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Everything posted by mib82

  1. Okay maybe I understand, maybe Anna and Alex leave their apartment to Chloe and James.. If Anna is pregnant it's very difficult they can stay long here...
  2. I guess they're leaving the house and the project
  3. If Gary is gay I would like to see him doing with some guy, maybe with this ghost Leo
  4. Oh okay I see, thank you @golfer06 :) Sorry I didn't read your previous answer, sorry
  5. They're arguing again... I don't understand why. Alan seems a little nervous recently.. If only I could understand what they're saying :/
  6. Please put gay male people on this project too thanks!!!! Please!!!! And please not people doing cam show!!! Please!!!
  7. Where is Jeka gone? He's disappeared for three days..
  8. Oh I see :) Thank you for the answer and the explanation. Anyway I want to congratulate you for the project, the quality and the site. I followed you since a couple of months and recently I became a member of you. Good choice about the tenants :) Certainly I will renew the payment :) Ps. I hope to see Artur in an apartment of his own with a girlfriend one day, It's so sad to see him sleeping in a so small couch everyday :/
  9. Hi @Voyeur House TV I noticed that in several apartments and rooms the timeline doesn't coincide with the correct time and sometimes the blue line of the motion on the timeline doesn't work correctly. In this apartment for example every cam have a different time and the cam16 (Sara & Jeka) doesn't work. There is a problem with Sandra, Serge and Artur's bathroom cam too where the time is different from the other cams. I wanted to communicate this :)
  10. Well they're free to do what they want... I never saw this apartment and I will never see it!
  11. Finally it's offline! I hope it will stay much long...
  12. Apparently this is the choice to continue with this project. I was hoping for something else, something innovative, something alternative, something real, but it’s not. 24 hours live to see only empty apartments and few hours of full apartments with only fake couples, fake girls who do nothing but touching themselves in front of their laptop faking everything. No real people, no boys, no guests, no gay tenants, nothing else. That's all. I give up. I don’t wanna waste more time. Bye.
  13. Please @CamaradsOfficial give us new apartments with new people as soon as possibile... These apartments are most of the time empty and with only girls.. It's going to be boring (for me).. I would like to see some male guys and some gay male guys.. Put some male people in a new apartment or put Catylin and Melany together, so we can have the apartment available for someone else! Please, I wanna see for once in history of these cam projects an apartment with only boys! Lesbians and straight people are okay but they are always everywhere! It's 2017, the world is composed by gay male people too!! I wish see this (your) project more innovative than the others and open to all types of sexual orientation (gay male included). If finding gay male people is a little difficult then for the moment find at least some group of male friends to put together in a new apartment.. please!
  14. Well.. I don't see the problem... If girls can masturbate boys masturbate too...
  15. I don't understand what's going on recently with these tenants, particularly with the couple's apartments.. David is disappeared from days, Amber and Paul appear for only few minutes for sex or cam time and then disappear for the entire day.. They don't even sleep in their bed.. Every time I connect on the site I saw only 3 girls who spend most of the time doing cam and the rest empty apartments.. Sorry but this situation is not clear, and I suggest to put new active people as soon as possible. For active I don't mean sex, but I mean more presence by the tenants.. Also I'd like to see more male guys.. All these voyeur projects (from RLC to VH) seem male homophobic, only lesbians and only straights.. I don't accept this. Real life is not this. Real life is composed by sexual orientation of all kinds, gay male included. I really hope this Camarads project will change this routine and way to think.
  16. Sorry but I can't accept to see this.. Catylin is in Melany's apartment now .. If they want to stay most of the time together give only 1 apartment for only them! Having always one empty apartment because one of them is always in the other's apartment is wasted!! Please put them in one single apartment and give the other apartment to someone else!
  17. Artur with his glasses is really cute. And he's almost the only one who cooks in the apartment. I love him! He's a man to marry. I hope he can find someone to live together. I'd like to see him in his own apartment as a couple
  18. In my opinion I'd leave the apartment to Artur and leave the couple away.. So he can find someone and finally have a bed! I don't know but I don't like this couple.. I can't accept to see this poor guy sleeping in a little couch and the couple stay more the time on the bed to do nothing.. No movies to watch, no games to do together, only smoke, play on computer, eat and sleep... And now this argue..
  19. Does anyone know what happened between Sandra and Artur? Why were they arguing?
  20. I don't understand why lesbians and straight people are accepted but not gay male people... This is a sort of discrimination in my opinion.. For years in every voyeur project from RLC to VH always the same , apartments with straight couple, apartments with only girls or even one girl, but never a group of only boys or gay boys or one boy. Members can be grow if we introduce this change. Who wants to watch girls just watch the girls, who wants to watch a straight couple watch the straight couple, and if who wants to watch a couple of boys kissing or doing something watch the gay guys. There isn't only one apartment but more. It's simple. Everyone watch what they want to watch. So please Camarads staff continue with this intention to insert a gay male people too.
  21. In such a small apartment it's normal getting bored.. There is little space to stay, so on the bed or in the kitchen or on the couch. However it's sad to see Artur alone and sleep on a small sofa without anyone. He is really a cute boy, I hope he can soon find company
  22. Why do all of you think that Dasha & Demid left the project because they broke up? There are any reasons to this choice, I saw this couple until last day and they continue to sleep together (on the couch) and they continue to love each other! The only thing I noticed it's they came back home one at a time in the last days, like if they were going to do a turn for something. Maybe someone of their parents is sick, and staying in the apartment was difficult for them. Or maybe for job reasons they can't afford to stay in that apartment. Demid is not a bad guy, and Dasha loved/loves him! If people doesn't like Demid doesn't mean that is the same for Dasha! I hope to read the news from rlc and receive some explanation.
  23. @CamaradsOfficial Wow This is a great news! Finally something new and interesting. A gay male couple has never been in any cam project, only lesbians and straight people... Thank you! I hope I can see see these new people and apartments soon. Ps. Congratulations on your project, site and the fantastic quality of your cam! Don't give up, keep growing like this. I'm sure your project will exceed any other project like rlc or vh. Thank you so much!
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