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Everything posted by Sparkles

  1. Yes, it's her with the guy that it's with her on the above pic
  2. Scarlet from Scarlet&Garry also had the knife episode and nothing (only a fine for sure)
  3. Don't know.. Cams coverage are an enormous shit .. The pics demonstrate that
  4. Yes.. they put that bar on tuesday night..(we talk about that at general VH topic #3) but to me that bar is not a solution for nothing (even being indeed an improvement) because since the mouses brought the scroll wheel that having a bar there is pretty much useless The mais problem for some is visible on this this video i exemplified
  5. There is more then one hidden place in the house
  6. After all that was said about him, the way he was a manager (you think it's a coincidence he lost all his houses??) by who understand the talks (that suddenly seems started to be important or not depending on who we are talking) and other important details.. What he does and what he is deserves all the kind of repproval Running a charity is pretty good one.. not even someone like zack would remind that one 😁.. Just the detail that the send pictures of a girl to vh twitter that since she entered the house get totally scared with the cameras means a lot about what they are
  7. My doubt there was because i never notice the option to delete topics (if i'm the author of course) and letsdothis show me that option on top But that you say means that the "moderation actions" even appearing here to me (hide/delete) are lets say "locked" and only the "team" can use them?? (makes sense to me)
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