoyeur and I were having. Just picking on others to bully. I just happen to like real life, and I'm not miserable, cause there are other apartments to watch.
  6. Stella on Irma, Irma on Danaya, Irma on Jessica (wich was very good) and Alex fingered Stella and Irma, most of it in february I think, but only teasing since then. Some good batings though, by Angelina, Kylie and Belle (and Rosemary, but very hidden).
  7. Posing naked, topless dancing, some fake teasing and body painting shows, that is about all that has happened the last months. No sex since Stella went down on Irma. No real sex (that wasn't a faked show) since Nicole left.
  8. oh... I just noticed, RLC gave t&w's guests names.... Olivia and Nick... best couple on RLC
  9. Good questions asked, and interesting theory. It is far from a surprise that these girls might smoke other things than cigarettes. If it doesn't get out of control, I don't have a problem with that. This I have a much bigger problem with. We already know they do this. The twins did too. They give us endless tease shows, but hide to do real bating. Bating is real life, all the posing and teasing is not. We get a show, their intimate life is hidden. This morning though, might just've been a phone call.
  10. It has been proven lately, that bringing back previous tenants will only bee dissapointing... atleast in my opinion. Nicole caused alot of trouble, so bringing her back is probably not a good idea. A new girl though, similar to Nicole, would just bee fantastic!
  11. Russian, I think. Jessica once told the (canadian?) boy Irma brought a couple of times that they were from Ukraine. She said they spoke ukrainian, but that it was the same as russian. That is wrong, russian and ukrainian are different languages, but Ukraine has a huge russian speaking population. I supposed they were from the russian speaking parts of Ukraine.
  12. I agree she has changed. Belle used to bee a great party girl, spontaneous and fun. Her attitude has changed, now she don't even seem interested in partisipating any inside the apartments. Her shows seem very put on. She hasn't been the spontaneous and fun girl on this stay.
  13. Ironically @nagachilli2 I think we have a good discussion, but unfortunately not about the topic we want
  14. I don't feel that way. If we cannot comment on things obviously going on, because you will bee accused of "disrespecting a tenant", or worse, get a warning or even banned for "provoking/beeing a troll". If english is not your mother thoung things can come out a little harser than they were ment. People restrain from posting, only the thickest skinned haters and lovers remain, all inbetween have been sceared away. We will have no good discussions, if we do not wish different opinions welcome. In my opinion vortios was a good poster, always interesting theories, huge insight, reflected. Now he has stopped posting, because the treatment he got.
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