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Everything posted by pahman

  1. Someone is knocking on the door but the girls don't want to open
  2. Misty is communicating with a guy with her phone
  3. They are going out. Lisa probably called a taxi for him.
  4. Lisa is older than Misty (3 months) but Misty always act like if she was Lisa's older sister.
  5. Misty at Lisa's apt. after having gotten rid of a guy who came to Misty's place. May be they have new plans for other guys tonight
  6. Misty is now in Lisa's apt without the guy and they are laughing out loud. It looks like they just wanted to get rid of him.
  7. Lisa came back alone at her apt. Misty is not back.
  8. Lisa was moving her feet and they hurt the cam a little bit.
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