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Everything posted by pahman

  1. I'm just wondering how @Mrs.Kitty was able to send messages on this forum without internet in their apartment.
  2. There was a threesome at @Mrs.Kitty old place and a foursome at Juliet's place. After that, i'm sure lots of people (including myself) were expecting a follow up or something in that direction. Unfortunately things seem to go back to the boring mode. But who knows. Maybe she will surprise us soon.😉
  3. It would be a shame if the "wild party" they announced on twitter did not take place. But if nothing would have happened anyway, it's not a lost for people like me who don't like video games.
  4. Yes, but you can fool people once, you can't fool them all the time.
  5. Are they going to spend the night playing video games? Because more interesting things are happening at the same time at places like Mike & Evie, Martin & Marilyn, Courtney/Heather.
  6. I don't know but every time i watch these two, it's like watching a guy having sex with an underage girl.
  7. @Mira&Henry are Anna & Alex still your managers or you're your own managers now?
  8. Is this a new "Jabbath rule" on this forum? The goal of making caps is to let people know what has happened (or is happening) in a place, whether tenants are crying, laughing, having sex, etc. It's up to people who read the comments to judge by themselves. I believe @nicsjom has the right to post the caps he wants to post, whether it's about this place or any other place.
  9. This looks for me more like a demonstration than two people enjoying having sex. Nicole and Karl are having sex at the same time now. The difference is really clear. I hope they can just have sex and enjoy it.
  10. There are certainly some people who watch those places. But when you have group sex in places like Daniel & Dominessa, Martin & Marilyn and in three or four other places, orgies at Jessica & Conan, Sina & Jules or Herman & Romina & Red, the choice for people who pay $39,95 a month is not so difficult to make (at least for me). I would rather put my money on places where people work hard to entertain us and help those places than wasting my time in places where there's little or no action at all.
  11. I liked this place when it started with Matilda & Emily. They were caming for a few hours a day. Now it has become a caming studio with caming all day long.
  12. I don't know if everyone brings his (her) own drink because if Juliet has to buy food and drink for all these guys every day, there will be nothing left in her pocket at the end of the month.
  13. I don't spend all my days and nights on CC and on VHTV like some people do. I have other things to do.
  14. Imagine if all people had the same opinion....
  15. She said it was her decision to live but that is not true. Her stats where very low the last month. I know what i'm talking about. I don't know if your are every day on medication but most of your comments are full of unnecessary aggressiveness.
  16. Lisa and Grant remind me of couples in TV programs like Big Brother or Love Island. In those programs, some couples are deeply in love but once outside, after a few months, they discover how different they are. Then they breakup because it doesn't work. Based on Lisa's behavior, it seems to me that she's the one who is suffering from the situation (just my observation). It's sad because this seems to happen nearly every day (Or maybe a fabricated drama. Who knows.). But if this is real, i don't see this relationship last the next three months.
  17. She said "I never thought it was a job." And i responded: "Well, if you're being paid, it's a job."
  18. It's not because you're saying it's wrong that it is.
  19. It's not because you don't see it as a job that it's not a job.
  20. No, based on what i know, Em and Ruby left because of bad stats.
  21. There's always pressure otherwise Lisa would not have started casual sex with two guys in her first apt before she met Grant or have sex with girls. Candy & Dean, Bree & Dew didn't last.
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