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Everything posted by ed2

  1. Why do you bother? This isn't even an argument or a point of view in the discussion miscvoyeur and I were having. Just picking on others to bully. I just happen to like real life, and I'm not miserable, cause there are other apartments to watch.
  2. Stella on Irma, Irma on Danaya, Irma on Jessica (wich was very good) and Alex fingered Stella and Irma, most of it in february I think, but only teasing since then. Some good batings though, by Angelina, Kylie and Belle (and Rosemary, but very hidden).
  3. Posing naked, topless dancing, some fake teasing and body painting shows, that is about all that has happened the last months. No sex since Stella went down on Irma. No real sex (that wasn't a faked show) since Nicole left.
  4. oh... I just noticed, RLC gave t&w's guests names.... Olivia and Nick... best couple on RLC
  5. Good questions asked, and interesting theory. It is far from a surprise that these girls might smoke other things than cigarettes. If it doesn't get out of control, I don't have a problem with that. This I have a much bigger problem with. We already know they do this. The twins did too. They give us endless tease shows, but hide to do real bating. Bating is real life, all the posing and teasing is not. We get a show, their intimate life is hidden. This morning though, might just've been a phone call.
  6. It has been proven lately, that bringing back previous tenants will only bee dissapointing... atleast in my opinion. Nicole caused alot of trouble, so bringing her back is probably not a good idea. A new girl though, similar to Nicole, would just bee fantastic!
  7. Russian, I think. Jessica once told the (canadian?) boy Irma brought a couple of times that they were from Ukraine. She said they spoke ukrainian, but that it was the same as russian. That is wrong, russian and ukrainian are different languages, but Ukraine has a huge russian speaking population. I supposed they were from the russian speaking parts of Ukraine.
  8. I agree she has changed. Belle used to bee a great party girl, spontaneous and fun. Her attitude has changed, now she don't even seem interested in partisipating any inside the apartments. Her shows seem very put on. She hasn't been the spontaneous and fun girl on this stay.
  9. Ironically @nagachilli2 I think we have a good discussion, but unfortunately not about the topic we want
  10. I don't feel that way. If we cannot comment on things obviously going on, because you will bee accused of "disrespecting a tenant", or worse, get a warning or even banned for "provoking/beeing a troll". If english is not your mother thoung things can come out a little harser than they were ment. People restrain from posting, only the thickest skinned haters and lovers remain, all inbetween have been sceared away. We will have no good discussions, if we do not wish different opinions welcome. In my opinion vortios was a good poster, always interesting theories, huge insight, reflected. Now he has stopped posting, because the treatment he got.
  11. As I and naga came to, we need to make the forum interesting again. Respect is a key word. Can we please stop attacing other members personally just because they are of a different opinion, questioning their motives
  12. Thank you for the most friendly answer I've ever gotten on CC. Thanks! I try to make it right, but it isn't always easy. From the start people started accusing me of things, made fun of me, I was threthened to get banned by a non-mod. I'm starting to learn how to express myself by now, what I can/cannot say, but I'm still frustrated.
  13. Sorry to drag out this discussion even further, but there is hard to have a good discussion on here, when there is a small group that defines what is right and wrong. If we want a place to share and discuss thoughts and theories about what is going on inside the houses, one must bee allowed to have a critical opinion too, or there will bee no real debate. Now it is a bit boring to read the posts. I don't think repeating how much one love the tenants, and share ones fantacies about them, is very interesting in the long term. I want to discuss what is happening. To make this alittle more on topic, I want to say that I like Violetta. She isn't shy, she participated in the body painting and dancing, she have showered and changed infront of the cameras, she just don't pose naked all the time like the others. I like her so far! Right now Violetta is in her room. I think Lola and Polya should go try make her feel more welcome, but maybee she is a loner... I just hope she is a bater too... lol
  14. Sorry, this is OT In this case I agree with you naga, but in general. I've been called a troll, I've been accused of beeing another member posting under a different name. No one reacted. No one cares. It is totally ok. But earlier today, if you say Jas lay on the couch all day, that is insulting! The reason I make all this fuzz is because I think this forum is bullying. I want a place were everyone can share and discuss thoughts, but this place does not make people feel very welcome here.
  15. That one is ok, but When people criticice a tenant, the limit seem to bee very low, but when it comes to making fun of others, almost anything seem to bee tolerated
  16. Heidi and bf should get their own apartment. They are sexually active. They act natural infront of the camera. Heidi is lovely girl. K&K are nice girls too, but both still hides under covers. Kristy is fairly active, but Kami is dead (sexually). She does a hidden bate like twice a year, or something like that... lol
  17. I know, some of the bates I've seen was really good. I know it is just me having a personal issue with her. I used to like really Belle, she was fun and spontaneous, had a good time partying, but on this stay she has kind of ruined my impression of her, now all I can see her doing are some few put on shows. Not very genuine. I've seen her put up some fake shows, where she made no effort to even try make it look somewhat real. It has ruined my good impression of her from her first stay, now I only see her as fake. My issues with her might just bee personal. P.S. I'm really testing my freedom of expression here.
  18. I think the all loving posts would bee just fine if others were allowed to express their opinions too, but unfortunately, those who think a little different get harassed, and even banned on this forum. Earlier today I just saw people getting accused of "insulting a tenant" for saying Jasmin always lay on the couch all day. I'd say that was stating a fact! I see you are a newbee. Watch out! When I joined I wanted a place to share and discuss thoughts and theories about what is going on inside the houses, but I got accused of beeing a troll, or conspirating with mr. box, whom I don't know at all. (Still waiting for appologies I know I'll never get). You are obviously not allowed to express your thoughts on this forum. It is all about sharing your love for the tenants, and your fantacies about them. I don't post much, because I don't feel very welcome here.
  19. Sorry! You are a nice guy BB, but can't you please just write Belle is beutyfull, everyone know that you thnk that, so do you have to use a whole page listing every bodypart in the human anathomy. I just want to read through the forums, but if I go to sleep, when I try to read back to see what happened during the night, 20 pages of -love my Belle- can bee tiering. I try to skip most, but still. Personally I think Belle has been a dissapointment, as are the reruns are, but that has nothing to do with my point. Of course we want your encuraging optimistic posts, but it can sometimes totally dominate every page, even if nothing is really going on. Sorry! I hope you take no offence against you BB.
  20. She is not shy! It just isn't natural to pose naked all the time, like the others do. Violetta seems like a nice girl. Good looking. Fake boobs, but good looking.
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