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Everything posted by SPYING 1

  1. Only way i see them staying, is if they perform their manly duties on the ladies
  2. Lena didn't bring the white kitten from the compound ??
  3. This house needs to have the plug pulled, let's be done with this house, it can only get better with new people
  4. Too bad Martina never walks around the house naked
  5. Her tits look fine, they are worth the cost
  6. You can't even see the cat, and the cat was the main entertainer in that house
  7. You know what was missing from Katie & Lena bath M E !!!!!!
  8. I'm guess it happen after i installed Hi Security app
  9. Puffin web Browser no longer work on my cell phone, can't see RLC
  10. Tim been teasing us with a 3some for the last two weeks
  11. Even the worst house on RLC, is better than this one
  12. Ash he won't be able to turn down your offer
  13. Guess i was lucky, when i found my wife, she had the features that i was looking for.
  14. See if you can understand this paragraph [The women I've dealt with, doesn't act like Misty] The few that i thought were not normal to my standards i avoided. Now I've had friends that would pick up any woman, they have suffered the consequences
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