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Everything posted by Sparkles

  1. Wasn't #3, was a different dude, that is also regular guest
  2. I know, she doesn't have an associated name yet.. The reference was cause she had undercover sex there with the 3rd dude of Reese
  3. She has been "missing" in both places since last episode with Connor and #3. And the fridge already was like that in that day when they was doing something in the microwave
  4. IG don't allow that type of photos.. That photos and the mobile show she did in the shower it's content more for sex/porno pages like Onlyfans/Chaturbates,
  5. Not yet.. We don't have the police yet 😂
  6. It's the toilet, next to wardrobe
  7. Maybe he likes to record 😂
  8. And they keep them like their life depends on it 🤣
  9. Probably that explains why i stop watching them 😂😂
  10. Drugs room busy?? no problem, we piss here 😂
  11. The cuddle in face?? that one is excluded from the cheating club 😂 But someone (guess Balu) was saying in that minute in english that can't smoke there, to go to balcony (thought was that)
  12. This looks to be their real place looking for decors and stuff, so guess it's nothing new this type of caos, unless they are only doing it because cams.. Lets see
  13. She must be someone important.. she have a bodyguard that follows her everywhere 😂
  14. It's to make harder her choice on who will be tonight 😂
  15. They are in Czech, but was talking about their looks.. most (including tenants) have an arabic or latin look
  16. Almost none of them looks like czech 😂
  17. It's not to be interesting.. it's to fuck (or aka empty balls). It's the style they offer, and receiving people immediately ready to business doesn't help to pass a different idea. Don't know why she even leaves the bed (without being to wash).. she should be just there lay down while the revolving doors keep rotating
  18. But does any random guy have to do anything there to fuck??? the dudes just need to pick who they want and the pussies will be open to serve 🤣🤣 To even make it easier the owner of the facilities not even wear clothes
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