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Everything posted by Sparkles

  1. Dana also doesn't do it and think angelica also doesn't
  2. She didn't appear sad.. just doing the makeup to leave
  3. Because in some of the other houses they are "just" living there.. it's not only a porno studio for chaturbate. Others they don't need that because they also receive extras .. Others have external job so aren't dependent
  4. Well being from jeka and seeing his houses wouldn't be a big surprise 😁 I only arrived to CC in June 2017 + - And between that and Viki&kate may have happen occasionally, but without checking archives and pulling from my memories don't remember anyone
  5. Nop.. until i stop watching empty houses, empty rooms and offline houses there.. you won't be able to do it 🤣🤣
  6. On that i agree .. they have more possibility of being chosen to be watched being in that frame to the viewers that have the previews on the screen.. But that doesn't mean some kind of top (to me)
  7. So what is their reaction when they see an empty room, empty house, offline house "having more views" then them??? Or when other cams from them are there and the division where they are having sex aren't??
  8. If they have access to app why they need to check previews? they badly open the site as far as we can see. And we know how people was because empty houses was there when they was having sex On the last 20-25 minutes when there is also other cams (on left side) showing naked and underwear people.. you have exaclty the same six cams there .. top1 it's 4 peoples clothed with two guys watching on their cell (the detail of clothed, naked, clothed, naked, clothed, naked) The left menu also doesn't work very well.. we had lisa bedroom for a long time and in the LR we had (and should be the same math system (showing the cam with more views in each realm) Their purpose could be that but to me isn't working like a top viewers houses (because of the "coincidences") Offtopic Off 😁
  9. Viki,Kate arrived in the end of 2017. Stella&Stephan arrived on first week of 2018 It was when started.. Also the "pro" houses arrived in beginning of 2018
  10. If it works well empty rooms wont be there for such a long time as we seen them (even yesterday night) when there is action in other famous houses.. You wouldn't have offline houses there for more then 1H like already happened.. You wouldn't have houses where sex was happening and was showing another cam for long time. It's should be a easy math system without failures (because they have that list) grabbing the Top 6 cams views from database in each "x" seconds (selecting only one per realm)
  11. Already was an empty couch, an empty bedroom, an offline house... so beeing a camstar isn't a big difference
  12. Could have been another buyer 😁
  13. or "ciara_cute" where she was yesterday.. Guess the "brunette_lovers" it's just when the other girl is around
  14. Or playing candy crush because seems to be more interesting 😁
  15. I saw kissing 4, fucking 2 and sucking 3 - 2 that she fucked and the other from the couple in bedroom before jenna ruin everything
  16. Yes, Gargamel is the name we (at cc) call to the "sub-manager" of Jeka (the main manager of these houses). Gargamel "control" the Jeka houses located at +5 GMT (actually Alan&Evi + Matilda&Emily). Before he had Stella&Stephan, Ethiel, Amy&Jane, Charlee&Liss, May&Kiramy (plus Archie), Stacey&Kris, Gloria&Lars
  17. Since they don't care with other stuff... lets see if she won't get pregnant LOOL would be a big queue to see who is the father
  18. In her state it's the same another one or not lool
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