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Everything posted by SPYING 1

  1. In FLORIDA you can have guns in your property, house or car without a license !! You only need a license if your carrying the gun outside of your property & to get a license you can't have committed a felony, just have your fingerprint on file & pay a small fee.
  2. I can tell you about all the crime the MIGRANTS in Germany are doing like GANG RAPING the German women & the police nor the German government N O T doing nothing about it !!! I'll stick to my guns & take my chances with a crazy madman shooting at innocent people
  3. You do realize that they are also including suicide in those death & a suicide isn't a murder
  4. So the guns made a meeting, decided to LAS VEGAS, & shot at innocent people all by themselves ?? W O W !!! My guns must be defective, cause they only shoot when a {PERSON} pulls the trigger
  5. you mean evil people are bad, "YOU CAN SEE THAT EVERY DAY"....
  6. Thanks for the info, they're times in our lifetime where a man has to make drastic decisions
  7. I would like to know what made Layne take out his gun ?? Layne did look a little nervous
  8. I stop watching this house when they put up the curtains, looks like they're moving
  9. Guess we'll find out, when he makes his move
  10. Am i asking too much, for wanting to see Katie & Lena have another lesbian sex ??
  11. Mika & Layne is offline, wonder what the reason could be
  12. Alan is pounding Nina, he's even changing position every few minutes
  13. Jeff is pounding Violet, the bed is shaking & her kitten is watching the action
  14. If terrorist don't have guns, than they'll use, airplanes, trucks, bus, or fertilizer. 450 years ago there wasn't any guns & people were getting murdered
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