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Everything posted by MajorVoyeur

  1. So, who wants to go into the archives to see Tim flirts with Sally?
  2. They've reached new levels of excitement! Watching Cat videos.
  3. Well, they haven't left yet & toiletries are back in the bathroom. Be nice to watch those beautiful bouncing boobs get bigger.
  4. Yep, Edda is a Class A Knob Gobbler!
  5. Edda is a great Knob Gobbler!
  6. Yep, Edda is a great gal to have as a roommate.
  7. Poor Joe been out of the apt more than in. Maybe Edda will make it up to him soon.
  8. Well that was a bummer. Looking through the timeline & reading past posts shows me that this was a tease. Can't help but think that Clara is still pissed off though.
  9. Guests? Gotta jump back in the timeline to see what's up.
  10. Good to the last drop. Misty swallows the DNA to save the sheets.
  11. Screencaps I took earlier, but unable to upload due to cc's maintenance cycle.
  12. That's all from me. Cams are doing something funny where they reset to a certain past point every time I change. Enjoy!
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