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Everything posted by pahman

  1. The guy probably came for Lisa. But he seems too shy.
  2. Jeka's apartments are the worst in term of cams positions. Alex and Anna are the best.
  3. Another beautiful view of Lisa at 4:00 AM She's on fire tonight.
  4. One of the reasons i don't watch this apt. regularly is because these two look like aan underage couple.
  5. What a joke this apt. is. You hear voices but you see no one.
  6. Lisa brought a guy last night and he was a total failure. They started watching a movie but after 5 mn he fell asleep.
  7. I prefer a house with no hiding spot at all than one with few. In some houses, participants use the toilet to spend some time (15 mn) without being seen. That's ok for me. In this house, you hear sometimes people talking but you don't know where they are. That is not good. The best houses where you can follow people from cam to cam without losing them are: Lisa, Misty, Zoi &Tim and Anna & Alex. I would say Lisa's place is the best of the bests to follow someone.
  8. This guy is #22. He's coming since saturday. We still on #22.
  9. For example: If you write "i'm watching an movie", and you enter this sentence on Google, it will give you "i'm watching a movie". It's simple.
  10. I would like to see you use A instead of An more often. My first language is not english but every time i write a sentence or a word in english and i have some doubt about it, i use google.
  11. Yes, they are doing it on cams. If this manager had done it on cam, i don't think people would be here complaining about it. And he does not live there. That is the difference. By doing this, it seems to me that he's using his position and taking advantage on the situation. This apt will fall again because what is happening there is fake and staged.
  12. Yes, i think she was having sex with the manager. You can hear her voice: https://voyeur-house.tv/realm14/cam18?timestamp=1505855165
  13. How far are they willing to go to have better stats? When things are staged in this way, it will not last.
  14. Yes, and #22 and #23 are the same guy. He stayed from saturday till monday. So, we still at #22.
  15. If Misty continues like that, she will become the star of VHTV
  16. When i said this place, i was talking about this apartment. So mic351. what are you smoking right now?
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