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Everything posted by MajorVoyeur

  1. Strange to see all of them this Dressed after watching all the nude romping around KPLP.
  2. With Tim behaving as he does, I imagine it's many times a day.
  3. Kept pinching her nipples to make them stand out. Nice!
  4. She's admiring her Breasts as much as we do.
  5. Hey, it's Sunday & even the most party hardy type needs some rest between events. Misty is putting on hunting camouflage though, so she may indeed be searching for #27. Of course Mr. Pink, he never rests! He's ready to fill in if #27 isn't bagged.
  6. Decided this needed to be put in it's proper topic...
  7. You knew exactly what would make me skip rotating through the realms & cum straight here.
  8. That's a pretty big gal visiting. May take both of them to handle her.
  9. It was nice to watch & I plan of viewing the archives later. Bye for now!
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