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Posts posted by le5b05

  1. I was watching them this morning (Tuesday).  Kira was still having to play the "wake Nina up and get her out of bed" game.  Only this time it was different in that Nina actually got up and went into the lounge.  Switched on the TV took up her phone and completely ignored Kira. This went on for quite some time, with Kira getting more and more frustrated, and she kept watching the clock.:sad:  Eventually Kira went into the bedroom and went into the closet, almost on the floor in her safety position.  When she emerged it looked like she had been crying.:cry:  This is not good.:sad:  Casual clothes for the morning outing, neither of them looking at all happy.

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  2. The scenes of N&K in the bathtub appear to be very popular on replay.  Not surprising really.  For those of us who were privileged enough to watch it live.  It was amazing!::)::).

    If you are wondering?  There was no sexual penetration, just lots of genuine affection and LOVE :heart:.  

    Not enough!  I hear most of you scream...

    Well get over it.  If you want more, perhaps you should get in contact with them?  Offer to direct them in your very own porn movie?  I'm sure they would go for that-Not!  No! I have no bloody idea how to contact them...

    Then again if they would like to PM me?  Feel free.  Please!-No imposter's, I think I could figure out who is real and who is not...

  3. Hi folks!  Yes I'm back.

    I had serious health issues that kept me off line.  Well pretty damn near off everything to be honest.

    So it appears that nothing much is happening in N&K's world.  Except yesterday which I believe was Kira's BIRTHDAY :heart:::):heart:.  Belatedly, happy birthday Kira.

    Just checked back a little on replay.  Looked like a quiet affair with just the two of them at home mostly.  LOTS of Flowers, Aaaahhh sweet.   A few laughs between them, some smiles and kisses and a few hugs. and a beer or two. Off to bed, and sleep.  Pretty boring some would say.  Your opinions as always will be respected.

    Not me of course, I love to see them being normal real people.  Oh, and if you want to know the definition of boredom you should catch my life, same old routine day after day after day.  It really IS more exciting watching paint dry.

    Anyway I took the opportunity to send off my flameproof jacket to the dry cleaners and get my fire extinguisher serviced.  So watch this space, now let's see if I can be controversial for a change...

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  4. The girls are up early and out.  There was magic moment, in the bedroom as they were getting dressed.  ::)

    Naked Nina was about to get dressed when Kira bent down and kissed her butt.  Nina responded and they had a few kisses and caresses :heart: as Kira turned towards the closet, then Nina bent down and kissed Kira's butt.  It was playful, it was fun.::):biggrin:::)

    They have dressed casually, for they are not working today.  Thursday used to be Kira's day off before she changed jobs.  It looks like that is going to continue.  They are off today to have some precious time together, to have some "US TIME".  I hope they have a wonderful day.  Be happy girls.:biggrin::biggrin:

  5. Not sure, it's a very busy print.  Almost as if it is printed out of focus.  I'm sure someone will tell us soon enough. 

    Kira went off to bed, Nina had a shower and joined her later.  Lots of "Pillow talk" and some sexy kissing and caressing.  Not enough to satisfy the hardcore amongst you, but for some of us delightful. 

    It nearly came to sex, but there is an issue between them that is unresolved.  THAT is what is stopping them from having sex.  I do not know what it is, and unless one of them or both of them talk to me I will never know.  That is what is needed.  A counsellor or just a good listener to help them talk it through. 

    • Like 1
  6. Just caught up with them in the kitchen.  Kira is wearing the new blue top she was given by Nina.  They look OK again.  Kira is going out on her own. 

    Nina blows some bubbles in the hallway, Kira tries to catch them, they are kids again, playing games and laughing.:biggrin:

    Now a big embrace and a few kisses, before the goodbye.:heart:  I am sure that "New Nina" is here to stay.  The old Nina will be banished forever.::)

  7. Well the girls are home now.  Pizza and beer watching TV cuddled up together. Awww!::)

    Just checked back on replay.  Kira proudly wore the new red check shirt this morning.  Astoundingly, Nina helped Kira get dressed.  Instead of the other way round. Brilliant.

    Still kissing and embracing on the couch, some tender moments between them.  Kira is the only one on the beer and looking sleepy.  Not long before bedtime I think...

  8. We have a few Newbies lately.  You have come here at a time that is so different than three months ago.  It was a sad time for most of us that care.  :sad:

    Kira was little more than a willing slave.  A toy for Nina to play with when the whim took her.  There is a lot of information on past posts.  If you read them you will understand.  If you wish, you may PM me and I will give you a more concise history.  I have done this for others.  I will do the same again, rather than bore everyone here yet again.

    Now times here are more exciting.  The girls are so much happier.  Nina is a changed woman.  Kira smiles more often than she ever did.  The only tears we see now are tears of laughter.  It is a magic time to be here.::)

    • Like 2
  9. 4 hours ago, Hayden said:

      Nina is my favorite.  She has a very good style. She is beautiful. I really liked her. Kiara is cute but a bit too sticky. But this is just my opinion.

    Welcome.  You have every right to have your own opinion.  All that I ask, is that you respect this fact. That other people have their opinions too.  Mutual respect can go a long way in this forum.  Happy posting.::)

  10. Is it Kira's Birthday?  I just caught up on replay, to find Nina giving presents to Kira in the bedroom.  It did not start well.  Kira was annoyed with Nina about something.  I thought that Nina was about to cry.  In the past, she would have stormed out, and then start an argument.  Yet! this is "New Nina".  She stood and waited and listened to Kira.  Eventually Kira turned towards Nina, looked up from the bed, and that was enough.  Her heart melted again, and it was smiles all round.  :heart:

    Nina then presented Kira with some gifts.  Making her close her eyes each time, before giving first, a Red check shirt, a Blue top and finally a new watch, probably a sports watch, I could not tell.  It was very touching.::):heart:::)

    Has somebody swapped Nina's?  For this "New Nina" is unregognisable from the previous incarnation.  I am going to have to eat yet more of my past words, and I do not mind one little bit.  Je vais profiter de mon repas.

  11. 4 hours ago, ed2 said:

    I never said that, I would not watch them if they did fake shows, I love N&K's genuinity, but I just ment that their real life could be including alittle more sex!

    You keep making excuses for everything, defending them all the time, it is redicolous!

    Ouch!  That one hurt.  I had to run for cover and reflect on my position...   Perhaps you are right.  Maybe I care too much, that I am too close.  Though I have decided that I will continue.  Even though I get no thanks for doing so.

    • Like 2
  12. 10 minutes ago, alokin said:

    It really is very, very strange that they do it every night ... at least to masturbate like other people  :)

    Oh Alokin.  " You have a lot to learn yet grasshopper".  Quote from an old TV series "Kung Fu" starring David Carradine.  You should not assume that everyone is the same, with the same thoughts as yourself.  We are all individuals with different needs, hopes and dreams.  Do not transpose your own actions on others.  Some can masturbate freely.  Others, because of their upbringing perhaps, cannot.  Some choose not to because they fear it will become a habit, a very difficult one to break.  Yet more cannot for other reasons, that are probably beyond your comprehension.  In time, with more life experience, you may understand?  Just not right now.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, alokin said:

    How good is there no sex ... I think it's wrong even if it's not healthy ...  ;)  :)

    Hi Alokin.

    I do not know if you have noticed.  It is (to put it delicately, shall we say) not a good time for Kira right now.

    Now some may think it is OK,  whilst others respect their partners bodies.

    Besides, sex is not everything.  It is not a measure of how much you love someone.  There can be more emotion and deeper love, from an embrace.  From a stroke of the face with the back of the hand.  From a passionate or gentle kiss.  10 minutes of the above can mean sooo much more, than 10 minutes of perfunctory sex! 

    Just saying.  If others think I am right?  Then click the heart.  If they think I am wrong?  Then I have my flameproof jacket to hand.  As always.  Fire away folks!

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