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Everything posted by SPYING 1

  1. These girls are amazing & my favorite on VH
  2. Lena is enjoying Katie shoving Mr. Pink into her kitty
  3. Katie is licking Lena's kitty, bet it taste good !!!
  4. Katie & Lena are kissing really heavy in Katie bedroom
  5. They're in katie bedroom now, but where were they 15 minutes ago
  6. The girls aren't in the house, can't find them nowhere
  7. Katie & Lena dancing naked in the living room
  8. Lena is drinking too much, don't want her to get drunk
  9. Excellent !!! I work for an airline & i fly for free
  10. Katie & Lena naked on the bed talking, too bad i don't understand what they're saying
  11. Tim & Zoi has been sleeping all day long
  12. I think Tim does it on purpose so people will buy a VH membership
  13. Tim & Zoi are sleeping, but there's a loud noise
  14. Mika is gone, can't find her in the apartment
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