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Everything posted by Sparkles

  1. No idea who is that.. But i think is ok to have the "devil" 😁 Like the way the horns goes through is neck 😄
  2. On the first house for many times the residents and guests entered in the closet.. for sure was also for smoking.. It's a nice place to do it, inside a closet with the doors closed 🤣
  3. Why #48?? if it's gonna count for her world vh record the ones she fucks offline.. for sure the number will be much bigger then that loool
  4. I doubt.. 😁 When they open the door you don't see any smoke coming from there. Unless they had there a powerful extractor smoke system 😁 But don't doubt why they have to go there
  5. More birds in tattoos also skulls and what it seems a caravel in the middle
  6. Nop.. just hidden at the usual spot
  7. Probably the empty boxes from the stuff they already "organized"
  8. Looking to your profile probably because you are no longer CC "Premium Member"
  9. So does that mean that we can exclude him from the nazi ideology or because both had a dog it's too soon?? 😁 Here we call them German Shepherd
  10. The other adolf also had a dog like this?? maybe there is also a connection there
  11. Don't think that it's only at parties..
  12. Don't see any similarity between two tattoos .. except being a bird.. not even the wings are similar More lookalike with this
  13. Guess she doesn't have razors at home 😁
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