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Everything posted by SPYING 1

  1. I DON'T understand ?? I'm hard as a rock looking at Nina & Serena playing with each other & Alan is limp
  2. Alan was fingering Serena & she was moaning so load, that i thought my wife was going to hear her, then that loytle weasel Alan ran to the bathroom to wash his hands.
  3. W O W !!! NINA'S nipples are sticking out, I'm scare she's going to poke some one eye out
  4. Alan quit playing games & give Serena the good fucking she needs
  5. By looking at the body language, it looked to me that Nina was trying to talk Alan into habing sex with Serena
  6. Look like Alan is in pain, i think he has a blister on his dick.
  7. It looks like Nina is talking Alan into fucking Serena
  8. I can't believe it !!! Serena is sucking Alan dick !!
  9. Nina, Serena, & Alan are going at it again, they can't get enough " S E X "
  10. Never i repeat Never count on Tim, cause he'll let you down
  11. If you like horny lesbian with big ass & a mask, then this place is for you
  12. Hope so ze81, it's entertaining looking at the "B I G A S S" girls
  13. Nina needs to shave her kitty, or else Alan is going to be coughing hair balls
  14. That sucks, i was enjoying CasaHot, it was going to be on my 5 top places to watch
  15. I work with plenty of demon-crats, they don't like my GUNS, DIESEL SUPERDUTY TRUCK, they say guns kill people, no people kill people, I tell them that hundreds of thousands of kids are murderer every year by abortion, they say women have the right to do abortion, & tell them don't i have the right to own guns ??
  16. Like a fly goes thur 4 stags in it's life, so does demon-crats Democrat Liberal Socialist Communist
  17. My main language is English, now i can speak Spanish pretty good.
  18. Violet was playing with her hairy kitty between her legs
  19. In Nina apartment, it looks like Alan is ready to start jackhammering Nina again
  20. Actually it looks like Tim is the only one out of the group that want to have sex
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