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Everything posted by SPYING 1

  1. Lena walked into the bedroom & closed the bedroom door
  2. Alan shouldn't leave the laptop on top of the sofa, lots of laptop have started fire when left on a bed or sofa
  3. This house is buffering & i can't see anything
  4. Tim nailed Clara harder than when he has sex with Zoi
  5. VH finally gave Tim some Viagra, he's actually having sex with Clara
  6. Ze81, I've read your post on this thread & you haven't said or done anything wrong.
  7. If you want a full auto weapon, you have to pay a $200 tax stamp
  8. That's not a lot of guns, when i go to the gun range i take more guns than that. Here in America we have gun collectors, target shooters, hunters, & most importantly we have guns for "SELF DEFENSE"
  9. Being an AMERICAN, having our "BILL of RIGHTS" gives us freedom no other country has !! While i DON'T understand how people can live under a Socialist or Communist country, i won't criticize your country
  10. Obviously you don't understand the problem isn't the gun. It's the evil persons shooting the gun !! If someone is going to kill & he can't get a gun, he's still going to kill !! Evil person will use a car, plane, hell even fertilizer will cause an explosion.
  11. Almost 50,000 people a year died from auto accident, are we going to ban automobiles ??
  12. Now the demon-crats will try to ban guns, they DON'T understand that a sick mind will use a car, bus, or plane to kill
  13. Amy hopefully VH gets the testicular & intestinal fortitude to kick these guys out & bring a fun couple into this house
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