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Everything posted by MajorVoyeur

  1. I wonder if she's a mean drunk? Kinda has that look to me.
  2. I swear Sparkles that we're mentally linked or just like the same Kinks!
  3. She doesn't look as enthused with Spin the Bottle as she was for dancing.
  4. I think that she would definitely entertain us alot if she had her own place.
  5. I wonder where our Beautiful Busty Blonde is hiding?
  6. Hmmm...does appear to be something happening. Although, it appears that there is a 8 minute lag in the cam according to timestamp & my computer clock.
  7. Now see, that is one part of being a 'voyeur' that I enjoy. Watching the personal interactions that tease & tantalize. Yes, watching the hot sex is Great, but it's not the only reason I'm here.v
  8. I believed your earlier statement Groomy & I didn't expect anything to happen. But it was fun watching the tipsy girl rummage through Nina's toys.
  9. Experiencing buffer issues, so I've dropped back six minutes on the timeline. Works great that way!
  10. Would be nice indeed, but right now they are refueling.
  11. She took the vibrating egg to the WC to try out. Didn't stay long, but was consider enough to wash the egg afterwards in the bathroom.
  12. The girl is a bit tipsy & is interested in Nina's toys. Teasing of course, but still fun to watch.
  13. Thank you Groomy! I for one really appreciate some context to their talking & actions.
  14. This is the real reason that Premium Sub is the only way to go with VHTV. I can enjoy this timeline moment on my 55in TV anytime!!!
  15. I always find it so hot to see women dressed, ready to go out when just a few hours ago she was molesting her mate!
  16. With the guest leaving, think Nina will wake Alan to scratch her itch?
  17. IMHO, his body language is all wrong for this to be a sexy encounter. But I've been known to be wrong...just ask my ex-wife!
  18. Quite a change up from my last viewing. What's good for the Goose, is good for the Gander.
  19. And confab done. More hugging in the LR & I'm outta here.
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