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Everything posted by SPYING 1

  1. Too bad Martina never walks around the house naked
  2. Her tits look fine, they are worth the cost
  3. You can't even see the cat, and the cat was the main entertainer in that house
  4. You know what was missing from Katie & Lena bath M E !!!!!!
  5. I'm guess it happen after i installed Hi Security app
  6. Puffin web Browser no longer work on my cell phone, can't see RLC
  7. Tim been teasing us with a 3some for the last two weeks
  8. Even the worst house on RLC, is better than this one
  9. Ash he won't be able to turn down your offer
  10. Guess i was lucky, when i found my wife, she had the features that i was looking for.
  11. See if you can understand this paragraph [The women I've dealt with, doesn't act like Misty] The few that i thought were not normal to my standards i avoided. Now I've had friends that would pick up any woman, they have suffered the consequences
  12. All i said was that the way Misty is or "acts" on VH is not what i would like as a girlfriend.
  13. I'm just comparing women from my past & present to her, we make decisions on what we have experienced in life.
  14. You think her behaviour is that of a normal woman, have your past girlfriends act like her ??
  15. I'm selective on the women i want to be with, from experience I've learned to avoid women that would cause me problems
  16. You have the right to say whatever you want, i can agree or disagree with your comments
  17. Jab, all I'm saying is that i wouldn't want Misty as a girlfriend.
  18. Misty has too many issues, emotional & psychological, also i wouldn't want a women that has sex with any strangers she finds
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