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Everything posted by SPYING 1

  1. All i said was that the way Misty is or "acts" on VH is not what i would like as a girlfriend.
  2. I'm just comparing women from my past & present to her, we make decisions on what we have experienced in life.
  3. You think her behaviour is that of a normal woman, have your past girlfriends act like her ??
  4. I'm selective on the women i want to be with, from experience I've learned to avoid women that would cause me problems
  5. You have the right to say whatever you want, i can agree or disagree with your comments
  6. Jab, all I'm saying is that i wouldn't want Misty as a girlfriend.
  7. Misty has too many issues, emotional & psychological, also i wouldn't want a women that has sex with any strangers she finds
  8. Well I've always been one to pull out, & it's always worked for me.
  9. If a girl that i just met, was scratching her pussy, i would think she has crabs, itch or some type of infection, in ither words she doesn't keep her kitty clean
  10. But the cat is more interesting than they are
  11. It's a little too late, even if those girls go naked. I still won't view that house
  12. Maybe Maya just need a good sexual work out & Stepan wasn't going to give it to her.
  13. I've never let a little blood get in the way
  14. I don't like misty, she drinks too much, smokes too much, & wouldn't make a good wife
  15. I haven't view that house in over 5 days, i refused to view it, even if they were to change their ways, i still wouldn't view
  16. No hate for gay guys, i have plenty of friends that are gay, i won't try to force them to look at pussy.
  17. How many members came to CC & VH to see gay pictures & videos ?? There's websites that show gay videos, but as of yet there's no gay homes on VH, Camarads, or RLC.
  18. Trump will not back down, TRUMP will resolved the issues that obama didn't do
  19. All I'm saying is to specify which thread is going to have gay pictures & videos. Just like when you go buy a DVD the DVD has a warning to it's content.
  20. True, but there was an aids epidemic that homosexuals community were suffering from.
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