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Everything posted by DARKJOKER666

  1. Since this is a 'Random' discussion. Sometimes it's absolutely maddening watching someone else on cam. Today I saw Mario pick up the laptop by grabbing the screen and yank the cords out of the back of it by the cord itself instead of grabbing the end of them. The screen bent as he picked it up and I just gritted my teeth.
  2. Ok, I'd like to point out for everyone coming into this thread late. I said that I felt bad for Paul BEFORE he grabbed Leora. Sooooo, don't drag me over the coals for that comment.
  3. Yeah I have no clue what she's saying. But it's clearly Paul's fault lol.
  4. Ok round 3! I'm rooting for you buddy! Go Paul Go! This one is looking good! YOU CAN DO IT! *Edit* Nevermind. She's ripping into him pretty hardcore right now, no clue what he did, but she is pissed.
  5. Yeah I agree with you there. Good news is that Carla doesn't seem to like doing the shows down there. They were doing a show the other day and she suddenly stood up and said something that I THINK meant "This is ridiculous" and walked off grabbing her phone and then flopping down on the couch. Not fluent in the language though so it may have been a case of hearing what I wanted to hear.
  6. Jeez, it just happened again! Paul walks over and cuddles up to Leora on the couch. Starts rubbing her legs and chest, she crosses her legs and shifts herself to where Paul is almost falling off the couch. Causing him to finally just give up and go back to his desk :( I know Paul isn't the best in bed, but damn, don't blueball the guy Leora!
  7. Poor Paul seems to be trying to initiate fun times with Leora and she keeps pushing him away. Makes me wonder if they're having some sort of turmoil as she seems to be in the mood, just not with Paul. Just now they were both laying on the couch and Paul was attempting to get her to start something up, she pushed his hands away and went into the kitchen and made him some food instead. He stood up raised his voice for a second then stomped off to his desk.
  8. Seems that Mario and Carla have finally learned where they can do cam shows without people spying on them through RLC. They've set up shop at the end of the sofa. When they cam all you see is feet sticking up in the air or her head bobbing up and down.
  9. Yeah the current one isn't so bad. One of the good things about any of the chans is that they get distracted as easily as child with ADD in a room full of televisions. I was just worried that the previous one would be a problem, especially when they started posting phone numbers and addresses and stuff. Anyway at the moment it seems they're off to post pictures of Trannies and naked giant boobed dogs. So crisis averted I guess?
  10. I'm not going to link a bunch of personal info and keep in mind that this could all be bluff on 4chans part. But they were indeed posting pics of Leora and Paul that were apparently taken by friends, a bunch of selfies that Leora took and a bunch of personal info. This all might have been found fairly easily, but I figured I'd give the heads up just in case they are actually digging crap up. Just from whats been posted before the thread 404'd it looked like they had actually found a bunch of stuff though. They said they're going to put it up on a torrent once they're done snooping around.
  11. Well it seems the jerkfaces at the 4chans are digging up all the info they can on the people on RLC. They just found Leora and Pauls facebook and are posting a bunch of pics and personal info :( Do you think this will lead to them leaving RLC? I hope not, they're in the public eye so there was always that risk. I just hope they have thick skin. They also found modeling pictures for Kamila and what they are claiming to be the application submissions for these people to get on RLC. They said they're going to get Carla and Mario next and have "Extremely Juicy information" about both of them. The suggestion was that they were both escorts. Anyway, sad day :(
  12. From what other members have said and what I've seen him working on he's a student of some sort to become an electrical engineer. Members correct this if I'm wrong. But he's always tinkering around with some electronic thing or another. He's built shortwave radios and various other things. Someone pointed out that these are standard assignments for that type of school. But aside from that I've seen him fix pretty much anything that gets broken in the house. Leora's iron, a radio, he tinkered with the washing machine and fixed his drill. He seems to be pretty handy on that front. But someone said that they saw him fixing something in their closet in the old apartment and a bunch of sparks flew out at some point.
  13. My GF takes a fucking selfie every 5 min if the moods right. Annoys the shit out of me. She'll take a selfie for Facebook and then take a selfie for Instagram, then another for her Twitter, tumblr, and whatever the hell else she's connected too. Probably the same deal with Carla.
  14. Every time I see her on cam she's watching a variation of Cartoon Network. Courage the Cowardly dog, Chowder, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Spongebob Squarepants, etc.
  15. Cool, Paul just built a machine to receive Morse code. I'd recognize that anywhere.
  16. Yeah gotta disagree with you on that one. I've caught my GF damn near screaming before when she thought I wasn't home. She wasn't on cam or near anything like a mirror or watching a video. She was solo on the bed just using her hands. Some girls just really get into themselves and some girls look at it as just a thing to do.
  17. Yeah this whole incident turned into something else. What little respect I had for Mario is now gone.
  18. It depends on how you look at it I suppose. Morally he's a piece of shit for doing this and if they were in the U.S. There would even be a case for charges being brought against him. However they are technically both voluntarily broadcasting. So it kind of makes it a gray area. But he's def a scumbag for doing this. She tried and gave up. She even tried to push him off when he came back. Now she's too loopy to really deal with it. The sex itself is non-consensual at this point and that's the problem. I'm pretty sure most countries have laws against that and I'm sure RLC does not want that kind of behavior on their cameras. Lord I hope RLC has rules against this. You're absolutely right that it's not consensual. When she started pushing him off of her, that right there is the giant red flag that'll get his ass beat in most countries. I'm hoping they'll step in and say something.
  19. It depends on how you look at it I suppose. Morally he's a piece of shit for doing this and if they were in the U.S. There would even be a case for charges being brought against him. However they are technically both voluntarily broadcasting. So it kind of makes it a gray area. But he's def a scumbag for doing this. *Edit* I just want to make sure it's clear. I agree with you 100% btw. I was just trying to bring up views from other cultures.
  20. Also does anyone else find it kind of messed up that he's waited til she's passed out to molest her on cam? I know they're on cam 24/7 but I mean a c2c cam. I mean, she's even trying to get him to stop and he's still forcing his way.
  21. Wow. Carla actually gave up on him and flopped back on the couch leaving him to do his own thing. That's crazy. Granted she's drunk off her ass. But still she had been trying to ride this dude all fucking night and finally when she was halfway through she just was like 'Fuck it, I'm out' *Edit* it's also sad that she had been trying to jump him for hours on end and the only time he gave her the time of day was when he was camming with someone else.
  22. She and Mario have been drinking for a bit tonight and she's way ahead of him. He looks plastered lol. She's calling him out whenever they have a toast because he sips his glass while she's guzzling the entire thing down. She's also been basically trying to bang him all night and he keeps slapping her hands away when she grabs his dick, or pushing her off of him when she tries to hump him. Such an odd couple. *edit* ok I take that back. She's totally zonked too lol.
  23. Ah that explains why he's picking up random objects and moving them around. He's trying to help her clean but doesn't know what to do lol.
  24. Aww she seems to be packing her stuff. :(
  25. Yeah not only that I'm pretty sure she's genuinely turned on by watching herself. She loves going to that back bedroom and watching herself in that big mirror. She'll scoot herself around on the couch to get a better view of the action. I wouldn't doubt it if she's using her phone to watch herself on the cams while she gets off.
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