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Everything posted by mib82

  1. Wrong word sorry, they did not sex but a fake hump https://voyeur-house.tv/realm11/cam13?timestamp=1501895682 kissing each other..
  2. It happened two times, the first by the wind (https://voyeur-house.tv/realm16/cam11?timestamp=1501931163) the second by her.
  3. The door was closed by the wind. With the kitchen door opened we can see two doors on the right, the first I think is the entrance and the second I don't know what it is, maybe a second bathroom. The strange thing is the way they disappear leaving everything there and then they come back. It seems like if there was a second adjoining apartment or secret rooms.. I don't accept this.. This is VH not a stupid censored big brother reality..
  4. They broke up and they're together in bed embraced and doing sex? Who the hell has invented this news?
  5. There are a lot of mysterious things in this apt... they disappear leaving tv on, phones and then they return...and they cannot be seen in any available cams.. I'm almost sure there is a second apt or hidden rooms... I hate this situation! And I suggest to Gary to do coming out, because it's clear he's gay.. maybe Leo too. This morning a girl wanted to fun with them in Gary & Dora's room, but Leo was too tired while Gary didn't want to. 20 minutes before Gary jerked off in the bathroom.. Stop with this hiding and these mysterious disappearances...
  6. In this apt there is a hidden room where sometimes one of them disappears... I don't know if it's a second bathroom or else, but it's clear that the map of this apt doesn't match with the reality.. This door of this hidden room can be seen from the kitchen.
  7. We are used to see only straight couples or lesbian.. it would be nice to have gay people too. I don't understand why there is a rejection with this type of sexual orientation. I hope one day VH extend to this too, it would bring and wide new public.
  8. They came back but again and again and again where the hell is Leo?
  9. The only positive thing these five tenants can do is leave this apt to other active and visible tenants...
  10. In this apt night vision doesnt' work properly....
  11. I'm absolutely sure that it's not allowed to have and see a baby in this projects... So in a few months we will have to say goodbye to Anna and Alex
  12. I subscribed because VH was better than RLC, and now everything is changing...
  13. I''m asking myself what will happen tonight having Anna pregnant... There will be a threesome with Drew, Alex with this new girl or only Drew will do sex with the girl or the guests will go out and Anna and Alex will sleep in their bed? This apt was the only choice to subscribe and now.. everything will change...
  14. After a long time watching VH for the first time I subscribe VH and what do I get? Three apartments closed, a new empty apartment with five ghosts, two girls pregnant, some people in vacation and Jeka out who knows where... wow...
  15. I don't understand... With this new couple Jeka will not return? This is a little ridicolous....
  16. And if Mika is still there dosn't mean that is the same for Anna and Alex... If they want they can leave the apartment before the baby...
  17. I wrote "when the baby will be born" so yes I know that it takes some time......
  18. It's better if Jeka come back home to stay there..
  19. Yes but she's pregnant, and when the baby will be born they can't stay in this project...
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