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Everything posted by MajorVoyeur

  1. IMHO, his body language is all wrong for this to be a sexy encounter. But I've been known to be wrong...just ask my ex-wife!
  2. Quite a change up from my last viewing. What's good for the Goose, is good for the Gander.
  3. And confab done. More hugging in the LR & I'm outta here.
  4. Have a good one. I'll hang around for awhile longer & post anything fun.
  5. Different cam, just to break up the fast pace of action.
  6. No need for more screenshots. Same thing, Lot's of talking...blab, blab, blab.
  7. Meanwhile, excitement builds in the rest of the place!
  8. Back to laying down together. Lot's of talking...blab, blab, blab.
  9. I go with my original suggestion of wall to wall mattresses for orgies.
  10. Threesome? No, someone just doing a bit of checking on the guest. Now they are hugging
  11. I got you covered. After midnite here in the USA, but I've had my nap today.
  12. I didn't watch much more of the timeline. It was as boring as 'Live'.
  13. Looks like the highlight of this party. Number 5 is not Alive.
  14. Pittsburgh & lady friend left by front door around 7:09
  15. I see they took out all the furniture from the Adam, Jack Rm. Maybe they're going to put in wall to wall mattresses for the big orgy later!
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